Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
colon cancer is referred to as the "silent killer" but if found early is very treatable, my mother is now a 24 year survivor of colon cancer, early screening is the best way to catch this cancer at an early stage.
2 :
Colon Cancer is very deadly. Just behind Lung and Breast cancers. It may be treatable depending on how far advanced it is once detected. However it is almost completely preventable! 99+% of colon cancers start as a polyp. Have a colonoscopy at 50 - sooner if you have a family history of colon cancer. If there are any polyps, they get biopsied. One less thing to worry about. Good luck.
3 :
Colon cancer is fatal. Screening is important but some screening procedures (colonoscopy for example) has its own risks. Colon cancer (colorectal as well) are treatable. Early detection and prevention, just like any other cancer, is key. High protein content in diet is known to cause colon cancer along with lack of fiber in diet. (colon is involved in amino acids and peptides absorption)
4 :
My grandmother died from colon cancer. It is one of the most treatable cancers if it's caught early, if not then it's one of the deadliest.
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