Saturday, June 20, 2009

Can beer help or hurt colon cancer

Can beer help or hurt colon cancer?
Seriously, I have a friend, diagnosed with colon cancer over a year ago. He is 62, has had chemo, surgery, radiation, but still continues to drink beer, several cans daily. Do you think he is hurting his chances for survival?
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It will hurt it. See, his body is fighting something terrible and he needs his organ function to do just that. NOT process alcohol, which will put unnecessary strain on his liver which is the body's "filter".
2 :
Beer is not good for you period. Beer has never been good for anybody. After all, it was a concoction brewed by Germans, who hate everyone. Henry Anslinger was the one who wanted to push Beer sales in America to kill off minority groups with all of the health problems associated with Beer. He made marijuana illegal because he said that it made "darkies" feel like they were as good as white men. This racist also pushed tobacco sales and said that they would make the American economy grow. Now studies cant even find how marijuana is harmful if it is used through a butane free vaporizer since it isn't actually being smoked. Bottom line: Stay away from Germans and Beer. Reference in source
3 :
Depends on what "several cans of beer" really means. At 62 this man is a mature adult. He can ask his oncologist whether or not several cans of beer is hindering his recovery. If he is a drunk and drinking beer all day then my response would be different but if a couple beers gives him the quality of life that makes life good for him personally, unless his oncologist says this is a problem, this is his choice as an adult, risk or no risk. I am friends with a woman who smoked all the way through her multiple treatments for stage three colon cancer. Yes it was stupid and I told her so, but for her the cigarettes were what made her life complete. She survived just fine despite her smoking. I have a relative right now with stomach cancer who drinks a few drinks very day. Not smart at all but that is how things work in real life when you are dealing with human beings. In real life the absolutes of what might be truly best for a person are often much less important than the simple things that the person with cancer might hold dear. Some people will refuse chemotherapy because they do not want to lose their hair. This does not make sense either but humans are complicated creatures.
4 :
beer helps nothing. red wine can help the liver and other organs in moderation
5 :
Radiation for colon cancer is rare unless the cancer has spread. Maybe he knows his chances, and has decided to live the life he has left as he wishes without giving himself restrictions. Is a longer life lived abstemiously better than a shorter time lived as you wish? Each person makes their own choice.
6 :
Dr. Anderson and associates investigated the impact of regular alcohol consumption on colorectal tumors in 2,291 patients undergoing screening colonoscopy. Patients defined as heavy beer or spirits drinkers had more than twice the risk of developing significant colorectal tumors, compared with abstainers or moderate consumers, the authors report. Moderate wine drinkers, also faced about half the risk experienced by abstainers. Colorectal tumors were also associated with age older than 60 years, smoking and obesity, the report indicates. The investigators note that “patients who regularly drink spirits have an increased risk for significant colorectal (tumors) and perhaps should be targeted for risk modification by their gastroenterologist in addition to their primary care physician.” Anderson added that he and his colleagues are currently comparing the effects of red and white wine. Red wine, “due to high levels of (the natural antioxidant) resveratrol,” he added, should be even more protective against colorectal tumors than white wine.

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