Think i might have it.
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Black tar-like stool (which means there's bleeding in the colon). Anemia (low iron levels) which leads to fatigue and easy bruising. If you think you have it or have a family history, you need to get it checked by a doctor. It killed my father within 10 mos of being diagnosed.
2 :
Many cases of colon cancer have no symptoms. The following symptoms, however, may indicate colon cancer: * Diarrhea, constipation, or other change in bowel habits * Blood in the stool * Unexplained anemia * Abdominal pain and tenderness in the lower abdomen * Intestinal obstruction * Weight loss with no known reason * Narrow stools With proper screening, colon cancer can be detected BEFORE the development of symptoms, when it is most curable.
3 :
Hi Sean Start learning about your colon and how to cleanse it out. An educational program is on You must rid of the toxins that build up in the colon and eventually get into the blood, then causing illness and disease. Be sure to start drinking a gallon of water a day to help rid of the waste and toxins for general health. Best of health to you
4 :
sometimes there are no symptoms, especially early .If you think you have it, see a doctor and discuss with him what is appropriate for you and your age. Good luck.
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