Saturday, November 28, 2009

My best friend has been diagnosed with colon cancer and a secondary on her liver. What now

My best friend has been diagnosed with colon cancer and a secondary on her liver. What now?
She is having a stent fitted tomorrow to stop her bowel closing. I also heard the word metastatic used. Can anyone give me any information or links for this type of cancer?
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
Metastatic is the word used to refer to cancer that has spread from its starting point. Good luck to your friend.
2 :
The word metastatic means that the cancer has spread - in this case it has metastasized or spread to her liver. Once cancer starts spreading, treatments need to act quickly before it spreads more. She'll likely start treatment very soon, chemo, radiation or both are pretty popular options, as is surgery. The doctors would have met and discussed her case and decided what would be best for her. Here are some links about colon cancer: I wish your friend the best of luck through treatment. Even though things may look grim, many people still pull through and go on to live long, happy lives.
3 :
Thats the kind of cancer that is cause by having sex with guys. You need to ask her who she was having sex with so that they can be told. If she won't tell you, you should really tell her parents she was having sex so they can convince her to tell who it was.
4 :
Colon cancer can develop in the stomach, through the small intestines, the large intestines, and out . The primary or first site is somewhere in the bowel & apparently has spread (or metastasized) to the liver. The spread can be either by direct contact or by the lymph system (meaning it doesn't have to directly touch the liver). The stent should prevent a blockage (or obstruction) from occurring and if she does not need a colostomy, it may be a good sign meaning it is not too large. She probably will need to have chemo which may kill the cancer cells in the bowel & liver. This all depends on the cancer type, and if the cancer is not aggressive, she may do well. Good luck.
5 :
Colon cancer can develop in the stomach, through the small intestines, the large intestines, and out . The primary or first site is somewhere in the bowel & apparently has spread (or metastasized) to the liver. The spread can be either by direct contact or by the lymph system The stent should prevent a blockage from occurring and if she does not need a colostomy, it may be a good sign meaning it is not too large. Your friend will need to have chemo which may kill the cancer cells in the bowel & liver. This all depends on the cancer type, and if the cancer is not aggressive. Your friend really needs your support stick by her and let her know that no matter what you are always going to be there for her. Maddellena hospice new york
6 :
Metastatic means the cancer has spread from its original location and colon cancer only starts in the colon. Typically stents are not used in these situations. The part of the colon involved with the tumor needs to be removed and if she has a single liver lesion they may remove that as well. I am sorry to tell you, but metastatic colon cancer is not curable. Treatment at this point is to extend life with the best quality possible. I am very sorry.
7 :
Essiac tea (or Eissac tea) has shown great promise in combating cancer at a clinic in Canada run during the 1920s (Look up Rene Cassie). The same tea is available at some health food stores or on the internet. I use it for scrotal cancer and had the beginning signs of Leukemia; which disappeared after starting the tea. It can be used as a preventative measure or to treat existing cancers in higher dosage (one 4 oz. glass for preventative or two to three times a day for existing condition). No side effects.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How can we as a family get donations of products or cash for a fund raiser for my uncle with colon cancer

How can we as a family get donations of products or cash for a fund raiser for my uncle with colon cancer?
my uncle has colon cancer that has left him unable to work,we are trying to do fund raisers as a family,how can we get donations that we can auction off a cookout that we are planning?
Other - US Local Businesses - 2 Answers
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1 :
What i coincidence my family is having a cookout on sunday for my uncle. We put an add on the newspaper. We is gonna sell some food for 10-15 dollars. I'm thinking of selling cookie/ muffin baskets.
2 :
Go to your surrounding stores and put a jar on the counter (ask first) Put a picture of him on this jar and explain the situation I worked at a convenience store a few years back and we didi it all the time especially if they were from or lived in that area Good Luck and I will Pray for him

