Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My dad was recently diagnosed with colon cancer, how should I deal with this

My dad was recently diagnosed with colon cancer, how should I deal with this?
I am afraid of loosing him early, he is young too. I need some strategies to deal with this. Some things to help me get through.
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
i am going through this right now w/ my boyfriends mom.. just be there for them and for us it was really rough because she kind of pushed us away. she has had it for 4 years and just got the bag done.. cemo will be hard but if you are a strong family you will be able to get through it. they also have support groups you can go to. good luck and stay strong for your dad.. here is a website you can check out..
2 :
Katie, This is not an answer to your question, but when you mentioned your Dad is young it through up a red flag for me concerning you. If he is in his forties the colon cancer he has is probably hereditary and you would have a 50% chance of getting it. You should check with your doctor and get a colonoscopy much earlier than the recommended age of 50. I am blessed to still have both of my parents, but I had a rare type of uterine cancer so I know how frightened you and your father are. He may get angry, I know I did. ( Remember not to take anything he says personally because he is just angry) Just be there for him and continue to tell him you love him, but give yourself a brake too! PRAY for the strength to endure the outcome. I will pray too.
3 :
The best strategy is GOD, prayer, and faith!!

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