Sunday, December 20, 2009

Is there affordable insurance available for a 62 yr old man who has beat colon cancer. He threw a blood clo

Is there affordable insurance available for a 62 yr old man who has beat colon cancer. He threw a blood clo
is there an affordable health policy for a 62 year old man who has survived colon cancer. He is drafted during Vietnan. He was sent to Germany as an athlete for the USA. Now he has no insurance coverage at all. He needs immediate help. A blood clot broke loose and lodge in his right eye. He has lost that sight forever. The doctor at the health clinic has not even returned his calls for help.
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There should be some sort of state or government funded insurance. In MN we have Minnesota Care which your premium goes off of you income and Medical Assistance which is free if you qualify. He should check into things like that. They do take pre existing medical conditions. Also if he was in the military he should be able to go to a VA Clinic. Good Luck and I hope this helps.
2 :
unfortunatley if you have ever had cancer you are considered uninsurable. regardless if they got all of the cancer. he should be able to get some help from the V.A. its a crying shame that we have to decide what we can do and not do to be able to live. have you tried to get him on dissablity. call you local social security office. good luck, and God Bless!
3 :
I live in Pennsylvania. I got my friend on public assistance for financial aide and food stamps. He is dying. He also was put on medicade and he is 54. Now I applied for SSI and he collects that and part of the food stamp money but the INSURANCE STAYS AS LONG AS HE LIVES. If the doctors diagnose the person you are talking about just as you have, I don't see why there isn't a state agency like welfare to get insurance. I fought them and went to their office when they ignored me.....I poured my heart out to them with the truth about John's needs.............He doesn't care anymore about having some money to pay his brother to live with him, or about getting food or the insurance stuff, but when he wasn't as horribly sick as he is now, it made him WANT TO LIVE AND FEEL HUMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sure every state has to legally have benefits for people who are suffering.........I'm so sorry; I hope that with me sharing, maybe I helped...........Janet
4 :
I sold insurance in TX for 2 months. Your state may have a fund as was mentioned about but at his age and condition if anyone took him the premiums would be HIGH. Not to mention the general cost of health care insurance alone...he's just not a good candidate. However, there MAY be a cheaper way. 1. Don't get health insurance, try to get a cancer policy. It's a long shot and it only covers the cancer itself but if you can get it, the policy is cheaper. Liberty National Life Insurance sells these policies but I do not remember their acceptance requirements. 2. Depending on where you live, and the progression of the cancer, acupunture may be able to help. Their herbs are normally just as effective as meds and a LOT cheaper, plus they only charge an average of $70 per session (can be more or less). 3. If you have the money, he can be treated overseas normally for less than the coast of the operation here. I have professors who will fly home to China, get moderate dental work done, and fly back, for less than the cost of the dental work in the states. It will not be covered by insurance so if something goes wrong...well you hope nothing goes wrong. But the medical training and equipment is up to par with the US, it just costs less. There are programs for this to India and China, Mexico, and probably other places as well. Hope that helps.
5 :
He should be able to get help though the VA.He will need his DD214,then give them a call.

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