Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What treatments for colon cancer other than Chemo therapy

What treatments for colon cancer other than Chemo therapy ?
I was wondering what kind of Biological treatment or inavasive treatment for prevention of Colon cancer there is ? Dr said that he wanted to try treatment cause of Pollips that keep coming back and before they become cancerous he wanted to treat them ... I was curious as to what kind of treatment and what the schedule timeline is .. im sure someone else has gone throuigh this unfortunatly .. Please help .. Thank you in advance ..
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
My grandfather had colon cancer in the 80's, but his treatment was removal of part of the colon and small intestine.
2 :
HI You want to more information about click this link
3 :
I have stage III colon cancer, and just had surgery to remove about 8" of my colon on the 1st. That is usually the first step. If they find that the cancer has progressed beyond stage I, they will usually start chemo as soon as you're healthy enough after the surgery. The standard chemo for colon cancer is milder than chemo for other types of cancer. It does still make you tired and nauseous for about a day, but you don't lose your hair.
4 :
What are you trying to ask? Treatment for colon cancer depends on the stage of the disease. There isn̢۪t a treatment to prevent it. Polyps are treated by removing them. How often that needs to be done depends on how quickly you develop them.

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