Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Do most patients with stage IV colon cancer need to take pain medication

Do most patients with stage IV colon cancer need to take pain medication?
Or does the disease really not produce severe pain until it is in its most advanced stages when all treatments have been stopped and hospice called in?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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My father did, it was extremely painful.
2 :
depends on that persons tolerance to pain
3 :
Stage IV colon cancer is quite often painful and becomes more so as it progresses. If hospice has been called in, they should be providing pain relief. Pain relief is a totally separate issue than cancer treatments. If you have any further questions, please feel free to write me at

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Colon Cancer? What can I do to prevent getting colon cancer? I am 29 years old and my father died of

Colon Cancer? What can I do to prevent getting colon cancer? I am 29 years old and my father died of?
this illness when I was 22. He was only 54 but he fought it for 5 years. I would really like to prevent getting it. Any ideas? Thanks!
Cancer - 15 Answers
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1 :
Colon Cancer is the MOST preventable cancer and so many people DONT get checked. A Colonoscopy only needs to be done every three to five years. For more information check out Dr. Oz's book! (he was on Oprah)
2 :
i think your best bet is asking your doctor.
3 :
#1 get screened yearly watch you diet, low fat and eat lots of fibre. Very sorry to hear about your dad. Colon cancer is one that can be prevented if you screen for it, they can remove pollups.
4 :
i think u need to drink lots of water
5 :
You can exercise, dont smoke etc..., drink tomato juice i hear its got good anti cancer things in it. however sometimes cancer can just be caused by anything the air we breath jus live your life and get regular check ups to see it and nip it in the butt early pardon the pun
6 :
Eat healthy foods . When you get to be 40 see a GI doctor, Colon cancer is one of the most preventable cancers , but the whole concept is to be checked regularly by a doctor when you are older.
7 :
A high fiber diet is always recommended. And a colonoscopy exam every 3-5 years. Do this, and I bet you'll head off trouble with this problem.
8 :
A diet high in fiber has been known to decrease chances of colon cancer. Keep an high on your bowel movenments and that they are regular. Once a day is pretty regular and that they are formed, soft of brown color. Talk to your primarly dr bout this and schedule regular colonoscopies... I wish you luck in your healthy and smart approach
9 :
eat raw fruits and veggies and see your dr on a yearly basis if you have any changes in digesting foods go to the dr
10 :
Definitly start getting colonoscopy's earlier than most. I believe they recommend getting screened when you're around 50, but if your father died at such a young age at it, you may be more predisposed to it, so start now. The truth is a lot of cancers like breast cancer, colon cancer, cervical cancer start 10-20 years before you're diagnosed. The earlier you catch it the better outcome Best of luck!
11 :
You will need a colonoscopy more often than normal because you are predisposed to the disease. A diet high in fiber and low in fat is recommended. My father too died of Colo-rectal cancer. It spreads from the colon to the liver and then everywhere after that if not caught in the early stages. The colonoscopy is nothing to worry about. I've had several and they put you in a twilight sleep and you'll never feel a thing.
12 :
Pray, don't smoke or drink at all, eat right (fruit and vegetables), and get a colonoscopy every five years. Other than that, there's nothing you can do.
13 :
There were 16 cancer victims in my mother's family. Of those, 13 had colon cancer. The surgeon told us that we have a genetic predisposition to the disease. He told me, "If I had 1 drop of your family's blood in veins, I'd never eat red meat again."
14 :
Healthy diet and active lifestyles generally are commended. But the important thing for you would be to consider earlier screening colonoscopy starting at an age 10 years before when your father was diagnosed with his cancer. This may help catch colon cancer at an earlier stage and allows for more successful treatments.
15 :
Nobody can sure anything about cancer. Oatmeal can lower 50% risk. B6 cuts 70% risk. People consume a dish of mixed fresh herbs daily like chopped garlics, mints, basils, leek, chive, sweet wormwood, catnips, bean strouts, etc. almost dont have colon cancer! Apple skin and Coriolus versicolor or reishi tea drink can help loose stool daily. That may help.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Cord Blood to help with Colon Cancer

