Saturday, January 16, 2010

Approximately how long is a treatment of chemo for colon cancer

Approximately how long is a treatment of chemo for colon cancer?
My boyfriends ex (mother of his son) was diagnosed recently. I don't know many details besides it hasn't spread to any other organs and they told her she'll need about 2 chemo treatments. I just wanted to know how long the treatments usually take? Also does this sound like a beatable cancer?
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Sorry to hear that. Each case is different. There's some info about colon cancer treatment below. Many cancer patients live for decades. There are many factors that will determine this. I would strongly suggest a good nutritional program including supplements, which will help with recovery and long-term health.
2 :
If she needs chemo but it has not spread to other organs, she likely is stage II or III, the difference primarily being lymph node involvement in stage III. Standard therapy is currently FolFOX, which is Folinic acid, 5FU, and OXaliplatin. It is given every 2 weeks for 12 treatments, so 6 months of therapy. There are other chemo options, including capecitabine (Xeloda), a pill which is converted to 5FU after swallowing, which can be give on a 3 week course 8 times- again 24 weeks or 6 months of therapy. 6 months is the norm. God bless, best wishes

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