Saturday, July 28, 2012

Could these be signs of colon cancer

Could these be signs of colon cancer?
i am having trouble using the bathroom, there is always blood and is very painful, i got really worried when i did a school homework assignment and found out about colon cancer so i accually felt around my butt and found that there are strange little "tabs" i am not comfortable with this subject, so i havnt told many people...and i dont have medical as of right now so what all could this be? i am very worried so please help p.s. i am under 18 so i dont really think it is colon cancer because i heard it usually occurs in people around there 50's
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 :
it sounds like hemorrhoids, but I suggest seeing your doctor.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I'm 17 & for 2 days now, i've had blood in my feces. my dad had colon cancer but aren't i too young to hav it

I'm 17 & for 2 days now, i've had blood in my feces. my dad had colon cancer but aren't i too young to hav it?
the blood is bright red which is usually hemorrhoids but my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer last year. i know it can be hereditary but i'm only 17. is it possible to have cancer at such a young age? and i don't know if i can go to a doctor because i don't think i have health insurance right now. i've noticed the blood twice, today and yesterday. does anyone have any advice.
Other - Diseases - 9 Answers
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1 :
I don't know how to answer this because it's kind of awkward. Please go to a doctor, he or she will help you better than any of us can.
2 :
theres kids with cancer at the age of 10 sorry hope u ok
3 :
Tbh don't try and be reassured on yahoo answers, i wouldn't risk it, if it is then you can catch it early and get it treated but if you take our advice you might ignore it and by the end of the year you could be in stage 3 cancer and really ill. Look just go and get it checked.
4 :
I had colon cancer at the age of 28 (just turned 33:), but you're never to young, go to the doctor!
5 :
Have you not heard of children with cancer? See your doctor ASAP.
6 :
See a Dr. asap
7 :
You can't seriously be thinking of not going to the doctor because you don't have health insurance... IF (and I say IF, you also might have nothing wrong with you at all) you do have ... it (sorry, i dislike the word so much). Wouldn't you rather spend money than risk your life?
8 :
Let me ask you this do you strain when you go to the bath room like do you force yourself to poop if you are then maybe you should try taking a stool softener that is if you are having a hard time going by doing so you could be rupturing some tiny blood vessels in your rectum causing it to bleed there fore showing blood on your stool. I can tell you right now it ain't cancer and how do I know it happened to me one time there was blood in my (not in) but on my stool and I had a physical (complete) and the Dr. even did a rectal exam and found nothing wrong with my colon and I even did a stool sample that was over a month ago and the results came back neg. So what you have is a mild case of hemorrhoids and if you want to be safe then go and talk to your doctor.
9 :
You need to go to the doctor. Check your phone book for local free clinics or call the local health department for a reference.

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Will eating alot of fiber decrease my risk for colon cancer

Will eating alot of fiber decrease my risk for colon cancer?

Diet & Fitness - 1 Answers
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This is a question I get asked almost everyday.The short answer's sure. The theory is that bran can speed up the transit times of food passing through the digestive system. Since this material has had all useful nutrients extracted from it by the body and is waste. The faster it leaves the body the better right? Some medical types have said taking bran ensures that the toxins do not stay in the colon long enough to cause problems and that might mean lessening the risk of some types of cancers. Others say...not so much.The colon takes care of it's own "detoxing" just fine and there is no conclusive evidence that taking bran influences your risk of getting cancer either way. I take it because it may help lower cholesterol levels but again, no conclusive evidence of that either. Taking "alot" of bran is *not* a good thing. Too much can cause constipation, diarrhea, intestinal blockage, blood in the stool and a host of other problems. You want to start slowly with bran. Two tablespoons a day for the first week and see how you tolerate it. If all seems well, add 1 tablespoon each week until you're up to 25 to 30 grams a day. Remember... more is *not* better and may even be counterproductive. Thirty grams is great as a daily goal. A healthy lifestyle is your bet for reducing all kinds of health risks. Good luck!

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Monday, July 16, 2012

How is Colon Cancer inherited

How is Colon Cancer inherited?
By autosomal recessive? autosomal dominant? recessive (X) sex-linked? gene mutation? extra chromosomes? missing chromosomes?
Cancer - 1 Answers
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In Hereditary Non-polyposis Colorectal Cancer (HNPCC) and Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP), you inherit a normal gene from one parent and a damaged one from the other parent, or acquire a damaged gene at conception. All the cells in your body will then contain one normal and one abnormal gene. Over time, the normal gene may become damaged too. When there are two damaged genes, the cells are not under normal control and cancer develops.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Doesnt colon cancer affect only older people