Cord Blood to help with Colon Cancer?
We recently found out that my Mother-In-Law has stage 4 colon cancer, which has spread to the liver. They did surgery to remove it from the colon and cauterized the 2 small spots on her liver, but she is having to start Chemo soon. I am 35 weeks pregnant and was wondering if we banked the baby's cord blood and gave it to her, could it help her in any way? Thanks.
Cancer - 4 Answers
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It depends on where you live and how advanced the medical technology is in your area. But bank that cord blood, by all means. Even if it can't help your mother-in-law, it could be life saving for your own child one day. Stem cell research is growing, and the service for saving the cord blood is reasonable. See
2 :
no she are in stage 4 i pray for her and ur family my husband had cancer in1999 he take chemo for 7 years and died25/7/2006
3 :
You should probably donate the cord blood . . not sure it would benefit your MIL . . but some child may need it. The problem with cord blood stem cells is that for adults . .there just isn't enough of it for treatment . . the cord blood is plenty for a baby or possibly children . .but an adult needs more than one to get enough stem cells that might do any good. Also I do not believe that stem cell transplants are done for someone with colon cancer at the moment. It is only certain types of cancers that seem to have any benefit to the treatment. Everyone has stem cells and if she did go to stem cell transplant they usually try to harvest the patients own stem cells first. But it can't hurt to donate the cord blood . . in honor of your MIL.
4 :
I absolutely agree that you should donate the cord blood in honor of your MIL. Cord blood is best used by donating it as opposed to storing it for yourself. There is no cost involved if you donate it and you could save someone's life. May daughter was saved by a single unit of cord blood (see my 'source' for our Thank You Letter to our donor). Saving it is only if you want to store it for your own possible future use (which is not worth the money or trouble). It is like buying an expensive lottery ticket. The chances that you could ever use it are so small. In fact, there is a good chance that the child you have will not be able to use it even if they do become ill because often the 'defect' in their blood or DNA that caused the illness is in the cord blood too. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics warns agains storing cord blood. As far as your MIL goes, they do not do stem cell transplants for that type of cancer. They do them for Leukemia, Neuroblastoma, and Lymphoma which are all cancers that take over the bloodstream. (There may be others, but those are the ones I am familiar with). I so wish I could give you better news than that. I'm saying a prayer for her. Have you started a site for her to keep friends and family notified of how she is doing?

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Why did Placido Domingo choose to have colon cancer treatment in the failed USA health care system

Why did Placido Domingo choose to have colon cancer treatment in the failed USA health care system?

Cancer - 6 Answers
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Because he would be dead and buried before he could have gotten treatment in countries with Government health Care like we will be getting. Emergency surgery takes several months in Canada - same in Europe.
2 :
Our system has failed because nobody can pay for it, not because the care is bad. In fact we have pretty goddamn good health care if you have the money for it. It's all a matter of perspective.
3 :
Because he had money to pay for it.
4 :
The problem with our health care system is NOT the availability of treatments or quality of treatments. Rather, its the through the roof prices that are a problem. If you have money, the US has a lot of top procedures and treatments.
5 :
Lol @ 'knowitall'; before you start repeating the scare stories about countries with universal health care put about by the American right, remember these hilarious claims by one US newspaper: ''People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn't have a chance in the UK, where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless''. Of course, Hawking was born and bred in the UK, and responded to this nonsense by saying he owed his life to the National Health Service. I live in the UK; as elsewhere, cancer is treated as an emergency. I had surgery four weeks after diagnosis; it has to be within that time - it's the law. I don't know anything about Placido Domingo or his treatment; but if he elected to have treatment in the US, it's because he could afford it. It's not the treatment given in the US that's the failure of US health care; it#s the fact that in the richest country on the planet, the poorest citizens don't have access to it.
6 :
Why did Farrah Faucet go to Germany to treat her anal cancer?

