Saturday, May 16, 2009

On May 2nd 2008 my mother was told she had colon cancer . It has spread to her liver. Is chemo gonna help

On May 2nd 2008 my mother was told she had colon cancer . It has spread to her liver. Is chemo gonna help?
The doctor told us that she is in stage four.Will chemo just make it worse for her to enjoy her last days,or will it help her stay alive longer or even cure her? She had surgery to remove the cancer from her colon almost two weeks ago She has already lost 75 pounds and is weak . Is the end near? When do you know when to say enough already and let them go?
Cancer - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
if it has alredy spread, no. she is going to need whole body radiation treatment.
2 :
I hate to tell you this, but if it helps it will be very unusual.
3 :
I'm very sorry about your mothers cancer. May I suggest ordering the Incurables Program from Dr. Schultz at 1-800-HERB DOC. My friend had good luck with it, and I do hope you do too.
4 :
With standard chemotherapy for colon Cancerr - the median survival is around 2 years - so your mother may still have some good times ahead (when the disease is in periods of remission). If the chemotherapy succeeds to eliminate or reduce the liver metastasis to the point of having a liver surgery (to remove the rest of the cancer) - she may even have a cance to be cured. Furthermore, there are some experimental therapies with very mild side-effects, and alternative treatment which can reduce the side-effects from chemotherapy. Please do not despair yet - but keep a critical eye on the doctors. Go to as many specialists as you can for treatment ideas.
5 :
Read about resveratrol and turmeric . The doctor said I had stage 4 stomac cancer and lymphomia . Took resveratrol for 30 days and it was all gone . The chemo did nothing. Lots of scientific research on it. Go to MD Anderson in Houston,Tx.
6 :
The doctors will not offer chemo unless they believe it will have a chance of improving either her quality or duration of life. When to say "enough"? It's not your'll have to be guided by your mother if she is mentally able to understand the information and potential outcomes (I don't mean that nastily...some cancer patients simply switch off and decide not to "know" anything about their which case a medical guardian will have to make choices) If your mother understands her situation, and the choices, talk to her. Understand what she's thinking about the options, and support her in working through them. THen whatever SHE decides, support her in that too. It may be a tough ride, but try and bring the normal into her world...tell her about your work / day / friends, what you did in town today...take her mind away from drugs, therapy, IV's and doctors. If you are the one who has to say "enough", then listen carefully to the doctors and nurses. Especially the nurses....they are experienced in end stages, and if you find a good one, s/he can help you decide. S/he won't tell you what to do...but listen to what is NOT said...when the time comes, you'll know it's time to stop. Good luck.
7 :
sorry to hear your news about your mother. i was in a similar situation last year. My mum was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer last may. once discovered it had spread to her liver and lung. I know every case is different, but my mum was told it was incurable and terminal at that stage. They tried her on a form of trial chemo for two weeks and it was the worst thing we could have done. It made her sicker than the cancer itself. It made her bed ridden, loss control of her bowels and bladder and made her terribly sick. In my opinion with my mum we would have been better to enjoy wat time she had left as she could have gone on small outings etc. But its a hard thing not to do anything and watch your loved one fade away. Your mum might be lucky it may extend her life, but i would say chemo would only be used for palliative reasons. You need to speak to your oncologist and find out exactly what is happening. my mum pasted away 4 months after diagnosis aged 60, i miss her terribly. x

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