Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Colon cancer

Colon cancer?
i am 14 and i think i my have colon cancer. im not a hypocondric, i have very good reason to belive that i do in fact have colon cancer. my mom was diegnosed at the age of 3 with colon cancer and cancer runs in my family. i have frequlently had bright red blood in my stool and sometimes it is so bad the entire bole is red. I have had my period scence i was 10 and i know that it is not menstrul blood. sometimes the bleeding from my anus is so bad that sometimes it leaks and staine my under wair PLEASE HELP
Cancer - 2 Answers
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It could just be bad hemoroids they are like varicose veinsin the anus, but see a doc anyway.
2 :
The chances of you developing colon cancer are very slim, and there are many conditions which cause bleeding. If it is bleeding alone, without any cramping, pain, etc then the chances are even slimmer. HOWEVER, you do need to get in contact with a doctor and infact, since you have a first relative with colon cancer you should do regular colonoscopies (every year), there are pre-cancerous stages in the colon which can be detected with colonoscopies and that can prevent the cancer from happening all together. Best of luck.

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Colon cancer

colon cancer?
I went to the ER because of massive bleeding in my stool-then I went to a specialist and he said I had a large tumor in my intestines. My symptoms have been: blood in stool, abdominal cramps, weight loss, nausea, very weak and tired I have to have a colonoscopy next week but I was always under the assumption that only older people can get colon cancer I am very nervous...could I have colon cancer?
Cancer - 12 Answers
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1 :
Wow sweetie I will have you on my prayers tonight!!
2 :
I hate to say it, but I looked up the symptoms for colon cancer and you have all of them. There is always the chance that it could be something else. I will pray for you, that it's not cancer.
3 :
While colon cancer may be more common in older people, it does not mean that you can't get it when younger. Follow your doctor's instructions and do all follow-ups, but try not to worry because it's not a sure bet for cancer ... could be something else, but they have to rule other things out first.
4 :
you could have colon cancer, yet think positively as the tumor could be benign. colon cancer does not choose just the elderly. you have taken the first step before too much time elapsed and have gone to the doctor. the colonoscopy will allow the doctor to see just where the tumor is it's size, and they will most likely take a biopsy to diagnose whether it is cancerous or non cancerous. be brave and think positively. medicine has come along way in treating all diseases. you are in my prayers.
5 :
Don't get worked up about this as it doesn't necessarily have to be cancer and even if it is there's every chance that it is benign. I know this is a really bad situation and your mind is running through a lot of different scenarios and mostly concentrating on the bad ones, but wait until you have the colonoscopy. Make sure that you've got people around you who you can talk to and who will give you a hug and be near you. Try not to be alone because you will just dwell on the bad things and that isn't good. We always expect the worst but it doesn't always turn out that way. I hope it all goes well.
6 :
Its possible but I imagine that the colonoscopy will determine that. I believe that once you turn 50 your supposed to get a colonscopy as the chances of getting colon cancer are a lot greater at that age. Hopefully your tumor can be removed and is benign. Cancer treatment has come a long ways but you may not even have cancer. I hope everything turns out OK.
7 :
dont get panick yet when people hear tumor they say the C word it could be a benign tumor meaning its not cancerous now if it is malignant its cancerous we dont know which of the two it is yet so stay calm stress on a whole is not good. now you have to act whether its cancerous or not so try oxy-e its $19.95 per bottle you can just type oxy-e in your google bar and get some info plenty like yourself get a hold of that and RENE CAISSE herbal tea andare free of tumors hon they are safe to take with meds if and inhibits tumor growth be it benign or malignant go look it up now ok ps if you try oxy-e do the 10 to 15 drops three times per day therapuetic treatment it has no harmful side effects
8 :
