Saturday, April 28, 2012

A girlfriend of one of my best friends told us she had Colon cancer

A girlfriend of one of my best friends told us she had Colon cancer .?
and that each year she goes in and has a piece of the colon removed, she is not on any medication only a diet. She was suppose to have the surgery in Dec of 08 but said that things are fine and she is going to skip this year and just treat it with a diet. My questions is this can this be true?
Cancer - 10 Answers
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1 :
I'd say there's a 99.9% chance she's a liar seeking attention. 1.) Cancer of any kind, colon or not, is never "just treated with a diet." Unless, of course, the patient wants to die. 2.) No cancer has a regiment of just occasionally cutting out a piece of the intestine. That's asinine. She's either a liar, or there's that 0.1% chance that she is trying to do this new-age hippy thing, and will be dead before the end of the year.
2 :
I believe cancer is simply in the genetic blueprint. Lots of folks preach things like eat a diet high in fiber and you won't get colon cancer. I think that is rubbish. My oncologist (I have breast cancer) says nobody knows why we get cancer. She says take vitamins if you want, but you should be getting what you need from food and if you aren't eating properly, the vitamins aren't going to do you any good, anyway. It sounds as though your friend is having "biopsies" done - that's what the little pieces of colon removal are. She may have suspicious polyps and stuff that they remove during a colonoscopy. And if they think she is at such high risk, she shouldn't skip the procedures. I never miss a mammogram.
3 :
Colin cancer is very agressive if untreated. sometimes some bowel is removed to rid it of cancer. Then the patient has a colostomy bag. If all cancer has been removed, the person can lead a normal life with the bag. If there is still cancer present, it will move throughout the rest of the body. Lymph nodes, lungs, liver. once the cancer has metasticised (moved away from the bowel), life expectancy is 1-2 years. Tell her to stop playing games.
4 :
how stupid of your friend. my wife has colon cancer,maybe has 11/2 years to live.why would anyone say those kind of things.maybe she should put on my wife's shoes and see what it is really like to have cancer, and be sick all of the time.we live one day at a time!!!!!
5 :
Unlikely. It amazes me that there are these fake cancer dingbats. Ignore her.
6 :
She's a liar, and not a very good one. For one thing, if everything was as she said [and its not], she'd be dead by now. Colon cancer can be very aggressive, surgery would have been done all at once, and she would be on chemo or something. Tell her to stop lying in order to get attention. People WITH cancer see no humor in dying.
7 :
What you are describing is not normal treatment for cancer patients. Normally if there is surgery there is also follow up with chemo and depending on how aggressive the cancer is she may have had a colon resection (colon tissue removed) or a colostomy done which can be either temporary or permanent, again depending on how much colon is involved. No cancer I know is "cured" with just diet. Either your facts are not right or she did not tell you everything. Good luck.
8 :
where do any kind of cancer come from if you have a excellent diet
9 :
This is not true. I had colon cancer.
10 :
Colon cancer if found soon enough can be successfully treated with removal of a portion of the colon. My sister had 18 inches of her colon removed. But if found in the late stages and it has spread to other major organs, it can be treated with surgery and chemotherapy. Even that is not 100% curable. My father died within a year of colon cancer. My nephew died just this past year. My brother has had chemo injected into a vein in his leg to help save his life as his had gone to his liver. Once it's reached the liver a person is pretty much a goner. I had endometrial cancer and I luckily was in First Stage and they got it all before it had a chance to spread to my lymph nodes. Some people aren't so lucky.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My dad is having colon cancer surgery next week. Problem is he has a leaky heart valve. Is it ok safe

My dad is having colon cancer surgery next week. Problem is he has a leaky heart valve. Is it ok safe?
I am just scared to death. Want to make sure he is going to be ok
Heart Diseases - 3 Answers
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1 :
doesn't sound like there's an alternative fingers crossed good luck
2 :
This is probably something you should ask his doctor. With a serious condition like his, the communication between doctor and patient is even more important. Good luck!
3 :
Tuke1 - Please know that in hospitals today, before the surgeon operates on your dad, the surgeon must get a "medical clearance" from another doctor that the patient is well enough to undergo the operation. For your dad, it is quite likely, if not routine, for your dad to be examined before any surgery by a heart physician (cardiologist) who will know about and evaluate his leaky heart valve. With clearance, all should go well. It appears that colon surgery is needed and should improve your dad's chances for the future.

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Friday, April 20, 2012

What county has the largest rate of colon cancer patients

What county has the largest rate of colon cancer patients?

Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
LOS ANGELES, CA. cuz it has the highest population of a**holes.....can i have a rimshot(pun)
2 :
Sorry, I looked on line and was not able to find this particular statistic. I did find a good governement site that has a lot of stats. Here is a link.

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Monday, April 16, 2012

What is the connection with grilling and colon cancer

What is the connection with grilling and colon cancer?
I seen a snippet on the doctors tv show but never seen the story. thanks
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 :
Its not just colon cancer, its any cancer. Grilling food burns and chars the food. Charcoal and gas emit smoke causing carcinogens. This is what is the cancer causer. But it would take lots of eating charred foods. You don't get cancer after smoking one cigarette, its the same idea here.

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Colon cancer 91 year old grandmother

Colon cancer 91 year old grandmother?
My 91year old grandmother has colon cancer , she stoped eating a few days ago , she has uncontrolable diarrea , she cant walk , after we leave from hospital, she forgets we were there. when is hospice called , and how long will we have Her with us
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 :
Hospice is called when the family wants it and when the doctors feel the patient probably has less than six months to live. Patients usually prefer to die at home rather than in a hospital. Hospice generally requires a family willing to do end stage care at their home with hospice assistance. - - - Please note that no one - even the medical professionals on this site - can predict the future - especially for a person we have never seen. If she has an experienced oncologist, he or she would make the best guess as to time left - but it would be a guess. Her doctors know her case. You have provided very little information to go on. What is her tumor volume ? Metastatic disease - where and how extensive ? How much weight loss ? What do her serum chemistries look like ? What other co-morbid conditions does this 91 year old person have ? Most important, we would need to see her. An experienced medical professional can tell quite a bit from a brief look at a person in this situation.

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

I'm only 20 ... could it really be colon cancer

I'm only 20 ... could it really be colon cancer?
I'm a 20 year old female who has had problems with her bowel movements since freshman year of high school. It began as a few years of almost constant constipation (sometimes up to a week!) for which I was prescribed some kind of medicine that either was or was very similar to metamucil. It honestly did not work and it tasted horrible so I stopped taking it. Around my freshman year of college I became close to regular. I would have alot of constipation and then some diarrhea, and then a minority of regular bowel movements. Since high school, I have always had some blood in my stool. Some bright, some dark. I've always had problems with abdomenal pain -cramping, sharp pains, bloating and of course gas. Recently my stool has become small and thin and almost diarrhea-like, and I don't feel like I've finished going. My grandma died of colon cancer and I have relatives who have had polyps, but I'm only 20. I'm planning on getting a colonoscopy or something ....but how likely is it?
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
Sounds like you haven't been to a physician. This hardly the forum to get credible medical advice without an examination. Blood in your stools? And you ignored that? Go get examined!
2 :
It's possible at 20, but unusual. But with the significant changes in stools, you really must go and get a checkup. IF it's cancer, then the earlier they find it the better. Colon cancer is very beatable when caught early.
3 :
It doesn't matter what age you are. That is something not to play around with. It sounds alot like IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) but they can't diagnose you if you are not even completing your prescription . You are crazy and stupid for only caring about what it taste like. Medicine is to help heal you not to taste great.
4 :
5 :
Although your symptoms sound like irritable bowel syndrome, it's hard to know for sure. You need to see a gastroenterologist for your symptoms. If you can't get an appointment, have your regular physician make a referral so you can get in quicker. Good luck.
6 :
You are at greater risk of colon cancer if you have a family member who has it. Did you change your diet all this time because of your severe constipation and diarrhoea problems? The symptoms sound like irritable bowel syndrome. You should get yourself treated for them and also keep a watch over what you eat. Most definitely, go for a proper diagnosis. No one can tell you how likely you are going to have colon cancer, etc. For more info on digestive disorders, you can check up here For more info on IBS, you can look up here
7 :
Please get a colonoscopy...don't settle for any other testing. I had chronic constipation since I was in high school, and my doctor never addressed it. January 2006 I was diagnosed with stage iv colon cancer at the age of 40. I had a barium enema in 2001 and it missed the tumour/poly[. I did not have a family history, but with your family history and symptoms you should be screened and keep on top of it. Colon cancer is highly treatable and preventable if caught in the early stages. Wendy

