Friday, February 8, 2008

How long does it take to recuperate from colon cancer surgery

How long does it take to recuperate from colon cancer surgery?
How long does it take to recuperate from a surgery that is supposed to eliminate colon cancer?
Cancer - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
at least 4 months I would say
2 :
just guessing maybe about 3-6 mos. good luck to you and your family
3 :
it depends on the perosns health and age most about 6 weeks
4 :
Can you tell me a bit more, have you a stoma or an ileo rectal pouch? Why have you had the surgery? or are you waiting to go in for it? EDIT anoldmick I have to disagree with you, both of my children had their large bowel removed when they were 18years old, they are now 29 and 31. They still have problems. A person may recover from the initial surgery quite quickly but that doesn't mean they are completely well for quite a long time.
5 :
Six to eight weeks.
6 :
my dad had colon cancer about 8 years ago.he had a nurse come to the house for a couple of months after the hospital.i'd say it was a 4+ months before he felt better. we just found out a week ago that he now has stomach cancer :( my prayers go out to you!
7 :
it all depends. Generally it is about six weeks. However, if you have a colostomy that is going to be reveresed it can take twice as long as the new incision heals and then is cut again to reconnect. Alos, if people have had multiple abdominla incisions they can develop what is called scar tissue (adhisionls)which makes the bowel to sot of grt temporarily paralyzed. People to well with this in general. Be sure to check withou your state medical board and see who your sugreion is. See if they have had any mlapractive suits, etc. And trust your gut on this one.
8 :
My Mom survived colon cancer 2 years took her about 4 or 5 mos to get any spring in her step. She is now experiencing some bowel problems but will not have any thing confirmed...she says whatever will be will be......She today, at 81-1/2 looks fine, got back all her weight and her demeanor improved....but we will see P.S....She refused all treatment after her surgery
9 :
i have no idea maybe you should ask a doctor

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