Monday, February 1, 2010

What is stage 4 colon cancer

What is stage 4 colon cancer?
I just found out my cousins had surgery for tumor in his colon that is probably cancer and probably stage 4, they also had found spots on his liver. What is the prognosis if this is cancer and it has spread to the liver. They are already planning chemo.
Cancer - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
This site has information.
2 :
Stage 4 is the worst, Its inoperable. My uncle just died from it a month ago.
3 :
Im sorry to tell you this is a death sentance my sister died of colon cancer so i do speak from expriance make the most you have of the time you have left with your cousin i am very sorry that you have to deal with something like this i know how hard it is
4 :
This the worst
5 :
I'm sorry to hear of your cousin's diagnosis. You need to be a good friend to them in this hour of need and be helpful to their family during this period of transition. Don't waste time or money searching for miracle cures in alternative medicine. You will just be given false hope and will waste precious time you could spend with your cousin, besides wasting a lot of money. The chemo will slow down the cancer and hopefully give some more time, but the liver mets mean a grim ultimate prognosis. source of info - my brother's passing from colon cancer
6 :
Stage IV Colon Cancer Following surgical removal of colon cancer, a stage IV (D) colon cancer is said to exist if the final evaluation shows that the cancer has spread to distant locations in the body, which may include the liver, lungs, bones, or other sites. A variety of factors ultimately influence a patient̢۪s decision to receive treatment of cancer. The purpose of receiving cancer treatment may be to improve symptoms through local control of the cancer, increase a patient̢۪s chance of cure, or prolong a patient̢۪s survival. The potential benefits of receiving cancer treatment must be carefully balanced with the potential risks of receiving cancer treatment.
7 :
Stage 4 is bad, but luckly you have the reincarnation =) if you have cancer i'd take like Propax with NT factor that will reduce chemo fatugiue by 69% Poly-MVA is the most powerfulest anti aging/anti stroke, anti cancer supplement know to man that i know of your lucky it can reverse and cure stage 4 cancer in 28% of pateints it straves the cancer cells and enhances your immune system, converts the free radicals generated from the cancer to fuel for the body, causes spontous cancer cell death. eat very very very healthy deit is directly related to how long you live, maxuimize your antioxidantrs and pytochemmicals from plants grape seed extract is good CoQ10
8 :
The worst. My Grandfather has stage 4 of lung cancer

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