or any other type of cancer in the rear end?
Cancer - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'm not sure if this is a joke, but I could use 2 points. No. Cancer develops in your body because of the presence of carcinogens which are cancer causing materials.
2 :
3 :
no but it will do your pelvic floor good (strengthen the muscles)
4 :
I feel pretty confident saying you are A-OK to hold in your farts. Besides, you don't really hold them in, they just sort of leak out slowly and quietly (you hope, anyway!) when you try to hold them in. If you have concerns about colon cancer, eat a lot of fiber, get a sigmoidoscopy, and if they don't detect any polyps, you're probably good to go for awhile. (It's your lucky day ... we just discussed this is Anatomy this morning! LOL)
5 :
No, of course not. cancer is caused by abnormal cell growth or infected inflammation or smoking. If you hold bodily produced gas in one of two things will happen. Firstly, if the pressure is too much you could experience discomfort and it will release itself anyway or secondly the sensation will die down and any excess gas will be expelled next time you use the toilet. The gas is caused by methane build up or sulphur produced gases and are harmless, just a part of the digestion process. Unfortunately such bodily functions are either seen as distasteful of amusing.
6 :
Well it seems to be 'kids ask 'funny' questions on the cancer forum' day. Shortly after asking this you asked the following question on another forum: ''Does pinching butts spread diseases?'' so people can judge for themselves how serious you are. People using this forum generally have serious concerns - some are terminally ill or caring for people who are; some are devastated at being diagnosed with cancer, others terrified they may have it. Go away and play somewhere else.
7 :
NEVER hold in your farts........they travel up your spine & that where sh***y ideas come from.....LOL go to the kids section if you want ask dumb questions!
8 :
OK, where the heck did you hear that?
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