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Friday, November 20, 2009

How to test to see if colon cancer is gone from lymph nodes

How to test to see if colon cancer is gone from lymph nodes?
How long does it take the chemo to start working ? Should you show improvement on the first treatment ? Are you given a scan after every treatment to see if the chemo and radiation are working ? Will a scan show that the cancer is gone from the lymph nodes ?
Cancer - 2 Answers
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It al depends on what stage your cancer is in and what sort of chemo you are having. Your oncologist will be able to answer all your questions specific to your condition All the best
2 :
In general, chemo can work almost immediately depending on the type of cancer, grade, and stage. Scans are given every 6 - 8 weeks to measure the progress. A PET scan can detect 'hot spots' associated with cancer in the body.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

What causes colon cancer and how does it develop

What causes colon cancer and how does it develop?
I'm very curious about this cancer that's finished with alot of peoples life including one of my family members. Please give me answers. Thankyou
Cancer - 4 Answers
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you need to be asking a doctor
2 :
There are many factors that can cause colon cancer or can cause one to be more suseptible to it. One being heredity, diet is a MAJOR factor. It is of utmost importance that we put the necessary types of foods in our body. If we put the kind of sugar in our gas tanks that we put in our body, our car wouldn't last a day! We should be eating plenty of fruit, veggies and whole grains along with a small amount of proteins. The intestines get clogged with all the junk we stuff our face with and then putrify. If you put some food in a container and set it on the counter for a few days you wouldn't want to smell it. Why? It has putrified. We can throw that food out but the body cannot as easily get rid of putrified food without intestinal brooms called roughage or fiber from fruits, veggies and whole grains. I have a wonderful article for you if you'd like to read it. feel free to click on my picture and email me, I will send it to you. Remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! I too have had loved ones die of colon's no picnic!
3 :
hope this will help: so many at web so try this. good luck n have a nice day.
4 : bye

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

I need help with fundraiser ideas for colon cancer

I need help with fundraiser ideas for colon cancer?
I have recently found out that my mom has colon cancer and I am trying to start a fundraiser to help pay for medical bills. I need help coming up with ideas to start a good fundraiser that will help out a lot
Cancer - 2 Answers
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have a walk to raise money...get pledges have a raffle get pledges and get people to shave their hair off
2 :
You could always contact your local tv news station or radio station. I know a lot of them around where I lived (Raleigh, NC) were VERY supportive of people trying to finds ways to support a family member who has cancer or other diseases. The fundraisers they had or just donations they collected were usually very successful. I'm sorry to hear your mother has colon cancer, my heart goes out to you, your mother and your family. Best of luck!

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

How fast the colon cancer adenocarcinoma will spread

How fast the colon cancer adenocarcinoma will spread?
Is it advisable to conduct a major surgery if the patient has a colon cancer adenocarcinoma? what is the recovery time?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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For colon cancer patients, surgery is usually advised (depending on the location, stage, etc.) to prevent or relieve obstruction symptoms, if not to remove the whole tumor itself (if caught early, without metastasis). Recovery time depends on the health status of the patient, whether he has other medical problems, malnourished (in most CA patients), etc. I suggest this is best discussed with the oncologist/surgeon. Goodluck
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3 :
Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of colon cancer and typically it is slow growing. However, from your question it sounds like you or someone else had a colonoscopy and polypectomy with a positive margin. If this is the case surgery is usually recommended as it only takes a single cancer cell left behind for the cancer to grow and spread. You do have plenty of time for a second or third opinion if that will make you more comfortable. Keep in mind colon cancer is very treatable when caught early, but deadly when it is not. In it’s early stages the 5 year survival rate is 95-85%, but if 3 or more lymph nodes are involved it drops to 50% and if it metastasizes it plummets to 5%. The hospital stay for a colon resection is about 4 days, by that time you should tolerate a normal diet. Full recovery will take several weeks as they have to cut the abdominal wall, sort of like a C-section if any of your children were born that way. Hope this helps. Good luck.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What are the chances of me getting colon cancer

