Friday, February 4, 2011

Why is Colon Cancer so deadly

Why is Colon Cancer so deadly?
Lately there has been a lot in the news about colon cancer. A prominent news journalist, Mr. Snow, just died from it. Why is this form of cancer so deadly. It appears that there is a high mortality rate associated with this cancer? Does this form of cancer just spread faster and what can be done to stop it? Do people get this cancer from not consuming enough fiber? I am just wondering since it seems to be very aggressive and not easily curable?
Cancer - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's hard to detect until it's too late. People need to get a colonoscopy in middle age, especially if it runs in your family.
2 :
You can get colon cancer from a number of ways. Not getting enough fiber and eating junk food are some pretty common ways. It's deadly because most people don't catch it in time. Nobody really goes to a proctologist unless there's something seriously wrong and even then, its most likely too late. Your intestines are what absorb nutrients and if there are cancer cells there, they can get absorbed and then spread like wildfire to the rest of the body. And sometimes, when people have surgery to get a cancerous portion taken out, the bacteria can spread from the intestines into the blood and cause major complications. Someone whth advanced cancer is already going to be immunocompromised. The best way to defeat colon cancer is to eat a healthy diet full of fiber and to get check-ups at the doc.
3 :
If you remember, a few years ago Katy Couric's husband died from colon cancer. She went on a major campaign to push people to have colonoscopies, procedures which can identify and remove pre-cancerous lesions. Nonetheless many people, and I know a few, are very resistant to undergoing this procedure so the cancer is only discovered after they have become symptomatic, by which time the disease has often had time to spread. With cancer it is the metastases which kill much more often than the primary tumor.
4 :
Mainly because there are so few early symptoms, and no for sure quick and easy way to find it early. So, cervical cancer is found on PAP smears before its even really a cancer - before it gets a chance to invade. So we cut off a few cells, and - no cancer! Same for some skin cancers, we take them off early, and they don't get a chance to go anywhere. Colon cancer sits inside, covered up by poop, and eats away at you internally. By the time its huge enough to cause skinny poop, or blood shows up in your poop, or even worse - you're blocked off, its way large enough to have been talking to the blood stream and lymph system, so its had a long time to flow any(every)where. Get a colonoscopy every 10 years starting age 40. Earlier if you have a family history. AND EAT YOUR OATMEAL, everymorning. Mine with maple syrup please
5 :
Any kind of cancer can be deadly and the news media will focus on any health concern when a celebrity does of such and such. White tea can help prevent colon cancer as well as a healthy diet.
6 :
Colon cancer is not exceptionally deadly disease. There are many other cancers, their behavior is worst than colon cancer such as pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer etc etc. Actually colon cancer can be prevented, if people have regular colonoscopy procedure. Most colon cancers (not all) arise from adenomas (dysplastic polyp) which can be taken out during colonoscopy procedure. Colon cancer can give symptoms like constipation (obstruction), bleeding per rectum, pain in the abdomen and loss of weight etc etc. If symptoms persist, we should not ignore any of them. If it is detected in early stage then patient can be cured. Once there is metastases (spread to lymph nodes, lung or liver) it is difficult to control.
7 :
Colon cancer is so deadly when it is left untreated too long. The mortality rate is only high when it is left untreated too long. At stage 1 there is a 5% chance you may not survive 5 years. At stage 4 there is a 95% chance you will not survive 5 years. Most colon cancers are slow growing, usually do not spread fast and typically are not aggressive. It can take from 3-8 years before symptoms begin. The most certain way to stop it is to remove it before there is any possibility of it spreading. No one knows why people get this or most any cancer. People with diets high in fiber do decrease their risk, but do not prevent the disease. When caught early colon cancer is one of the easiest cancers to treat and cure, as it is the only cancer that can be 100% cured during the screening exam. Most colon cancers begin in polyps. Any polyp found during a colonoscopy is removed and if cancer is found contained inside the patient has just been cured. There is no chemo. No radiation. No drugs. Nothing. That is the end of treatment. However, it is usually recommended that you have another colonoscopy in 3-4 years.

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