Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Colon Cancer

Colon Cancer?
My brother-in-law has just been diagnosed with colon cancer. Apparently it's already spread to his liver and lungs. He also has some cysts formed on his kidneys and pancreas. They've told him it's terminal and he has about 3 years to live. The man is only 41! He has 4 young girls, the youngest being 3. He hasn't started any treatment yet, but they're going to do a colonscopy, and will remove the colon, then he'll start chemo. My question: Is there anything out there that could possibly fix the damage done? Any sort of herbal remedies he could try before the doctors start their treatment? What about life insurance? Does anyone know of a company that will cover him? Has anyone recovered from this illness personally? If so, how? We refuse to let him die without first trying every available resource possible. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If it's metastastised to other vital organs as indicated by his doctors, it is most likely terminal... no treatment is effective once the disease has gone so far... ask him to enquire from his doctor about Taxol or Baccattin III... these are probably the best medications he can get (Taxol is the best) but they are very expensive and very hard to come by... takes 6 200 year old pacific yews to extract enough Taxol to treat just one patient... Baccattin III is a synthetic drug similar to Taxol but only 1/19th as effective. Best thing in my opinion is for him to take time to come to terms with his condition and try to make the very best of his last few years with his kids, and to prepare them for his inevitable departure.
2 :
PLEASE, whenever you try alternative therapies, be sure you work together with the prescribing physician. Let the doctors do what they know, and help him however they can, then seek alternative therapies. There are a lot of palliative measures that can comfort him, nourish his body and mind, help him keep his spirits up, but the most important part is taking the recommended treatment. Look on the net for different alternatives. A well balanced, all natural macrobiotic diet is said to help. Yoga is recommended, too. As is music and a lot of other complementary therapies, but that's all they are, a complement. Good luck!
3 :
This is a very diffucult situation, and hope the very best for all of you. I hate diagnosing cancer like this. It's always hard, and your comments are not unlike virtually each and every case I've ever heard from patients and their family. Everyone wants to try everything and anything possible. But most don't know which way to turn, and what to do. Along the trail, your likely internet research will reveal a host of "potential cures," and "treatments" that target cancer. A lot of this will be overseas, and out of reach in many ways. Yet, many of the "cures" are also completely unsupportable and hold no merit. They are poorly conducted, and the average person (layman/woman) doesn't know any better. It will give you hope, but inevitably, and letdown. You brother-in-law's cancer is a bad one, and I know you understand this. The likelihood he survives it will be a true miracle, and only time will tell. My suggestion would be to get him to a cancer institute (like MD Anderson in Houston, TX, or the like) and let them take a look at things. These places are on the cutting edge of treatment and research, and are often able to use some newer medications that are still in the study phase. Treatments he could not find anywhere else through most basic oncologists where he currently lives. For his liver metastasis, I would CERTAINLY recommend liver radioablation therapy. I've seen this work for several people -- quite well, but not all. In the meantime, I would suggest that he eat as healthy as possible -- avoiding too many processed foods. Stick to organic fruits and veggies, and very lean meats like fish, poultry, etc. Don't run out and but a bunch of unresearched herbs either. Wait on that. Consult with the doctor on everything. Let them guide you through this time. They have the knowledge and the insight. My very best and humble support to you all. God bless.