Sunday, November 8, 2009

How fast the colon cancer adenocarcinoma will spread

How fast the colon cancer adenocarcinoma will spread?
Is it advisable to conduct a major surgery if the patient has a colon cancer adenocarcinoma? what is the recovery time?
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
For colon cancer patients, surgery is usually advised (depending on the location, stage, etc.) to prevent or relieve obstruction symptoms, if not to remove the whole tumor itself (if caught early, without metastasis). Recovery time depends on the health status of the patient, whether he has other medical problems, malnourished (in most CA patients), etc. I suggest this is best discussed with the oncologist/surgeon. Goodluck
2 :
3 :
Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of colon cancer and typically it is slow growing. However, from your question it sounds like you or someone else had a colonoscopy and polypectomy with a positive margin. If this is the case surgery is usually recommended as it only takes a single cancer cell left behind for the cancer to grow and spread. You do have plenty of time for a second or third opinion if that will make you more comfortable. Keep in mind colon cancer is very treatable when caught early, but deadly when it is not. In it̢۪s early stages the 5 year survival rate is 95-85%, but if 3 or more lymph nodes are involved it drops to 50% and if it metastasizes it plummets to 5%. The hospital stay for a colon resection is about 4 days, by that time you should tolerate a normal diet. Full recovery will take several weeks as they have to cut the abdominal wall, sort of like a C-section if any of your children were born that way. Hope this helps. Good luck.

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