Thursday, May 28, 2009

Can the Alli weight loss pills cause colon cancer

Can the Alli weight loss pills cause colon cancer?
I'm thinking about buying the Alli pills but, I don't know if can cause colon cancer.
Diet & Fitness - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I would not recommend the "Alli" pills. They have not undergone long enough testing to determine if there are any long lasting or dangerous effects. If you read the information about the "Alli" weight loss plan you STILL have to follow a healthy, low fat diet and exercise on a regular basis to achieve "best results". The pill alone only rids extra fats from your diet in the form of oily, nasty, sometimes uncontrollable diarrhea and the total loss effect is, in my opinion, not worth the side effects when a simple low fat, low carb healthy eating plan can produce comparable results.
2 :
I thought about trying it when they first started advertising it. So, I went on their website, and read a lot of the messages on their forum, from people who were using it. That in itself, made me decide against it. I understand that pills don't affect everyone the same way, but from what those people were describing.. there were some horrible eide effects. I don't want to sound gross or anything, but apparantly, for many people.. the pills cause severe, and uncontrollable diarhea. People were on there talking about how they have to take extra clothes with them where ever they go (no joke.. ) because they never knew when it would happen. It was just so disgusitng to read, I can't imagine why on earth anyone would want to do that to themselves. So, as you can imagine.. I decided against that completely. But, I have to say.. I can't help but think it must cause some colon problems, down the line. I mean, you cannot have those kinds of issues as often as people are saying, without it doing some sort of damage to your insides. Sure, I could be wrong.. but I just don't see how it could be harmless. Like I said, I understand that it won't effect everyone the same way.. but for me, I don't think it's worth even the smallest possibility of what *could* happen. When I decided to so something about my own weight problem.. I made sure to see my doctor first, and see what she recommended. She put me on Phentermine at the beginning of this month.. and it's really been helping me a lot. I'm not going to stay on it forever, just long enough to get a good start with my weight loss, and get my eating under control. And I haven't had any bad side effects with the pills either, so that's good! Whatever route you decide to go, whether it be with Alli.. other pills, or even weight watchers.. I think it's important to do your research, and know what to expect, as well as what will work for you. Good luck with your weight loss goals!

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