Sunday, March 28, 2010

How many of you are rectal/colon cancer survivors over 5 years

How many of you are rectal/colon cancer survivors over 5 years?
Please only serious nice replies. My father has rectal cancer and my aunt has colon cancer .Most docs say the survival rate is 5 years. how many out there have lived longer? Im looking for inspiration..truth only please to this sad situation..
Cancer - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
im being tested for it right now. I am a 15 year brain tumor survivor though. (seriously)
2 :
2 years, but mine wasn't as bad. just carcinoid tumor in the appendix. immediate surgery got rid of it, but i still have to do check ups. anything is could happen, but hopefully new cures or treatments will improve.
3 :
6 years and still going, and I had 2 rounds of chemo and 2 resection surgeries. There is lots of hope! But, if your oncologist is not doing it for you, I have two words for that...SECOND OPINION! I switched doctors and I believe that is why I am still here. As a side note, since it runs in the family be sure to get yearly colonoscopies.
4 :
3 year survivor of colon and rectal. Had suspension, reconstructive and dissection.
5 :
the rate is getting better. the use of PET/CT scanning for colon cancer taking the place of CT scans is drastically improving survivability.
6 :
My grandma was diagnosed with colon cancer about 22 years ago-she is alive and well now, and has remained cancer free. My prayers go out to you and your family.
7 :
Visit my website www. zeolitesfordetox. com/ davidlawrence Read the testimonials and news target Email for more info davrlaw@yahoo. com Hope this helps
8 :
My grandfather had it, its been 18 years since. I just did a paper on it. If caught and treated early there is a 100% chance you will live atleast 5 years, if not more. According to statistics 91% live till they die of old age. I hope all goes well :)
9 :
I'm not, but one of the elderly gentlemen in my support group has been a colon cancer survivor for 12 years. he said that when he was diagnosed they told him he only had 6 months to live, but here he is proving them wrong
10 :
my mom suffered for 5 years and im only 11 and she died last week thats how i feel even know shes not here i think about her every day
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my neighbor is 87 years old and he is a twelve year survivor, you better do full checkups because immediate family members have a good chance to have it. my best wishes for all
12 :
My rectal cancer was in the infancy stage. The doctor found it by mistake, during a prostrate test. This biggest thing is being aware; the lack of education is the real killer.

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