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Does anyone know where I can find detailed age prevalency statistics for colon cancer

Does anyone know where I can find detailed age prevalency statistics for colon cancer?
I am a 25 year old male and have an appointment with a GI Doc next Thursday. I have had a few symptoms that are consistent with colon cancer. I am aware that CC in someone my age is rare ... with 90% of cases happening in individuals over age 50 and only 3% occuring in those under 40. However, for some peace of mind while I wait for my appointment, can anyone point me towards fairly detailed age statistics on colon cancer. Particularly, I am interested in finding out more about the likelihood of at 25 year old male with no family history developing colon cancer. thanks
Cancer - 4 Answers
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The American Cancer Society has an abundance of info. You should go to their website for more stats and info. Their web is Hope this info. is helpful in answering some of your questions. Take care.
2 :
Go to: or call 1.800.227.2345. I'm giving you both options because sometimes, despite a website, people want a human voice to talk to. I realize this number may be on the website page but, if not, you have it. No harm done by giving it, regardless.
3 :
not too bad a chance i beleive,look up some stuff on some college sites they have very good information on those matters
4 :
Statistics are not a good indicator for whether you have cancer or not, especially if you end up being in that smaller statistic. Yes, a 25 year old male without a family history of colon cancer can have colon cancer. The important thing is that you are going to be seen by a doctor and evaluated. No one else can really tell you any more than that. The Colon Club - Organization dedicated to educating about colorectal cancer in younger people. Colon Cancer Alliance NCI: Colon and Rectal Cancer Good luck at your appointment. I hope they find you are all clear of any disease!

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Can holding in your farts lead to colon cancer

Can holding in your farts lead to colon cancer?
or any other type of cancer in the rear end?
Cancer - 8 Answers
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I'm not sure if this is a joke, but I could use 2 points. No. Cancer develops in your body because of the presence of carcinogens which are cancer causing materials.
2 :
3 :
no but it will do your pelvic floor good (strengthen the muscles)
4 :
I feel pretty confident saying you are A-OK to hold in your farts. Besides, you don't really hold them in, they just sort of leak out slowly and quietly (you hope, anyway!) when you try to hold them in. If you have concerns about colon cancer, eat a lot of fiber, get a sigmoidoscopy, and if they don't detect any polyps, you're probably good to go for awhile. (It's your lucky day ... we just discussed this is Anatomy this morning! LOL)
5 :
No, of course not. cancer is caused by abnormal cell growth or infected inflammation or smoking. If you hold bodily produced gas in one of two things will happen. Firstly, if the pressure is too much you could experience discomfort and it will release itself anyway or secondly the sensation will die down and any excess gas will be expelled next time you use the toilet. The gas is caused by methane build up or sulphur produced gases and are harmless, just a part of the digestion process. Unfortunately such bodily functions are either seen as distasteful of amusing.
6 :
Well it seems to be 'kids ask 'funny' questions on the cancer forum' day. Shortly after asking this you asked the following question on another forum: ''Does pinching butts spread diseases?'' so people can judge for themselves how serious you are. People using this forum generally have serious concerns - some are terminally ill or caring for people who are; some are devastated at being diagnosed with cancer, others terrified they may have it. Go away and play somewhere else.
7 :
NEVER hold in your farts........they travel up your spine & that where sh***y ideas come from.....LOL go to the kids section if you want ask dumb questions!
8 :
OK, where the heck did you hear that?

