Friday, December 28, 2012

Did I hear correctly today when Robin was talking to Anna, Does or did Robert Scorpio have colon cancer

Did I hear correctly today when Robin was talking to Anna, Does or did Robert Scorpio have colon cancer?
Today they were talking and Robin was saying life was short and things unexpected and... since her father had colon cancer. Did I miss something, does or did he have it, has he died, is that why Anna was away? Does he have it in real life (the actor) or is it just in the show? I don't get to follow the night show, so I guess I miss out.
Soap Operas - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
He has colon cancer. They have been following the story on GH's Night Shift. He's not dead. He's been getting treatment at GH. Anna didn't know because Robert didn't want Robin to tell her. He didn't want her to see him that way.
2 :
Yes Robert is battling colon cancer right now on GH:Night Shift.Anna just found out this week. Just seen your edit and no he does not have it in real life but I believe his father battled this nasty disease.
3 :
He has colon cancer but if you don't watch GH NIGHT SHIFT it is not common knowledge to those only watching GH.
4 :
On General Hospital: Night Shift, the character, Robert Scorpio has colon cancer. Robin has been taking care of her father on Night Shift, and he is even living with her. At first, Robert didn't want Anna to know that he had cancer, so Robin kept her father's illness a secret from Anna but,on this week's episode, Robert had to have emergency surgery and Robin couldn't take it anymore and told Anna. And the 3 of them had a wonderful reunion on Night Shift. It was a good week for the Scorpio's. Plus, Robert and Robin have been having a lot of wonderful father-daughter chats on Night Shift and their scenes are gold. It's too bad they aren't telling the story on General Hospital. Last year I didn't have Soapnet and this year I do, and I'm finding that I'm actually liking Night Shift better than GH right now. The writing is much better. And, if you are a long time viewer like me, than you would also enjoy seeing Jagger Cates back, with his son, Stone Cates (who knew there would ever be another Stone Cates?).
5 :
Robert does have colon cancer, he is only showed on GH:Night Shift.
6 :
yes robert scorpio does have colon cancer.
7 :
According to ABC soaps in Depth that came out today, Robert is going to die. I hope this is not the case. I would love, love, love to see him back on GH and in some adventures with Luke.
8 :
I swear to God they'd better not kill Robt Scorpio off.EP Guza's an idiot if he gets rid of this character especially in light of the fact that if Scorpio dies it will send a wrong/bad message to viewers. Many people won't even bother going to the doctor for a check up for something like that or get treatment.If Guza is smart he'll have Robert be cured and live happily ever after.
9 :
On GH Night shift Robert is in the hospital with colon cancer and a brain tumor. He is alive and has already had the brain surgery but is still battling the colon cancer. He does not have it in real life.

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