Monday, September 28, 2009

How can colon cancer spread to the liver / possibly kidneys (via cat scan I believe)...when...

How can colon cancer spread to the liver / possibly kidneys (via cat scan I believe)...when...?
The blood test came back fine, and radiation and chemo was being received for the spot of colon cancer (which had spread). They are now having a PET scan done to see what these spots are - and it is posible there is just damage from the radiation or chemo (about 1 month ago)- have you heard of this? Anyways, any help (nothing to do with prayer, staying happy...I am not in the mood for that stuff right now) you can give is appreciated. Um I wasn't meaning to say that the cancer had spread by a Cat Scan, but that this was the test that has caused concern.
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The cancer cells can mutate and leave the original host and search the body to find another area to live in. The PET scan should show you pretty well where exactly it is. good luck
2 :
The veins from the colon go to the portal vein carrying blood to the liver. It is a haematogenous spread ie , caused by blood circulation. Other ways are by lymphatics or directly to the structures in close proximity. Hope it helped. Good luck!
3 :
a PET scan checks for cells that uptake a certain type of sugar...usually cancer cells. If the cells dont take up the sugar, they could be benign spots, dead cancer cells or scar tissue from radiation/chemo. A CT scan just checks for masses. Which could be any of the above mentioned things. Good luck...I hope its nothing to worry about.
4 :
Radiation can cause damage to the colon. The test may have been done to see if the spot on the colon was damaged tissue or cancerous tissue. Cancer can spread via direct extension, like growing bigger and bigger and invading surrounding tissue, or through the lymphatic system, which could cause it to spread throughout the body and to other organs or could spread through the blood also to other areas in the body. The test could have been performed to check any of these. You should just ask your dr why they are doing this test and what they are looking for.
5 :
The poster, "aWellWisher" is correct. The liver is probably the most common site for colon cancer metastases.
6 :
Many things can affect your health. Drugs, chemo, radiation, environment, diet and etc. By the time some people get to the doctor's office, they are already healing. Doctors in general are knowledgebale about body mechanics and fuction. Get a Doctor you trust in and figure out what is going on with your health.

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