Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My mom is dying of stage IV colon cancer, how do I cope

My mom is dying of stage IV colon cancer, how do I cope?
I'm 18 and in college which is stressful on it's own. Now, we just discovered my mom has stage IV colon cancer & it's terminal. She just had surgery to remove bits of her colon, but the cancer in her liver isn't curable. She's really depressed and has high anxiety. She's only 49 too. I'm so stressed and it's affecting my health and schoolwork and everything. Any advice? I feel like my world is falling apart.
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'd get a leave of absence from classes, or withdraw if you can still do it without severe financial penalty. Talk to a college administrator. They may have a mercy provision for these things. Spend as much time with her as you can. Don't argue. Just make her feel like the most special person in the world for her time left. You will not regret that investment of time in her happiness. And she will leave this earth feeling like she made a difference.
2 :
Sweetheart i lost my mother to cervical cancer when i was 12 years old i never got to know my mother. Im 49years old to and had cervical cancer 4yrs. ago and i just finished up with chemo. and rad. for Breast cancer.I had lots of friend support but no family support.I think as the other answer said i would try and find away to take a leave from school im almost sure they would understand if they don't so be it you only have one mother spend all the time with her that you can and just let her know you're there for her and how much you love her.I would cut off both arms if i had that option again good luck to you sweetheart i know its very hard but hang in there.
3 :
There are support groups for family members of the terminally ill. The social services dept of the clinic or hospital taking care of your mom may be able to help. They can give you tips on how to cope as well as help mom & there is no need to tell her you are having trouble & seeking help. As far as school goes, see your advisor & sort out the best solution for you. One thing is certain & that is no one comes away from the experience unchanged. Best you can do is be there for her in whatever way you can & let her pass knowing you willl be OK. She will be more worried about you when its time for her to let go. It will take a while , but you will get through it if you remember the good times. All the best
4 :
hi ssooo sorry pls leave school talk to the guidance office for a medical leave now i would assume its 0-6 mos so spend time with mom make a list of all her wants and needs tell her you love her and thank you and tell her you will be OKAY cause you will , this way she won't struggle to hang on if your acting scared , hospice might be able to help your family or a local pastor knowing your eternal destination is very comforting for all sorry been there done that my mil was dx at 60 died 65 but hers metas to liver and lungs in 5 yrs your moms is fast advanced I"M SO SORRY but GOD is waiting for you to call upon him he gives a peace that surpasses all understanding , cast all your cares upon the LORD for he careth for you, this is hard but life is short and Eternity is forever so talk to a clergy might help everyone? miracles still happen

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