Please dont tell me ways to cure constipation. What if the waste inside me is constantly rotton? Wont this irritate my colon?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
it can but it doesn't mean it will.
2 :
You will have to change your painkillers. It looks like that you are taking Codeine...that's a real constipator. Change to Tramadol...which is not that bad. Yes constipation is not that good for your system. Did you know that people can actually drop dead if they try to defecate when constipated.
3 :
Yes, it can eventually cause colon cancer. I'll try to look for the resource I read about it and post it, since you've asked this at least 3 times now. I'm not sure what kind of answer you are looking for. Ok here are three websites to read up on it: You can find more information by doing a search on "colon cancer and constipation" like I just did for you.
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