Thursday, February 24, 2011

Is there a big link with colon cancer and lunchmeat

Is there a big link with colon cancer and lunchmeat?
If there is what's a good substitute to have for lunch besides leftovers?
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
There are recent reports that indicate processed meats that contain preservatives may place you at a higher risk for colon or other cancers. However a risk is not a link or a 'cause' . . it is a suspicion. Which basically means they suspect it might have something to do with some people developing colon cancer but they can't really prove it. So, what does someone do? Like any cancer associated risk . . reduce your intact of processed meat or eliminate it whichever makes you feel more comfortable. Eat a variety of foods. So, instead of processed meat at lunch have salads, fruits, peanut butter, egg salad, cottage cheese, chicken, turkey and just avoid the baloney and processed meats from the deli. However, if you still feel like having a ham sandwich on occasion take the risk. Lifes too short to worry about it.
2 :
Lunch-meat is processed with chemicals. Carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals) have a big link to cancer BUT there are far too many chemicals to identify all that cause cancers SO it is suggested to avoid too much chemical intake all together. But we cant avoid all chemicals, the water we drink, the air we breath, the food we eat all have all sorts of chemicals in them. So its a suggestion to avoid polluted areas and eat fresh non-processed foods wherever possible, but ham sandwhich won't kill you. Just not too much junkies.

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