I am 26 years old and my mom was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer. My uncle (her younger brother) died from colon cancer less than a year ago. I can't help but feel like I have a big colon cancer target on my back now. I'm debating on whether I need to physically go see my family doctor with my concerns. I have tried to call his office for advice, but no one has ever returned my message. I'm sure because I sound ludicrous wanting to discuss colon cancer at 26. Can anyone help?
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Ask your doctor for an examination and tests - he/she will understand your concern. This would put your mind at rest.
2 :
You should see your primary care doctor and see when you should get your first colonoscopy since you've had family history. You may not need to get one right away but may need to start having it sooner than other people without any family history. It's a good thing you're on top of it, everything will be ok.
3 :
You should be putting your energies towards your Mom instead of yourself. You're young, quit worrying about it. Your Dr. will advise you whether or not you should be tested but the odds of you having it at your age are minimal.
4 :
This is too big an issue to discuss over the phone . My wife and father had colon cancer. A few years ago, we went to a seminar on colon cancer. the speaker was a surgeon who specializes in colon cancer, and also had colon cancer. Someone asked him , what was the youngest person he saw who had colon cancer. the reply " age 19." May I suggest this? Is there a large hospital near you? Call them, and ask if they have any presentations on colon cancer scheduled for the near future? If so, I suggest you go to one. You might also call your local chapter of the American cancer society. Ours has an RN who is moderator of the monthly survivors meeting.. If your mother is presently in the hospital, or soon will be, try to talk to her surgeon about your concerns. Would you rather feel ludicrous , or DO something. Remember, colon cancer often has no symptoms. This surgeon and his partner took care of my wife. When my wife told him my father had colon cancer, he busted my tail to get a colonoscope. I did, and he found several pre cancerous polyps.
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