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Stage 4 colon cancer

Stage 4 colon cancer?
My mom has stage 4 colon cancer. It has spread to her lungs, liver, and bones. Chemotherapy has not helped. I have heard of natural remedies. I know that stage 4 is very very hard to cure, but are there any possible ways to help it at all? Any natural oils, pills.. ANYTHING please help. Thank you.
Cancer - 19 Answers
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1 :
2 :
I have a great article for you. email me your email address and I will send it to you. I need your actual email address so I can attach the article. Click on my name and send it to me Absolutely no spam to or fro
3 : mom died of colon cancer two years ago. Once it starts attacking the lungs, organ and bones..Its too far gone. Spend as much time as you can with her and just love her.
4 :
I have heard of people with cancer drastically changing their eating habits and that helps. But, I think it depends on the person. Also, they have to want to live and fight. I firmly believe in miracles too, prayer works. But, you have to be aware there are certain things that go along with that. God hears prayers of those that are His children (people that believe in Him, His Son and follow His Word, the Bible). I certainly will pray for your mother and you.
5 :
I'm sorry about your mom....... I really am, but it's very hard for stage 4 to be cured almost impossible.... my best advice would be to take her to all the places that she enjoys and to stay by her side until the end so she's happy when times up........... I suppose I can a little negative but all of us are just a small part of a huge chain.... 1 life does not make a difference but at the same time neither does 1 million...... sorry if this was a bad response
6 :
I'm so sorry for you and your mother. All I can offer you are my condolences and prayers. Love and Light
7 :
My Lovely sister, too was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic has moved to her liver and she underwent treatment in our home town. They told her that nothing could be done for her. We took her to Cancer Treatment Centers of America (she is actually there now...I just talked to her on the phone). They have the best staff I have ever encountered. They found that she has a special type of pancreatic cancer, and it did not respond to the chemo they gave her here. They started another type of chemo and put her on an all natural diet. (lots of enzymes and herbs, too) In the past two months, the tumors have not grown at all! We are thrilled. Pancreatic cancer is not curable...but there are resources to help lengthen life in some cases.... don't give up... You do need to come to terms with the fact that you might lose your mom...she needs to know that you will be OK if she can't win this fight. I will be praying for you and your Mom... blessings!
8 :
my husband has the same he was told of it june 23 2006 and did the chemo until may of 2007 when dr said it was doing more ham than good and hes in his final weeks of life. all you can do is pray and be there with her at all times and talk to her tell her you love her and tell her you are sorry for anything you may have ever done if you have hospice talk with them just be there for her
9 :
I am very sorry to hear about your Mom.....You are right, stage 4 is not good...... she could go into remission, but even with all the chemo or pills or natural remedies, (herbs) she is going to have a very rough time., and with stage 4 , there really isnt a cure..., this is hard to hear I know, but I have been through it with my Mom..... .You need to be aware that she might not come through this..... spend as much time with her as you can....... be there, talk about your life....laugh, hug her alot .... If you live near an herbalist, maybe they can help....... look one up in your area...... and God bless you ........ let me know how she is doing.... please........ I care.......... email me at yahoo......
10 :
I am sure there is but doctors will not tell you what it is...My mother has a book called natural cures...It has tons of cures for cancers in it...her book for cancer say to go to it should have some treatments in it for people...the book says that ever cancer is differnt and it should explain it on the web mother said this stuff really works so the best of luck to you and your mother!!
11 :
Google Essaic Tea, developed by Rena Caisse. it was used before for cancer, & effective. If you don't find it,if you wnat i'll check & see if anyone has any at a health food store around here. do you have one? my dad had colon cancer twice & had to have his removed the last time. i'd like to know how you all are doing. i will sincerly pray for your mom & you. i'm so sorry.
12 :
I am so sorry to hear about your mother and that the chemo has not worked. My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in October of 2005. She went thru drastic chemo, had a colostomy, etc. The good news for my mother is that after changing chemo drugs several times, she has done amazingly well. In fact, she just learned that all but one tumor in her liver has disappeared and they cannot find any of the tumors that were in the lung. Have your mother's doctors tried changing chemo drugs? My mother went to a division of Fox Chase Cancer Center in Phila. Perhaps you could get a telephone consult with a doctor there if you do not live close? She is the second person I've known with colon cancer who has gone to this hospital. The first has been cancer free for six months. My mom is not out of the woods yet, but she is able to leave a productive lifestyle. She has trouble walking still and the chemo has made her bones brittle so she uses a wheelchair because of stress fractures in her feet, but she can do a lot more than we expected her to be able to do. She has surpassed the doctor's expectations also. I hope that your mom can find the same success with the right doctor or right chemotherapy treatment. Good luck. I'll pray for you and your family.
13 :
Take your mom home, love, grant her every wish, ask who she wants to see and what her favorite flower is, make her as comfortable as possible, and let her die at home with her family. This is difficult, because someone or two have to be "the nurse." You've already put your mom through a lot of pain, losses of dignity, losses of her hair, ask her. I bet she's ready to call it quits with the hospitals. Go home and call hospice. They will provide everything you need, including the know-how to take care of mom. I lost my mom to stage 4 lung cancer a couple of years ago. It had spread almost everywhere. We tried the natural remedies, we tried chemo. I was the nurse. My daddy and I held her hand as she died, and it was traumatic, but not more so than her dying by herself in a hospital. We told her to go to the light, that it was ok to be free now, and that we would take care of Snuggles. I miss her so much. Everything they do in the hospital is invasive and uncomfortable, and they wake you at 2 in the morning for a sponge bath because it's convenient for some sponge bath technician. Let your mom be around her family, in her bed, cared for by her people, with flowers and her favorite food and her best friends and anything she wants. I'm sorry. I know how desperate you are. But I wish someone had told me these things earlier than they did. Mom might have lived longer but for the chemo. I did the best I could. I pray for you the strength to face this battle, and I pray for the amelioration of pain for your mom. Again, I'm so sorry. Debbie Not a professional Just a survivor
14 :
Sorry---I am a cancer survivor
15 :
Pray. Her doctors will do their best. If there were natural oils, pills or tea that worked, they would be giving it to her. God Bless you and your family.
16 :
You need to go out and find Kombucha. It has a long history of helping people through their battles with cancer. Do some research on it if you don't believe me. Google it. Yahoo it. Anything's worth trying.
17 :
This is just a blurb from google news a while back but its very much of interest for your case. "Dr. Evangelos Michelakis, a professor at the University of Alberta Department of Medicine, has shown that dichloroacetate (DCA) causes regression in several cancers, including lung, breast, and brain tumors. " "Evangelos Michelakis of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, and his colleagues tested DCA on human cells cultured outside the body and found that it killed lung, breast and brain cancer cells, but not healthy cells. Tumours in rats deliberately infected with human cancer also shrank drastically when they were fed DCA-laced water for several weeks." That site should inform you more thoroughly about the compound itself. Generally the compound is used to treat mitochondrial diseases but he has shown that cancer mitochondria can be normalized.
18 :
Dont worry. Here one website have for heal colon cancer in natural way. Its curable. No more fear. Pls see this website its very useful to u.
19 :
Everyone wants to think that there is some miracle drug or cure out there for cancer, but the sad fact is that there isn't. My dad died four years ago and it was very fast. I know how hard it is and the ordeal we all go through. I have been a nurse for 7 years. I was there up until the bitter end. I administered all my dad's care , his medication and was there for his last minutes as I begged for him to let go. It';s hard to watch your parent go through that. You will come to the point when you realize that they have suffered enough and will know that they will be happier. Just be there for your mom and try to make things as easy as possible for her. There isn't much else I could tell you that would make things any easier. I am sorry. I still have a hard time at holidays or his birthday, but I try to deal with it when the time comes. Sometimes you have to way the options. There is quality vs. quanity If she has lived a good and enjoyable life even though it may not be as long as everyone wants at least she has had a good quality of life. Rather then living a long a miserable life the quanity may have been longer, but whats the point if she wasn't happy. So make the rest of the time as enjoyable as possible before it is to late. My dad was gone in two weeks from the time he was diagnosed.

