Sunday, February 28, 2010

Im 15 what chance of getting colon cancer do i have

Im 15 what chance of getting colon cancer do i have?
I am 15 years old and I don't have a family history of cancer but i was worried about whether i have colorectal cancer.So what are my chances of getting colorectal cancer?
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
At age 15? Almost 0. Basically unheard of.
2 :
This is a very weird thought, nywayz just stay away as much as possible from foods containing lots of fats or synthetic products like artificial colorings or flavors. Feel free to eat vegetables and low sugar conatining fruits. If u have continious visceral pain in lower abdomen its better to head to any healthcare facility for a check up.
3 :
It would be very rare for someone your age to get it, but it's smart to get a jump start on reducing your risks. People over 50 and having a family history are risk factors; also a diet low in fiber and in high in fats, a sedentary lifestyle, heavy alcohol use, smoking and diabetes. So exercise, eat a healthy, balanced diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, avoid high fat and fried foods, don't smoke, drink in moderation when you're old enough, and have yearly physicals. Hopefully technology will have improved by the time you're 50 so colon cancer screening will not involve getting a camera put up your butt.
4 :
You're still pretty young. I'm 46 and the doctors considered me young for it. Usually it doesn't begin to show up until after age 40-50, and even then I wouldn't be terribly worried if you don't have a family history and show no signs. Even if you are having symptoms, there are many different diseases that have similar symptoms. If that is the case, you should make an appointment with a gastrointerologist to have a colonoscopy done.

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