Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How serious is colon cancer and can it be treated if its at an early stage

How serious is colon cancer and can it be treated if its at an early stage?
From being a patient of colon ulser and after years of that you found out it has turn cancerous. Can that be treated after an operation if its still at early stage.
Cancer - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Colon cancer in an early stage that has not spread has a good prognosis.
2 :
if in its early stages, yes, that is why colonoscopies are so important, esp.after, I believe 40.
3 :
Colon cancer is one of the more serious cancers. It needs to be detected and treated early. Or else.
4 :
Colon cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the colon. Age and health history can affect the risk of developing colon cancer. Possible signs of colon cancer include a change in bowel habits or blood in the stool. Tests that examine the rectum, rectal tissue, and blood are used to detect (find) and diagnose colon cancer. Certain factors affect prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options.
5 :
my uncle died from it......not too scare you....He didnt catch early enough.....Your in an early stage so theres alot more medical things you can do im sure.....Talk to your Dr....My prayers are with you.....Best wishes
6 :
Serious enough to be one of the leading cause of cancer death in Singapore. In part due to lack of a high fibre diet, this can be fatal if not treated early. With early treatment there is a chance of survival. Have to watch diet thereafter. So seek treatment early otherwise there is not much the best doctor can do for you. Lost a family member to this disease. Did not diagnosed early enough and by then it was too late.
7 :
Try cancercenter.com or webmd.com for more info on colon cancer. Work closely with your doctor or oncologist. You may also find useful info and good suggestions in: Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Patrick Quillen How to Prevent & Treat Cancer with Natural Medicine - Murray et al. Good luck and God bless!
8 :
it can be treated if caught early... talk to your doctor only he can give you the answers you need since we have no idea what your chart says... once you have the info do a goolge search and get the info you need to get better.... hugs and kisses best of luck
9 :
Any cancer is serious, which is why the medical community stresses the importance of regular checkups in order to find cancer at an early stage, when it is most curable.Colon cancer can be cured if it is an early stage and has not spread to nearby organs or lymph glands.Find out more at webmd.com, or type in American cancer society for their website.Also, you can CALL the National Institutes of Health cancer hotline (find it on their website) to get up to the minute treatment options for any type of cancer.
10 :
Please check this 2 web addresses for coloncleansing and more
11 :
Colon cancer is an aggressive disease that is serious and deadly if left untreated. If found at an early stage, surgery can be curative and chemotherapy can improve the chances of cure depending on how advanced the cancer is. A consult with an oncologist should clarify the prognosis and treatment options. And there are a lot of information on the web regarding this disease. To clarify colon cancer screening: everyone after age 50 is advised to undergo colonoscopy to screen for this disease. But the screening should be earlier for those who have family members who have colon cancer before the age of 50.
12 :
Both my mom and grandmother were diagnosed with colon cancer. My moms' was detected early, she had surgery, and is in remission. My grandmothers' wasn't found so early, she had surgery and has a colostomy bag, as well as she takes chemo every week. God love her, she's doing wonderful. So, if caught early, your chances of being put into remission are very high. Good luck and best wishes to you.
13 :
Not to worry. Colon cancer in the early stages is usually able to be removed by removing the section of the colon that has a growth on it. My uncle just went through this and he has recovered well.
14 :
Yes, it can be treated after it's been found, even after later detection. The earlier the better. More than likely, from colon cancer, the patient will end up with an ostomy of some sort, so that you can still have a bowel movement and give your colon a rest if they are able to leave it in. Some cases of colon cancer call for the entire colon to be removed resulting in a permanent ostomy. Probably rounds of chemo and radiation will be the standard of care. If it is too late in the detection, the doctor may not do any of that. It just depends on the situation and the circumstances surrounding the disease. If you don't know what an ostomy is or the different types, you can do a google search for more complete information on it. I say if it helps save your life, then have at it!

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