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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Can i know the type of colon cancer (whether it polyp or unpolyp) if i just did barium enema

Can i know the type of colon cancer (whether it polyp or unpolyp) if i just did barium enema?
is it necessary to do the colonscopy?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
yes, colon cancer cannot be diagnosed by barium enema, that tells the doctors nothing specific. The colonoscopy is needed to do a biopsy to see if it is really colon cancer and whether you will need surgury
2 :
If there is any concern at all that a colonoscopy should be done, then definitely do it. Polyps can develop far up in the colon and cannot be discovered through a sigmoidoscopy alone. If you are having symptoms (i.e. rectal bleeding, irregular or changing bowel movements, etc) please ask your doctor for a full colonoscopy. Let me put it to you this way, if my mother had had a full colonoscopy versus a sigmoidoscopy they would have found her cancer in time to save her life. Take your health seriously...always.
3 :
cdsfhc2002 is correct. The barium enema only shows there is something there to be concerned with. It does not tell the specifics of the problem. You need all the info you can get, so get the colonoscopy.
4 :
barium enemas show things like polyps, diverticulitis, "apple core" lesions ( which indicate cancer). Polyps can be harmless, however at times they can also indicate something more serious. In my experience(personally) a colonoscopy is better for polyps b/c they can take a sample of the tissue to see if there are any cancerous cells. My opinion professionally( x-ray tech) barium enemas are awful. I've performed them numerous times. A colonoscopy ( i've had one) are painless. The Dr. will sedate you and you won't feel a thing. the worst part is the prep and the i.v insertion.

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