Doesnt colon cancer affect only older people?
I noticed this pretty woman on myspace. She was a fitness model had colon cancer and only in her 30s.
Women's Health - 4 Answers
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i didnt go to her myspace but you can get ot at any age they just look for it in older people she is lucky they found it so they can treat it.
2 :
Absolutely not. There are many factors that can lead to colon cancer, genetics is a major factor as well. My father had a chilhood friend who died at the age of 20 from colon cancer.
3 :
People can get colon cancer at any age its might be genetic, or hereditary and many other reasons. If you really are interested you can read all about it here:
4 :
Cancer sees no age and if someone has a history of digestive problems they should definitely get their colon check and maybe even stomach if ulcers have ever been present. ( my Aunt died at 31 from breast cancer)

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Is colon cancer deadly

Is colon cancer deadly? ?
My aunt was diagnosed with colon cancer but it was a late diagnosis. like really late. is it deadly and she is not over fifty years old. please i really want to know i wanna help if anything sudden comes up . thanks
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
It's CANCER... all cancers are deadly if not treated... if it is a very late stage, it will be much more difficult to treat, because it could have already metastasized... I hope she makes it.
2 :
it is really hard for us to tell here, but know that in today's day and age, they have many treatment options that weren't available years ago so pray for the best. Just keep a positive attitude and help your aunt in any way you can, make her dinner or help clean her house, bring her flowers, things like that.
3 :
You say it was a late diagnosis, but you don't describe what you mean by that. Colon cancer that has spread to other organs/areas of the body is considered a stage IV cancer (usually occurring with a late diagnosis). There are treatments for later stage illness, including chemotherapy and radiation, but ultimately there is no cure. Unfortunately, it's hard to say how much time a person has. A lot of it depends on how well they respond to treatment.
4 :
YES, because there are so few early symptoms, and no for sure quick and easy way to find it early. So, cervical cancer is found on PAP smears before its even really a cancer - before it gets a chance to invade. So we cut off a few cells, and - no cancer! Same for some skin cancers, we take them off early, and they don't get a chance to go anywhere. Colon cancer sits inside, covered up by poop, and eats away at you internally. By the time its huge enough to cause skinny poop, or blood shows up in your poop, or even worse - you're blocked off, its way large enough to have been talking to the blood stream and lymph system, so its had a long time to flow any(every)where.
5 :
yes my great grandpa died from it..
6 :
I am sorry to say that it can be deadly when it is caught late. And there is a sure quick and easy way to find it early; it called a colonoscopy. When found at a stage 1-2B the 5-year survival rate is 95-75%. When found at a stage 3C it is 50% and stage 4 is 5%. It would be a good idea for her siblings and her children to get colonoscopies now since she is under 50.
7 :
Yes it is deadly, especially when it is discovered late and she will probably also now have cancer spots on her liver, as bowel and liver cancer go hand in hand with each other. So its now up to her if she is going to have radiation and chemo, or just let it take its course. Make sure the rest of the family go and have a colonoscopy done, because it is hereditary and keep having one every year. Best of luck with your aunt and the choices she makes and just be there for her and assist where ever possible to help her.Is colon cancer deadly? ?
My aunt was diagnosed with colon cancer but it was a late diagnosis. like really late. is it deadly and she is not over fifty years old. please i really want to know i wanna help if anything sudden comes up . thanks
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
It's CANCER... all cancers are deadly if not treated... if it is a very late stage, it will be much more difficult to treat, because it could have already metastasized... I hope she makes it.
2 :
it is really hard for us to tell here, but know that in today's day and age, they have many treatment options that weren't available years ago so pray for the best. Just keep a positive attitude and help your aunt in any way you can, make her dinner or help clean her house, bring her flowers, things like that.
3 :
You say it was a late diagnosis, but you don't describe what you mean by that. Colon cancer that has spread to other organs/areas of the body is considered a stage IV cancer (usually occurring with a late diagnosis). There are treatments for later stage illness, including chemotherapy and radiation, but ultimately there is no cure. Unfortunately, it's hard to say how much time a person has. A lot of it depends on how well they respond to treatment.
4 :
YES, because there are so few early symptoms, and no for sure quick and easy way to find it early. So, cervical cancer is found on PAP smears before its even really a cancer - before it gets a chance to invade. So we cut off a few cells, and - no cancer! Same for some skin cancers, we take them off early, and they don't get a chance to go anywhere. Colon cancer sits inside, covered up by poop, and eats away at you internally. By the time its huge enough to cause skinny poop, or blood shows up in your poop, or even worse - you're blocked off, its way large enough to have been talking to the blood stream and lymph system, so its had a long time to flow any(every)where.
5 :
yes my great grandpa died from it..
6 :
I am sorry to say that it can be deadly when it is caught late. And there is a sure quick and easy way to find it early; it called a colonoscopy. When found at a stage 1-2B the 5-year survival rate is 95-75%. When found at a stage 3C it is 50% and stage 4 is 5%. It would be a good idea for her siblings and her children to get colonoscopies now since she is under 50.
7 :
Yes it is deadly, especially when it is discovered late and she will probably also now have cancer spots on her liver, as bowel and liver cancer go hand in hand with each other. So its now up to her if she is going to have radiation and chemo, or just let it take its course. Make sure the rest of the family go and have a colonoscopy done, because it is hereditary and keep having one every year. Best of luck with your aunt and the choices she makes and just be there for her and assist where ever possible to help her.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My dad has a colon infection, and he is on a diet and and some kind of pills, can it cause colon cancer, look

