Friday, July 24, 2009

Is it a hemorrhoid or colon cancer

Is it a hemorrhoid or colon cancer?
I have had bleeding, itching and lots of pain on and off for almost a year now. I’m too embarrassed to go to doctors but now I’m afraid that it could be colon cancer. Both my grandmas had colon cancer. I’m Just wondering if there are any other signs that it might be colon cancer or just hemorrhoids?? I forgot to mention that I’m only 19. I’ve also been experiencing weird gas like pains that are so painful they wake me up not sure if that has anything to do with it though?
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It is very doubtful that at your age it is cancer but, and this is a very large BUT, people die every day because they were too embarrassed to go to the doctor with a problem like yours. I have prostate cancer and believe me I know what I am talking about - it leaves you with zero privacy when you get it treated but it leaves you alive. Go to a doctor and find out it is just hemorrhoids and you can stop worrying.
2 :
Yes, go to the dr! Whatever it is, the dr should be able to help you. Don't be embarrassed as the dr will have seen it all before.
3 :
Please go. I was your age when I started having symptoms, and only 20 when I was diagnosed. I avoided going to the doctor for so long because I was too embarrassed, and I ended up being forced to go when I was in so much pain. By that stage it was advanced. So please just go and forget about the embarrassment factor. Doctors see everything, so they will be used to it. But pls listen to this carefully. It is most likely, that because of your age, you will be fobbed off, and they will say it's nothing. If they say it is hemorrhoids, ask for medication for it, and if after a couple of weeks you still have those symptoms, go back, and keep going back until they know what the problem is and it is resolved. The only reason I kept going back is because of the pain, and each time I was told something different, until eventually they did tests.

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