The blood is bright red and the needle-pinching feeling seems to be near the sphincter, internally -- near the entry/exit). ...when more fibre is eaten the blood stops but does one have a greater chance of colon cancer (or some other long-term ailment) because of too many episodes of blood in the stool caused specifically by the lack of fibre in the diet?
Cancer - 1 Answers
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Yes fiber is recommended to keep colon cancer at bay. You probably have an anal fissure, a small tear in the opening of the anus. Try to use soft paper, eat fiber and don't rub too hard. It should resolve itself. Blood from colon cancer is usually darker in colour, and not a spattering of bright red. The blood is a symptom of the cancer, not the cause. But if it continues when you correct your diet, see your doctor. If not, then it's unlikely to be cancer, especially if you're young.
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