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

How does Colon Cancer kill

How does Colon Cancer kill?
I have been asking a lot of questions on here as of today, but I really need to know all this considering that i may have cancer (colon). I know that it attacks your digestive system, but how does that kill you?
Cancer - 6 Answers
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Colon cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the colon. When cancer is spreading it destroys the functions of your normal cells. Thus, after so much of it spreads over time, the body cannot repair fast enough to keep up with the spreading of the malignant cells and functions just break down in the body and you die. The following symptoms are the body dying slowly inside. A change in bowel habits. Blood (either bright red or very dark) in the stool. Diarrhea, constipation, or feeling that the bowel does not empty completely. Stools that are narrower than usual. Frequent gas pains, bloating, fullness, or cramps. Weight loss for no known reason. Feeling very tired. Vomiting.
3 :
Colon Cancer found in earlier stages is treatable and curable. If it has spread to other organs (stage IV) - usually the liver then lungs, it is the failure of these organs that causes death.
4 :
The primary tumour will very rarely kill you, unless it is undetected and your bowel perforates, or you get an acute obstruction with ischaemia. Colonic cancer is similar but a little different to rectal or recto sigmoid cancer. It is often easier to remove, but is also often more advanced, as symptoms are more vague. Colon cancer predominantly spreads to the liver, rectal cancer to liver and lungs. It is in these other organs, that the tumour load gradually destroys the function of the healthy liver tissue, as well as draining the body, creating the common symptoms of malaise, weight loss etc... All is not lost if it has spread, many lesions in the liver are resectable, or ablatable, and oxaliplatin with 5fu has been shown to have excellent results.
5 :
If this is diagnosed early it can be treatable but if spread to any other organs for eg the liver then this is not very good news. My mother passed away recently of colon cancer and secondaries in the liver. She took chemo every 3 weeks for 6 months but this did not work so she was offered some more chemo this time weekly, she tried this but once again it did not work. She herself decided to stop the chemo as she was suffering a lot as she was violently sick most of the time.The time she had left she wanted to live as best as she could so she did not want any more treatment just painkillers because with that she could not go without. She stopped chemo in November 2005 and sadly passed away May 2006.
6 :
Cancer is caused by poor nutrition (including oxygen) and stressors. Stressors can be environmental, like heavy metals, food additives or pollution, or emotional or job stress. Our bodies have 60 trillion--yes, trillion--cells, and there are always some mutating into cancer cells, but a healthy immune system kills them before they have a chance to get a foothold in the body. It takes a LONG time, usually, or an exrtaordinary amount of stressors, to degrade the immune system to the point where it won't do its job, but once cancer has formed, it can spread rapidly. THIS IS IMPORTANT! There are ways to BEAT cancer that the AMA is keeping from the American public, that are being used in Europe and around the world. Here is some information that is getting hard to find--"The Cure for All Cancers", ISBN 0963632825; "A Cancer Therapy", ISBN 0882681052; "Hydrogen Peroxide--Medical Miracle", ISBN 1885236077; "The Natural Cure for Cancer--Germanium", ISBN 0533071410; and "Killing Cancer", ISBN 0705000966. Type 'used books' into your browser and find a good site, then type in the ISBN numbers and get some great help cheap. I know of people whose cancer has 'spontaneously remitted' (WENT AWAY for no known reason) after they went on a program of herbs and nutrition. The American Medical Association and the pharmaceutical companies control medical law in this country, and they are in it for the money, and don't care about individuals. You and your family must look out for yourselves to stand a chance of being healthy. This is not a joke. Look into it. Best of luck

