Sunday, July 8, 2012

Is colon cancer deadly

Is colon cancer deadly? ?
My aunt was diagnosed with colon cancer but it was a late diagnosis. like really late. is it deadly and she is not over fifty years old. please i really want to know i wanna help if anything sudden comes up . thanks
Cancer - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's CANCER... all cancers are deadly if not treated... if it is a very late stage, it will be much more difficult to treat, because it could have already metastasized... I hope she makes it.
2 :
it is really hard for us to tell here, but know that in today's day and age, they have many treatment options that weren't available years ago so pray for the best. Just keep a positive attitude and help your aunt in any way you can, make her dinner or help clean her house, bring her flowers, things like that.
3 :
You say it was a late diagnosis, but you don't describe what you mean by that. Colon cancer that has spread to other organs/areas of the body is considered a stage IV cancer (usually occurring with a late diagnosis). There are treatments for later stage illness, including chemotherapy and radiation, but ultimately there is no cure. Unfortunately, it's hard to say how much time a person has. A lot of it depends on how well they respond to treatment.
4 :
YES, because there are so few early symptoms, and no for sure quick and easy way to find it early. So, cervical cancer is found on PAP smears before its even really a cancer - before it gets a chance to invade. So we cut off a few cells, and - no cancer! Same for some skin cancers, we take them off early, and they don't get a chance to go anywhere. Colon cancer sits inside, covered up by poop, and eats away at you internally. By the time its huge enough to cause skinny poop, or blood shows up in your poop, or even worse - you're blocked off, its way large enough to have been talking to the blood stream and lymph system, so its had a long time to flow any(every)where.
5 :
yes my great grandpa died from it..
6 :
I am sorry to say that it can be deadly when it is caught late. And there is a sure quick and easy way to find it early; it called a colonoscopy. When found at a stage 1-2B the 5-year survival rate is 95-75%. When found at a stage 3C it is 50% and stage 4 is 5%. It would be a good idea for her siblings and her children to get colonoscopies now since she is under 50.
7 :
Yes it is deadly, especially when it is discovered late and she will probably also now have cancer spots on her liver, as bowel and liver cancer go hand in hand with each other. So its now up to her if she is going to have radiation and chemo, or just let it take its course. Make sure the rest of the family go and have a colonoscopy done, because it is hereditary and keep having one every year. Best of luck with your aunt and the choices she makes and just be there for her and assist where ever possible to help her.Is colon cancer deadly? ?
My aunt was diagnosed with colon cancer but it was a late diagnosis. like really late. is it deadly and she is not over fifty years old. please i really want to know i wanna help if anything sudden comes up . thanks
Cancer - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's CANCER... all cancers are deadly if not treated... if it is a very late stage, it will be much more difficult to treat, because it could have already metastasized... I hope she makes it.
2 :
it is really hard for us to tell here, but know that in today's day and age, they have many treatment options that weren't available years ago so pray for the best. Just keep a positive attitude and help your aunt in any way you can, make her dinner or help clean her house, bring her flowers, things like that.
3 :
You say it was a late diagnosis, but you don't describe what you mean by that. Colon cancer that has spread to other organs/areas of the body is considered a stage IV cancer (usually occurring with a late diagnosis). There are treatments for later stage illness, including chemotherapy and radiation, but ultimately there is no cure. Unfortunately, it's hard to say how much time a person has. A lot of it depends on how well they respond to treatment.
4 :
YES, because there are so few early symptoms, and no for sure quick and easy way to find it early. So, cervical cancer is found on PAP smears before its even really a cancer - before it gets a chance to invade. So we cut off a few cells, and - no cancer! Same for some skin cancers, we take them off early, and they don't get a chance to go anywhere. Colon cancer sits inside, covered up by poop, and eats away at you internally. By the time its huge enough to cause skinny poop, or blood shows up in your poop, or even worse - you're blocked off, its way large enough to have been talking to the blood stream and lymph system, so its had a long time to flow any(every)where.
5 :
yes my great grandpa died from it..
6 :
I am sorry to say that it can be deadly when it is caught late. And there is a sure quick and easy way to find it early; it called a colonoscopy. When found at a stage 1-2B the 5-year survival rate is 95-75%. When found at a stage 3C it is 50% and stage 4 is 5%. It would be a good idea for her siblings and her children to get colonoscopies now since she is under 50.
7 :
Yes it is deadly, especially when it is discovered late and she will probably also now have cancer spots on her liver, as bowel and liver cancer go hand in hand with each other. So its now up to her if she is going to have radiation and chemo, or just let it take its course. Make sure the rest of the family go and have a colonoscopy done, because it is hereditary and keep having one every year. Best of luck with your aunt and the choices she makes and just be there for her and assist where ever possible to help her.

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