My dad has a colon infection, and he is on a diet and and some kind of pills, can it cause colon cancer, look!
my dad has a colon cancer, and the docter gave him pills and a diet, but I'm still scared that it maight cause colon cancer, do you think colon infection can cause colon cancer, I don't know, please help 10 points for the best good answer............Please help.................... Thanks to people who really help me.............I mean it Apreciate it alot, Thanks
Men's Health - 2 Answers
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1 :
I know there's probably gonna be some smartalick that gives you a whole synopsis of the situation but I'm gonna give you the simplest, easiest, most credible answer you can use ... last year my dad died of colon cancer ... the reason he died was because by the time it was discovered the cancer had spread to his liver .. in other words, if it's caught in an early phase, it's treatable ... this makes me comfortable because around the time my father gave up treatments, I was diagnosed with colitis, which is a type of inflammation, or as you put it, infection of the colon .. my meds don't cure me but keep my condition in control, and I was assured by my doctor that it wouldn't cause colon cancer because I'd always be under a watchful eye .. you need to remember that with your father ... he's being treated right now, which means if by chance his illness becomes cancerous, it'll be caught in such an early phase that the cancer wouldn't have a chance ... he's in a very good position right now, remember that
2 :
i will pray for you and your family. i am positive that everything will be alright, don't panic. it sounds like everything is being caught early. it's only an infection. God bless:)

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Can colon cancer be treated

Can colon cancer be treated?
I'm sixteen, and the doctors think i might have colon cancer. I'm going in for a colonoscopy in one week. I want to know what people know about colon cancer. so please help. :) thanks.
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
It depends on the stages of the colon cancer and the patient's general health. Like if you happen to have an early stage colon cancer meaning your cancer is small, then the doctor may be able to remove it during a colonoscopy. If the pathologist determines that the cancer in the polyp doesn't involve the base (where the polyp is attached to the bowel wall) then there's a good chance that the cancer has been completely eliminated. The larger polyps can be removed by using laporoscopic surgery. This surgery is where the surgeon performs the operation through several small incisions in your abdominal wall, inserting instruments with attached cameras that display your colon on a video monitor. Or if the cancer is invasive meaning its grown into or through your colons, then the surgeon could recommend a colectomy to remove the part of your colon that contains the cancer, along with a margin of normal tissue on either side of the cancer. Nearby lymph nodes are usually also removed and tested for cancer. Then if you have an advanced colon cancer or your health is poor, then they may recommend you for the palliative surgery where the goal isn't to cure, but to relieve the pains and symptoms. There's also chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted drug therapy for treatments. For more information, you could click on the link below I provided.
2 :
Um.. you're 16 and your docs think you have colon cancer? 1. Its virtually unheard of at your age. 2. Doctors would not scare a young girl into thinking she might have cancer until all the tests were atually done. I would be beyond suprised if you do have it. As far as if it is curable--yes it is. At early stages it curable in 90% or more of cases. Once it spreads, the survival rates drop.
3 :
I doubt that you have it at your age as well but if you have problems already at your age then you could be at a much higher rate of getting colon cancer down the road. Poor diet is the single biggest cause of colon cancer. Read what it says at the Colon Cancer Foundation's website here: Also from Dr. Fuhrman: I once suffered from diverticulosis. The doctors will tell you that there is no cure. Well, after I started eating the way that Dr. Fuhrman recommends, I no longer have a problem. I use to pass blood for 10 days whenever I ate popcorn or strawberries and other such foods but not anymore. I can eat those foods now with no problem because I eat a nutritarian diet. If you have an impacted colon [not able to go for days] don't let them operate and remove your bowel. there are other things you can do.
4 :
To iceman. Anyone at any age can get cancer. Just because she is young doesnt mean its impossible. You obviously have NO clue. I know of two people who got colon cancer. One girl who was 19 when diagnosed but was actually living with it for years without realising. She was the first ever in her family to get it. Also a boy who was 15 when diagnosed. He was also the first ever to get it. Im not trying to scare you, but I am saying it is possible. It might be quite rare but it is possible. It's great that you're getting a colonoscopy as most of the time they can eliminate it whilst doing the procedure.

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