Hi Amandy The Colon can be healed natually (even cancer in my opinion because Ive seen it done). No need to worry. Here are some ideas to help. Do a colon cleanse (plenty to choose from) and here are some odd but very effective remedies. High Enemas: - a regular enema washes out fecal matter from the area near the rectum, a high enema cleans out most of the colon. How to do a High Enema - Normally just distilled water is used. If you know your bowel to be irritated or spastic, a little catnip or lobelia can be added to the water to calm the bowel. Lie back and have another person introduce the water solution. The water should be between room temperature and body temperature. The first time or two put the water in slowly. After a while a point will be reached where you feel like you can't take any more without losing control. Stop here and try to hold it for at least 5 minutes, better yet 10 or 15 minutes. If unable to hold a "fill-up" for up to 15 minutes, evacuate when needed and try again after relaxing for a time. Keep trying the same day or in successive days and you will come to a time when you can take in a full load of water and hold it while on your back for 15 minutes or more with relative ease. Now you can go one step further and roll over on your right side a few minutes after "filling up" and have the left side of your abdomen just below your ribcage massaged in an upward fashion. This massaging motion is an effort to get the enema higher by moving it into the transverse (going across) colon to the ascending colon on the right side of the abdomen. As you work on this and succeed, you will notice that the capacity for water intake will increase and, of course, how much later comes out. This enema procedure becomes easier and more beneficial to your feeling of well-being as you progress along with the raw foods, juicing and cleanse programs at the same time. After each enema for the day, finish with a retaining implant. This can consist of 8 ounces of Aloe Vera gel (best from fresh leaf rather than store-bought) and 8 ounces of distilled water. Another implant recipe would consist of 2 ounces of wheat grass juice and 14 ounces of water. You should also use your own judgment here: for instance, if there are tumors in the body, especially in the colon, 16 ounces of a mild chaparral tea is indicated, or red clover; for the heart, Hawthorne berry tea; for the liver, milk thistle tea; Echinacea root tea for general immune enhancement, etc. Hot Castor Oil Packs: These are the all-time champ for inducing detoxification by a topical application. Many of the natural healing masters relied on the use of castor oil. How to use: For use on the torso area, soak a piece of flannel that is folded over one time about 12 inches square. Put the caster oil soaked material on and cover with plastic. More than one spot can be applied at the same time. Put on a terry cloth robe and wrap tightly around the body. Take a heating pad and place on terry cloth area over the castor oil pack. TURN THE HEATING PAD ON TO ITS HIGHEST SETTING AND LEAVE ON ALL NIGHT. When the packs become stained with the colors of toxins being removed, change them for new packs. Be sure to cover your mattress, and other bedding that you don't wish to become stained, you can use large garbage bag plastic for this. Wool flannel seems to be the only material that works with castor oil packs. Castor oil can be cleaned off of the skin by using paper towels to absorb most of the excess and then mix baking soda with liquid soap to clean up the rest. A partial list of conditions that castor oil packs can help remedy consists of: * all liver dysfunction * high cholesterol * lymphatic tumors and disorders * kidneys * scaring after surgery * lung congestion Best of health to you. Cheers
9 :
miso soup and look up macrobiotic diet u can find books about it and the soup at a health food store
10 :
It may be cancer but if it is do not think that is a one outcome situation. I have an uncle that was diagnosed with bowl cancer 5 years ago after haemoraging like you and he went through a resection and chemo and has been clear for over 3 years.
11 :
Unfortunately you could. Many people consider colon cancer a man's or 50's condition. Actually more women get this type of cancer than men but statistically more 50's and older are at risk. I am currently battling stage 4 colorectal cancer and am making good progress with Avastin (taking in conjunction with chemotherapy) and something the nurses refer to as CPT, a newer drug. My tumors are shrinking and I have minimal side effects so there not only is hope for us all but there I see the whole process as a positive in my life!
12 :
Unfortunately coclon cancer can happen at almost any age. But don't give up hope. Cures are available. This is an article worth reading for anyone who needs to be disabused of the belief that the orthodox cancer treatments with toxic chemo-"therapy" actually work. Since when is the destruction of one's immune system with toxic chemo and radiation therapeutic? And how does cutiing out a part of the body solve a 'whole-body' problem? Something to ponder while reading the article. Take a look at the site below which explains many misunderstood things about the cancer industry, and has some natural cures too. Cancer