What are the chances of me getting colon cancer?
I am 14 yr old female, and my grandpa later during his life got cancer and died. IS it likely its been pass down to me?
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
Colon cancer is something that tends to run in families. However your diet has a lot to do with it. Since you have a history (although you didn't say your grandpa died from colon caner) you should start being screened when you turn 40. You only need to concentrate on living now not this illness. I have a history of this in my family, several members and I get checked once a year since I turned 40.
2 :
there's a high chance, you can minimize the risk by avoiding or Minimize eating foods that are fatty, salty, oily etc try eating foods rich in fiber colon cancer can also be influence by your diet
3 :
It can be heriditary...if there is family history make sure to get your colonoscopy earlier than 50. I would suggest you get one at 40, or ten years before the youngest one in your family got it. For example, if your grandpa got colon cancer at age 40, you should get your colonoscopy at 30. During your colonoscopy, your doctor may find polyps in your colon and remove them to biopsy. After your first colonoscopy, if there are multiple polyps and chance for cancerous ones in there, you will come back in three years after your colonoscopy. If you had polyps, but they were benign, you would most likely have a five year recall, or if you had a totally normal colonoscopy with no polyps, you won't need one done in ten years!!! Because of family history though, it would probably be a quicker recalll date. Colon cancer is one of the number one cancer deaths in both men and women...and it is curable!!! Good luck and you are young...please don't let this worry you right now!
4 :
Not likely. Without much background on you, I would guess your chances of getting colon cancer are not much different than the average person. There is a hereditary condition HPCC where the colon is full of benign polyps. This increases the risk of getting colon cancer. However, most colon cancers have no hereditary aspect. BTW, no cancer is hereditary (except chrionocarcinoma given by mother to infant). Rather the an increased risk of cancer can be inherited. Cancer is a set of genetic mutations to genes that are involved in cell growth and genes that prevent abnormal cell growth (tumor suppressor genes). In most cancer cases, these genes are mutated during ones lifetime. When people talk about the hereditary aspect of cancer, they usually mean that they have mutated (deactivated) tumor suppressor genes at birth. As for having a grandfather with colon cancer late in life, that is more reason to believe that there is no inheritable aspect. The older a person is the more likely he/she will get cancer. The reasons are two-fold. First, the longer you live the more exposure you get from carcinogens and the more opportunities for a cell to become cancerous. Second, elderly people usually have a weaker immunity system which is key to preventing cancer (There are cancers that only occur in those with compromised immune systems - Kaposi's Sarcoma in AIDS patients).
5 :
It is possible to learn something about the risk of developing colon cancer by looking at factors such as age, weight, diet, smoking history, and exercise. No genetic test currently exists that can identify those who are at increased risk for this kind of colon cancer. There are three types of colon cancer. Sporadic, familial and hereditary. For every one hundred people who develop sporadic colon cancer, which is usually around the age sixty four, five percent have a hereditary factor. People who develop colon cancer and have this type of family background are said to have hereditary colon cancer. There are two primary types of hereditary colon cancer. Each has different hallmarks: Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP). Colon cancer develops at an extremely young age (20 to 45). Virtually one hundred percent chance of developing colon cancer by age 45 (unless the colon has been surgically removed).Hundreds or even thousands of polyps in the colon. Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer (HNPCC). Increased lifetime risk of developing colon cancer (as high as 80 percent, compared with 5 percent in the general population). Earlier cancer development compared to sporadic cancers, though not as early as in FAP. (In HNPCC patients, cancer often occurs around age 44, compared with age 64 in sporadic colon cancer, and age 39 in FAP). Increased risk for cancer of the uterus as well as several other types of cancer. They have inherited a mutated gene from one of their parents, and that mutation has made it much more likely that they will develop colon cancer at an early age. Twenty percent have a familial risk. However, the cases would not necessarily have occurred at an unusually early age, nor would they have necessarily been found on only one side of the family. These people are said to have familial colon cancer. They appear to be somewhat more likely to develop colon cancer than people with no family history of the disease. Researchers have pinpointed one mutation that accounts for some familial colon cancers among people of Eastern European Jewish (Ashkenazi) descent. Although DNA testing exists for this mutation, it is not yet widely used. Seventy five of those hundred people have no strong family history. Do not be dismayed by these facts. You would be advised to consult your doctor in order to obtain more detailed medical information in this matter. It may be in your interest to enquire if you should have a test or advice to put your mind at ease. I add a link with details about this subject Hope this helps matador 89