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

What is the chance of 18 year old having colon cancer

What is the chance of 18 year old having colon cancer?
i take larges greasy poops , and im a very like nervous person. like wen swine flu came out , i got nervous and thought if i had it , idk if u'd considered the ocd or something else ..
Cancer - 5 Answers
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Your chances are slim.. you have anxiety that causes your bowel movements to become like a diaherra substance.. try eating protein to somewhat harden it and wheat bread ... You are too young to be having this much stress sweetie .. i wouldnt worry too much about it... I am on the same boad as far as a nervous person... and I am 27 years old.. lol But just do you best on not worrying too much keep yourself active you will be ok 'Take it easy tho And besides if you did have Swine flu you would be in the ER.. w/ vomitting, Fever, and coughing
2 :
Unless you have family history of cancer or colon cancer, your odds are pretty slim. Go see a doctor and get some tests run. It's most likely just nerves that are causing your loose stools. Alot of people are scared about the swine flu / H1N1 and they don't really understand much about it. 13000 people die a year from the standard flu, and only less than 200 have died from this new one ( so they say, nobody's really certain about these deaths & it's causing an unnecessary panic to assume it's because of H1N1). I'd say you're pretty safe.
3 :
Odds are slim to zero but it sounds like you better start eating healthier and get more fibre and less fat into your diet.
4 :
  Colon Cancer Early Symptoms Cancer is a group of more than 100 different diseases that affect our body's basic unit, the cell. When cancer occurs, the cells become abnormal and divide without any control or specific order. Normally, cells divide to produce new cells only when the body requires them. However, if cells continue dividing when new cells are not required, a mass of tissue forms. This mass of tissue, called a growth or tumor, can be benign or malignant. It is essential to note that benign tumors are not cancer while malignant tumors are cancer. Colon cancer or colorectal cancer, as the name suggests, affects the colon, a part of the digestive system where the waste material is stored. Tumors of the colon and rectum are growths arising from the inner walls of the large intestine. Benign tumors of the large intestine are called polyps while malignant tumors are cancers. If benign polyps are not removed from the large intestine, they can become malignant over time. Colorectal cancer can invade and damage adjacent tissues and organs. The spread of the colon cancer to distant organs is known as the metastasis of the colon cancer and once metastasis occurs, a complete cure is unlikely. Detecting colon cancer through early symptoms help treatment The symptoms of colon cancer are numerous and non-specific. They include: Fatigue and weakness: The presence of a tumor causes anemia, iron deficiency that can make you feel extremely tired or lethargic. Shortness of breath Change in bowel habits, narrow stools, diarrhea or constipation: A tumor that is large enough to cause a bowel obstruction may lead to constipation, restrict blood flow and constipation. Any one or all the three of these underlying symptoms may also result in nausea and vomiting. Red or dark blood in stools: Tumors tend to bleed that may show up in your stool. If the tumor is in the beginning of the colon, the blood may be virtually invisible in the waste. However, if the tumor is in the rectum or toward the end of the colon, it may show up as bright red in the waste which is a clear sign of the cancer. Unexplained weight loss: Many of us would not want to understand why we are losing weight without any effort or reason. However, effortless weight loss is a sign that something is wrong. Unexplained weight loss could mean that the tumor is releasing chemicals that increase your metabolism. Bloating: A tumor that grows toward the end of the colon may cause a sense of fullness. The body senses the tumor as a stubborn piece of waste and you get that 'I still have to go' sensation that can't be relieved. Abdominal pain or cramps: Sometimes a tumor causes a bowel obstruction, which blocks the colon. Depending on the severity of the blockage, solids, liquids and even gas may be prevented from passing by, resulting in severe abdominal pain or cramps. Painful cramps indicate that a tumor has poked through the bowel wall, which can be a medical emergency. Other conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, diverticulosis and peptic ulcers have symptoms that are similar to colon cancer. Depending on where in the large bowel, the tumor is located the symptoms may vary accordingly. As the right colon is spacious, cancers of the right colon grow to large sizes before they cause abdominal pain. However, it is important to note that colon cancer can grow for years before showing any symptoms. The next best thing to colon cancer prevention is early diagnosis. When the colon cancer symptoms in a person are detected earlier on, they have a better chance of survival to someone who has already reached the far end of the disease. Leading a healthy lifestyle and making lifestyle changes can help prevent cancer. Research suggests that smoking cessation, decreased alcohol intake, maintenance of a healthy weight, exercise and dietary supplements help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Eat right, exercise regularly and lead a healthy lifestyle. God forbid, if you detect the aforementioned symptoms please consult a doctor immediately. Remember that 'Prevention is better than cure'. Healthy living is happy living! Other blog links Holistic Cancer Treatments and Complimentary Medicine Three Common Colon Cancer Treatments | Natural Remedies cures ... Colon cancer (also known as bowel cancer or colorectal cancer) is any cancer...   Read more... Genomic Health's Colon Cancer Dx Meets Prognostic, Not Predictive ... The resulting genes, comprising two s
5 :
-If you take ideal food you need not worry about colon cancer

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