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Colon cancer

Colon cancer?
I just got the news today that my father in law has colon cancer.I dont know the the type or stage I was just wondering what are his chances of survival?
Cancer - 6 Answers
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1 :
Colon cancer is highly curable if caught very early. I wish your father in law the very best.
2 :
I lost my mom to this and it runs rampant in our family (familial poplyposis), reading this link will give you some answers but there really is no way to say, it depends on how far along it is, his health in general and other factors. I have an uncle that was diagnosed when he was 14, he got his colostomy bag at that time, he is now 44 and has been pretty much in remission since he had his first surgery. My mom was diagnosed stage III when she was first diagnosed, she lived 7 years after her first surgery. I hope this was helpful
3 :
He should have a good shot, but it can make some huge changes in your life. A couple years ago my best friend had to have his colon removed due to cancer. He has been fine since then and actually has his second kid on the way soon. He does now have to wear a colostomy bag since he no longer has a colon and chemo was rough on him. The important thing is to support your father in law through all of this and if you caught it early he will hopefully come through this fine.
4 :
If it is in the early stage very very good. One would have to know the stage and the type but my mom had stage III of V and was treated and lived 15 more years before she died of another type cancer that they didn't feel was related. She did have a colostomy and dealt with it quite well. Below are some statistics but you are kind of blind right now without more details. Good Luck to you all! In the United States for example, the five-year survival rate for tumors in the ascending colon (closest to the small intestine) is about 63 percent. In the transverse colon, the survival rate is about 59 percent, and in the descending colon, it's about 66 percent. (The five-year survival rate represents the percentage of patients alive five years after their initial diagnosis.)
5 :
Sorry to hear your news. If it's stage 1 (the earliest) then the chances of survival are excellent. But it is rare to find colon cancer at stage 1. Stages II & III also have good survival chances, but the further along, the tougher it gets. Stage IV (in colon cancer) means that the cancer has spread to other areas of the body. This has a rather limited chance of survival But only a doctor can give a good clear answer - each person is different, and even the doctors can't predict how an individual person will respond to the treatments (surgery, chemo, and less commonly radiotherapy) Good luck to your FiL, and take care of you and your spouse.
6 :
It really depends on how far the cancer has spread, and how aggressive the cancer cells are. It's really quite hard to say without looking at the medical details, because there are a whole host of factors. Have a look at this website: There's some information that you might find useful to understand what the doctors may be saying.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Colon cancer

Colon cancer?
I am 22 and had a baby 3 months ago. I started to be constipated after that for awhile, and then started taking fiber and it helped. When preg I got external hemmoroids that burned and itched.mThey are still there but are no longer swollen and they dont bother me now. I strain at times and not every time but almost there is bright red blood on toilet paper but not in stool, only once on the end of it. What is this from, is it colon cancer.
Cancer - 9 Answers
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The blood you see is coming from the hemorrhoids. No worries, it will soon clear up. You are too young for colon cancer.
2 :
I thinks it's your hemmorhoid. Go check to your doctor for do some test.
3 :
Leaping to this being colon cancer is a bit of a drastic jump. Is there a history of it in your family? The blood could very well be from your hemmoroids, as they may also be inside of you. Also, if you are straining that could cause blood. Since you are saying it is NOT in the stool, I am more likely to say that you straining is causing the blood. I know after I had my son, it was several months before I went back to having normal bowel movements. I was just the opposite as you, I had a lot of diahrea. Anyway, if you are feeling truly concerned, I would give your doctor a call and run all this by him. I am not a doctor, but I am pretty confident that you don't have colon cancer. Congrats on the new baby. Enjoy him/her, and don't worry yourself sick about this. BesT WisheS!
4 :
Probably just an anal fissure. Worth seeing a doctor over if its causing you discomfort
5 :
The blood is likely from your hemmorhoids. Perhaps you have some internal ones and didn't realize. Women *usually* get colon cancer in the ascending colon, which usually result in diarrhea, as opposed to men, who usually get it in the descending colon, and who experience constipation. However, if you are worried, which I don't blame you for being, go see your doctor anyhow. Best of luck.
6 :
Not to scare you but no one is ever too young for any type of cancer. Since you've mentioned that you had hemorrhoids during your pregnancy brought on by constipation I would say that is the most likely cause. I would definitely discuss this with your doctor. In the meantime, drink plenty of water and try to exercise if you are able. Both should help soften up the stool allowing your hemorrhoids to heal. Good luck.
7 :
Colon cancer does not manifest itself as bright red blood, so don't worry! Congratulations on the baby. You might want to tell your doctor about this, he/she will probably recommend more real fiber in your diet, and using "medicated baby wipes" instead of toilet paper.
8 :
You Make Dr appt First thing Monday AM I can't make it any simpler.
9 :
It sounds like haemorrhoid's. If you have them you must have fibre everyday,there is tablets or powder you can get from the pharmacy. If you are that worried about colon cancer get a colonoscopy done (camera up your anus into the colon).Good luck.

