Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Should a person with colon cancer drink juices

Should a person with colon cancer drink juices?
I know a person who was operated about a month ago because of colon cancer, we talked to a doctor and he said that drinking lots of juice is going to be good but I thought that drinking juice would be bad because not drinking them would mean less acid which would mean giving you re digestive system a rest!!! THOUGHTS any one??
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The acid shouldn't affect the colon. The juice has already broken down at that point. As long as it is pasteurized it will be safe.
2 :
Not all juices contain acid and once they reach the colon, they've already gone through the stomach and the acid in the stomach has already broken it down. Drink all the juice you want. I won't hurt. Just stay away from prune juice for now. Blessings
3 :
Definitely, lots of juices, the more the better. Here I mean the natural juices made in a blender or juicer, not that concentrated, pasteurized, floor cleaner appropriate rubbish sold frozen or in bottles. Those are the kinds of juices that are acidic, and they should be avoided . The naturally made blended juice is not acidic, but alkaline, which is much more healthier for anybody coping with health problems. The healthiest juices are citrus, or, especially beet/carrot or broccoli juice. Add tomatoes to the vegetable juices to improve their flavour and make a V8 type drink. They should be drunk several times a day.

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