i would like to know since i had colon cancer about 2 years ago and had my gall bladder removed is it good to take fish oil since i had the colon cancer and gall bladder removed? thanks in advance
Cancer - 1 Answers
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I'm sorry to hear about your history of cancer. There are many health benefits of fish oils. They are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids. Your body needs these healthy fats. You can only get them from your diet since your body cannot manufacture them. Fish oils are proven to help fight inflammation and improve cardiovascular health. Try to use liquid fish oils as they provide a higher dose of omega 3 fatty acids per tablespoon, compared to taking soft gels. In other words, you may have to take 3 - 5 soft gels to equal the amount of omega 3 fatty acids you'll get from one tablespoon of fish oils. Some good liquid fish oils are Nordic Naturals, Dr. Sears Fish Oils and Carlson Fish Oils. Good luck and I wish you good health.
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