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Monday, January 12, 2009

What type of fiber soluble or insoluble prevents colon cancer in males

What type of fiber soluble or insoluble prevents colon cancer in males?
what type of fiber soluble or insolube or both prevents colon cancer in males men. what types of foods are good to prevent cancer of the colon? all answers helpful
Men's Health - 2 Answers
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There is nothing known that absolutely prevents colon cancer; just studies indicate that diets higher in fiber, soluble or insoluble, tend to result in lower cases in colon cancer in given populations. Ethnic background has a big play in whether you could have it too-- some groups have far less or far more incidents of colon cancers than other groups and you can't change genetics. Focus on a diet with lots of fiber, but not to excess and you should be in as good as shape as you can.

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Friend with colon cancer sent home with stomach port with pump

Friend with colon cancer sent home with stomach port with pump?
a very dear friend of mine is in stage iv colon cancer. the chemo has stopped and she has been sent home with some type of stomach fluid pump that is connected to a port in her abdomen. her only source of nutrition is ensure drinks and soft foods like jello. i know that her body cannot maintain this. i can't imagine she will last a month like this. what will happen? how will the end come? will her heart just stop due to lack of nutrition? need to know.
Cancer - 1 Answers
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Hopefully your friend is under hospice care? They can guide and explain the next phase of this journey . . many, many cancer patients at the end of life phase will stop eating and barely drink at all . . in fact it is almost cruel to force food or water on a dying patient . . this must be her decision totally. Basically the dying body can no longer process food normally . . and water will end up 'pooling' within the body and cause bloating and discomfort. Your friend may just naturally stop eating because it will make her feel nauseous or bloated . . drinking fluids will cause edema or worse ascites. So she will naturally not crave or desire food . . she may be thirsty and be able to swallow ice chips. When a patient is dying just eating and drinking may become a burden for them . . offer it . .but if they refuse than just support and love her because eventually the body will starve or organs fail from lack of water. It is the cancer that is killing her . . but it is the bodies natural way of dealing with the end of life. This may become very upsetting to you and those who are around her . . but allow her to lead the way . . let her chose whether to stop eating and drinking as this may be the kindest path to the end of her life. I am so, so sorry. Just hold her, love her, and let her go. NCI: End of Life Questions and Answers Advanced Cancer

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

My boyfriends dad has colon cancer that mestasized to liver what support could i offer

