Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Bleeding from the bum...colon cancer can start (on average) at what age

Bleeding from the bum...colon cancer can start (on average) at what age?
I know that it could possibly be from lack of fluids, or fibre or whatever, but saying I am NOT the exception, isn't colon cancer found mostly in the elderly? I am 20, JUST turned 20, and this has happened before, but only like, twice that I can remember and the last time was a couple years ago. I am a bit of a hypochondriac and could really use some help/knowledge.
Other - Diseases - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
its kinda like the pop of cherry, or is it the cherry of pop? this too shalt pass, forget about it.
2 :
Please disregard the answer about how this shall pass. There is nothing normal about bleeding from your butt and as far as I know it can be due to two things: colon cancer or hemorrhoids. If it were colon cancer, you would notice blood in your stool; plus, colon cancer is usually found in people over 50. You may have some internal hemorrhoids that sometimes bleed but I would go see a dr. It may sound embarrassing, but hey, butts are part of our bodies, too. Get yourself checked out. good luck!
3 :
most likely you have ruptured a blood vessel some where near the sphincter from wiping your bottom to hard. my suggestion is ease up when wiping your butt its a tender area! however if it is more or less reoccurring, you should seek further medical help.

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