Saturday, September 12, 2009

Has anyone here survived stage 4 colon cancer

Has anyone here survived stage 4 colon cancer?
We just found out my dad has colon cancer and it's stage 4 (all over the liver) the oncologist said he has 2 months to live without chemo and a max of 2 years before it takes over him even with the chemo...... Please anyone give me any info. Has anyone survived cancer spread to the liver and lymph nodes???? Is it possible to overcome this with the most aggressive chemotherapy? He is in his early forties!
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'm so sorry to hear of your ordeal hon but, it's in God's hands and yes he may very well beat this beast!!
2 :
There is an ex model named Grace DeLarosa who survived colon cancer. She has a blog which may be useful to you. She chronicles her medication and visits. Sorry to hear about your dad. www. gracedelarosa. com
3 :
My family has along history of colon cancer. My father died from it in 1974, my nephew had it this past year and died from it, and my sister had it but had 18 inches of her colon removed, and now my brother has it and it has spread to his liver. They are doing one last surgery to save him. I hope the best of luck for your father. I would just get the recommendations of his doctors and pray.
4 :
Sorry to hear about it. The hard question to answer is quality versus quantity of life left. If he will lose weight, be nauseated, lose his hair and just be miserable and in pain for the (potential) two years - only he can answer if it is indeed worth it. Unfortunately, in my experience, oncologists tend to be OVERLY optimistic in expected outcomes. Has it spread to the bones as well? A lot depends on his age and overall physical and emotional condition. Obviously, he has been given a death sentence either way. Without knowing any other specifics, his chances of making it five years is likely less than 10%. If he is young and in his 60's or younger and has the will, I would encourage him to fight the damned thing. New therapies are coming out often and you might just buy enough time for something more effective. If he is in his 70's or older, or is in frail health, maybe this is a time to say the things you wanted to - but never did, including your goodbyes. Thermo-ablation can be useful to 'cook' the liver metastases and buy more time. This is dome with a needle that is inserted into the liver and heats up - thereby cooking the tumor. But this is only effective if the liver is not loaded with multiple small tumors. There is also something called microembolization therapy. I'm bringing up diferent options and possibilities. I will keep your father in my thoughts and prayers. Sounds like he is a good man to have had a child as caring as you.
5 :
i honestly dont know the statistics but im sorry to hear that and i hope your father stays strong and fights. miracles happen so dont give up hope.

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