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Do all colon polyps turn into cancer,and if you have had some removed are they likley to return

Do all colon polyps turn into cancer,and if you have had some removed are they likley to return.?
I had 3 small polyps removed about 5 years ago that were not cancerous I was wondering what the chances of them coming back and turning into cancer .I just dont want to go through the test again. My doc said colon cancer is rare so im not as worried but would like other oppions.
Cancer - 6 Answers
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1 :
Hi: Does any one in your family have cancer? if the answer is no than your risk is low. If the answer is yes than you should have a colon scope every 5 years to make sure it does not come back. As well as there are more than one type of polyps and with out knowing what type you had it is even hard to say if they will come back. I had polyps that were cancerous 2 times in a row. and last year there was no more colon cancer. So early detection is the key and colon cancer is nothing to mess with. So get it checked out every 5 years. I hope your cancer free for ever.
2 :
This all depends on your sex, age, race and family history. I'm a 23 year old woman who had 3 small noncancerous polyps in her cervix. They removed them 3 years ago. They never grew back. And now I'm fine. All that I can do is suggest that you get checked every year. The sooner they find these polyps, the better your chances of beating cancer in the future are.
3 :
Actually colon cancer can sneak up on you because it is so hard to detect. Polyps can turn into cancer and your chances are increased if you have a family history of colon cancer. Regular check ups would be wise.
4 :
If the polyps you had were completely removed they will not likely come back. However, this does not mean you will not develop new ones. Not all polyps have the ability to become cancerous, but since there is no way to tell by simply looking at them every polyp found is removed. I’m not sure why your doctor would tell you colon cancer is rare because it is not. It is the 3rd most common cancer in the US and it is second most common cause of death due to cancer. Family history has little to do with this. It is not difficult to detect or treat when found early; This is why colonoscopies are recommended every 5 years starting at age 50. Colonoscopies are very accurate and they are the only screening exam that can cure you on the spot with no other treatment involved. No one likes having a colonoscopy, but you are due for one again. If no polyps are found this time your doctor may increase the time for your next one, but you should not skip it. If you should get colon cancer you will most likely have a colonoscopy anyway and worse. This is not a cancer you want to get, especially when you have the chance to prevent it from killing you.
5 :
If they were only "hyperplastic polyps" your risk is not increased. If on the other hand the polyps were "adenomas" the risk is a bit higher. But then your doctor would (should) have informed you af that. Ask your doctor if the pathology report said they were hyperplastic polyps or adenomas. In case they were adenomas, the degree of dysplasia is also useful information.
6 :
You have gotten good answers from the others, but I will add my two cents. Polyps are either hyperplastic or adenomatous. Hyperplastic polyps have little to no risk of turning into cancer, while adenomatous polyps do. It is difficult to know how frequently polyps become cancer, because when we discover them we remove them. But the general thought is about 5% of adenomatous polyps will become a cancer over a lifetime, and it takes about 7 years for an adenomatous polyp to transform to a cancer. Current guidelines recommend for a person with no risk factors (ie never had a polyp, no family history of colon cancer OR polyps, no change in bowel patterns, and no blood in the stool) get a colonoscopy every 10 years. This does mean a new polyp could form and become cancer during that ten years, but it is unlikely. If your polyps were small and removed completely, the chances of any of those polyps coming back or becoming a cancer is nil. However, if any of those were adenomatous, it tells you that your colon makes adenomatous polyps, and as such you are at increased risk for colon cancer (small, but still a risk factor). That means you need to get colonoscopies every 5 years, regardless of whether new polyps are found. If any polyps found at a colonoscopy are concerning or if there are multiple ones, then the next colonoscopy may need to be sooner than 5 years. Please don't be hesitant about getting the colonoscopy- it is so important. The worst part is of course the bowel prep. But the colonoscopy itself should not be uncomfortable. If it was uncomfortable when you had it previously, request an endoscopist that uses propofol sedation, or "monitored anesthesia care". You should not feel anything.

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