Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How can we as a family get donations of products or cash for a fund raiser for my uncle with colon cancer

How can we as a family get donations of products or cash for a fund raiser for my uncle with colon cancer?
my uncle has colon cancer that has left him unable to work,we are trying to do fund raisers as a family,how can we get donations that we can auction off a cookout that we are planning?
Other - US Local Businesses - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
What i coincidence my family is having a cookout on sunday for my uncle. We put an add on the newspaper. We is gonna sell some food for 10-15 dollars. I'm thinking of selling cookie/ muffin baskets.
2 :
Go to your surrounding stores and put a jar on the counter (ask first) Put a picture of him on this jar and explain the situation I worked at a convenience store a few years back and we didi it all the time especially if they were from or lived in that area Good Luck and I will Pray for him

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