Wednesday, December 16, 2009

When someone is diagnosed with colon cancer how long do they normally have?

When someone is diagnosed with colon cancer how long do they normally have?
When they do chemo, does that treatment cure them completely or do they still get sick? Does it depend on how long they had the cancer? Can the doctors tell how long one has had it? Thanks
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
This depends on how far the cancer has progressed. Every case is different, not everyone dies from colon cancer. There are surgeries and therapies that may be used if the doctors see fit and the patient agrees. The chemo can kill the cancer cells, and after treatments some people can go into remission. Chemo itself will often make the patient feel ill. in some causes the cancer can return after Chemo. They can't tell exactly how long you've had cancer. Sometimes cancers progress fast and others slow, sometimes this depends on the kind of cancer it is. Hope the best outcome for you.
2 :
It depends on the stage of the cancer.If it is caught early and treated the can live for a long while.If caught late and it is not treatable and has spread to other parts of the body they could have 6 months to a year.
3 :
They have an idea as to how long you have had it by how far advanced and spread it is. NO ONE can tell you exactly how long. Everyone is different and responds differently to treatment. It will also matter if it has spread to other organs or not yet. If caught early, chance of survival is at least 5 or more yrs. I would check out some websites for more info. They are making advances in medicines every day. Things that used to kill a person in 6 months are prolonged for yrs. now and some are cured entirely. works too when all else fails.
4 :
You need to take these questions to your doctor. If you're talking about someone else, you need to ask them if you want specific answers. There are so many kinds of cancer, and it also depends on if and how much the cancer has spread. An early colon cancer is very treatable. My mother had one removed last year and didn't even require chemo or radiation.

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