My boyfriends dad has colon cancer that mestasized to liver what support could i offer?
Im sure the dad would appreciate company ...and i wanted to make some meals but wasnt sure the best food for someone with colon cancer I know he has a hard time going to the bathroom....any thoughts?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
Offer to help in any way possible. As far as food is concerned, ask what kind of food he's eating. He is dying. Having company, doing little errands, cleaning house, etc. all sounds like great ideas.
2 :
Just being there if you are someone he cares for. Ask him what he needs from you and don't be put off when he answer "nothing"-Ask him what kinda of food he would like or should have-when people get sick for some reason the people around them forget that the person still has thoughts dreams, and wants-everyone is so busy trying to do the right thing that they assume the sick person has no say-stay close and love him-that is what he needs
3 :
There's a fine line here. On one hand, making his food for him will allow him to relax and rest, however, you can't take away his independance (which he may or may not want to uphold). You could try making food together, as this'll let him choose what he wants to eat, and he's doing something productive. You've also got to allow him space to himself. Constantly asking him things might be adverse to your intentions. Ask him things, talk to him, but if he refuses to answer, don't push him. Just leave it for five minutes or so, then ask him something else. There's no strict diet that people with cancer have to follow, but I did follow a study in America that linked (not very well, but linked all the same) colon cancer with meat. I'm not saying avoid it, but limit it. Ask your boyfriend about what his dad likes to eat. One more thing that I've just thought of, is make sure you allow your boyfriend to have quality time with his dad, and try to keep your boyfriend company, he's going through just as much as his dad is. ETA: To the guy below me. That evidence says GSH is useful in cancer PREVENTION, not cure. Is there any evidence linking it with remission of secondary cancers? I'm actually quite interested in oncology, but I hadn't heard of this 'til now. Is there anywhere I could read up on it, as I'd like to find out more about it.
4 :
Do him a HUGE favor and put him on a nutraceutical I use that will raise his glutathione levels! It's 100% natural and works at the cellular level. You see, Glutathione is our cells master antioxidant and detoxifier. Feel free to Contact me at I can provide you a link to accomplish this.. Here is research on the subject of the importance of GSH or Glutathione GSH in Cancer Prevention The search for the potential mechanism of immuno-enhancement by milk serum (whey) protein dietary supplementation has revealed the provocative possibility that whey protein may contribute to a broader biological effect of a protective nature with regard to susceptibility to cancer and diseases of aging, as well as general detoxification of environmental agents. Cancer and diseases of aging all appear to be somehow related to a drop in GSH—an ubiquitous element exerting a protective action against oxyradicals and other toxic agents. The two major theories on the origin of cancer both implicate GSH as a putative protective factor owing to its dual function as antioxidant and detoxifying agent. It has been suggested that the underlying mechanisms of aging and carcinogenesis are closely related, since the incidence of cancer increases progressively with age in humans and experimental animals. Indeed, theories of aging based on the accumulation of nonrepairable lesions over time—such as the free radical theory—are similar to theories explaining the origin of certain tumors. Others attribute the aging-associated increase in cancers to accumulation of carcinogens and increased exposure to the action of carcinogens with time.25 In fact, at least 12 carcinogens have been shown to be detoxified by GSH conjugation. These are: aflatoxin B1, N-acetyl-2-aminofluorene, benz-(a) anthracene, benz (a)pyrene, benzidine, dimethylhydrazine, dimethylnitrosamine, ethylmethane sulfonate, N-methyl-4-aminoazobenzene, 7-methylben-zanthracene, 3-methyl-cholanthracene, and 1-nitropy-teneY338 As well, a University of Wisconsin study convincingly showed that physiological levels of androgens are capable of decreasing the GSH content in human prostatic androgen-responsive cells, which could provide a mechanism by which androgen exposure promotes prostate carcinogenesis.39 Conversely, a slightly higher GSH level in the colon, obtained, by whey protein feeding, is associated with a lower tumor burden in an experimental model of human colon carcinoma again suggesting that tissue GSH levels modulate tumorigenesis.

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Absess in colon after surgery due to cancer common

Absess in colon after surgery due to cancer common?
Mom has been dealing with colon cancer (stage 3) for couple years now, and just recently had to have 2nd surgery due to abscess and couple small tumors found. Are abscess common after surgery?
Cancer - 1 Answers
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An abscess is from an infection which are very common after surgery. However, although infection may happen, abscess is not usually there. It's a pus fill sac. They are painful and can be very dangerous. It sounds like your mom has had many operations because of the colon cancer, am I right? Have you spoken to the surgeon? The surgeon should have the right answer unless you already did speak to him/her and you weren't satisfied with the answer you got. Just speculating. All in all, I really have to say 'no' an abscess is not common after any surgery. I only say that because I also don't know your mom's case. Speak with her doctor and see what is said. Hope you mom feels better soon. God bless.

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