Sunday, February 28, 2010

Im 15 what chance of getting colon cancer do i have

Im 15 what chance of getting colon cancer do i have?
I am 15 years old and I don't have a family history of cancer but i was worried about whether i have colorectal cancer.So what are my chances of getting colorectal cancer?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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At age 15? Almost 0. Basically unheard of.
2 :
This is a very weird thought, nywayz just stay away as much as possible from foods containing lots of fats or synthetic products like artificial colorings or flavors. Feel free to eat vegetables and low sugar conatining fruits. If u have continious visceral pain in lower abdomen its better to head to any healthcare facility for a check up.
3 :
It would be very rare for someone your age to get it, but it's smart to get a jump start on reducing your risks. People over 50 and having a family history are risk factors; also a diet low in fiber and in high in fats, a sedentary lifestyle, heavy alcohol use, smoking and diabetes. So exercise, eat a healthy, balanced diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, avoid high fat and fried foods, don't smoke, drink in moderation when you're old enough, and have yearly physicals. Hopefully technology will have improved by the time you're 50 so colon cancer screening will not involve getting a camera put up your butt.
4 :
You're still pretty young. I'm 46 and the doctors considered me young for it. Usually it doesn't begin to show up until after age 40-50, and even then I wouldn't be terribly worried if you don't have a family history and show no signs. Even if you are having symptoms, there are many different diseases that have similar symptoms. If that is the case, you should make an appointment with a gastrointerologist to have a colonoscopy done.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is colon cancer related to hpv or cervical cancer

Is colon cancer related to hpv or cervical cancer?
I am going for testing for abnormal cells found in my pap smear. this could be hpv or potentially cervical cancer. as far as i know i'm very healthy, but my mom died early from colon cancer. do i have something to worry about??
Cancer - 5 Answers
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I encourage you to not think the worst. This is a time when anxiety hits the roof, but depending on your age, and more, at times women have abnormal paps where there are no issues. I do not believe colon cancer has anything to do with this. I have a good friend that was in the same situation as you, that is, abnormal cells. They did a D&C, and a couple months repleted the pap and it was clear. Good luck to you. Now, take a deep breath for there is nothing you can do to change the situation today. Put your cares in God's hands and He will sustain you :-)
2 :
Colon cancer is not linked to HPV....however anal cancer is. Anal cancer is a type of cancer which arises from the anus, the distal orifice of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a distinct entity from the more common colorectal cancer. The etiology, risk factors, clinical progression, staging, and treatment are all different. Anal cancer is typically a squamous cell carcinoma that arises near the squamocolumnar junction.
3 :
Colon and cervical cancer are not related. HPV is associated with some cervical and anal/rectal cancers. Whether you are generally healthy or not has nothing to do with cancer. Abnormal pap smears are pretty common. Having one is cause to be cautious and followed by your doctor a little more closely, but it is not reason to be worried. Abnormal cells due to HPV can remain unchanged for long periods of time. They may also spontaneously regress and of course, they may also progress. This is why your doctor may want you to come in a little more often or have other tests until they return to normal.
4 :
Not really. Colon cancer appears to be caused by epigenetic changes in the colon cells due to a possible methionine/folic acid issue (Meat vs veg diet). As the genes protecting cells from cancer are silenced by too much methionine and not enough folic acid they are open to error production and mutation of other genes over time from exposure to (unknown) toxins in food. A small percentage of colon cancer is hereditary and some is related to p53 problems that may predispose to any cancer. But no. I'd say you're safe enough from both cancers
5 :
Your abnormal cells could be pre-cancerous cells, which can be easily treated with cryotherapy. I had that done years ago, have had normal pregnancies and healthy children since then, and have had no further recurrence.

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Do you think that breast milk could help colon cancer

Do you think that breast milk could help colon cancer?
Do you think that breast milk would be good for adults? Do you think that breast milk would be good in the treatment of colon cancer?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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No. Milk is milk.
2 :
Remember, colon cancer is caused by the divisions of mitotic cells, that means has nothing to do with breast milk, milk contains proteins to provide body with energy! I am sorry!
3 :
There is no reason to believe that it would - The immune componants that are conveyed to a baby through breast milk are for diseases the mother had - diseases that are caused by pathogens (i.e. germs)
4 :
I think a dr. would be the best bet.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How can i help a close freind his mother is dying from Colon cancer

How can i help a close freind his mother is dying from Colon cancer?
I have a friend since 7 years whose close to me and i don't know the best way or choose the best words to help him in his hard situation, his mother is about to die anytime due to late stage of cancer. I know no words can help, but i cant just watch without do anything, i keep calling and asking but still feel its not enough.
Cancer - 6 Answers
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Grieving families really don't know how to answer the question, "Is there anything I can do?" Also they don't want to bother you with their troubles. It's a natural reaction. Therefore, offer specific suggestions of things you can do for them. Maybe it's bring over a hot meal. Cooking is a chore when you're grieving. Offer to go to the store for them. Is there something you can do to help with the arrangements after she dies? Do they have a pet that might need caring for? Maybe come over and clean up the house or mow the lawn. If you know the family, I bet you can think of some things that might be appreciated. But beyond that... just be there for him. You don't have to talk... unless he wants to... just be there.
2 :
Actions often speak louder than words. Why not go over to your friend's house and visit with him? Just let him know that if there is anything he needs, to let you know. If he just wants to talk sometimes just sitting and listening is helpful. The poster above had some excellent ideas on what to do or bring to your friend. Anyone of these things would be very much appreciated. I like to suggest giving your friend a journal. Some people just don't like to talk about their feelings and would rather write them down. I hope this helps. Good luck.
3 :
There is really nothing that you can do to help in the immediate situation except to remain friends with him. He may be more focused on his mother right now, but you might offer to go to a movie with him or go for a walk somewhere so he gets out of the house. You really don't have to say anything other than that you are sorry . . but he already knows that you're sorry .. everyone is sorry, but that doesn't change the facts. Don't keep calling and asking if you can do anything because there isn't anything personally you can ever do . . just treat your friend normally as possible and be there for him 'if needed'.
4 :
Just be with your friend. If he's at the hospital, go there. If he's home, go there. Don't talk just be there.
5 :
What I would say truthfully is " I don't know what to say , but I am a good listener". That will help them let it all out.
6 :
Bowel Cancer Symptoms - Discover the Warning Signs That Could Save Your Life! by Melissa McKyler Bowel cancer symptoms include a wide range of undesirable signs, some of them include frequent and regular abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation. If these things are left untended one may even go as far as to experience bleeding in the anal orifice or hints of blood in the stool. Feelings of pain while defecating should also be given attention to as it can also be a sign of a developing tumor. Ways to Detect Colorectal Cancer by Tiffany Provost Colon or Colorectal cancer, is one of the leading contributors to cancer deaths in the US. This cancer, just like other cancers, must be caught early so that you can have it properly treated. Although the tests may be difficult and uncomfortable for you, it is most wise for you to be able to know early if you have colorectal cancer so you'll be able to do the necessary actions for you to survive. The Small and Mighty Acai Berry Fruit and Colon Cancer by Martin Willson There are many food supplements available in the market today, the manufacturers are praising to high heavens, the efficacy of their products in preventing colon cancer and are using the internet and other media to widen their advertisement but so far none of them could compete with the power of acai berries. Acai berry is the fruit of the acai palm tree which grows in the Brazilian Amazon forest. It is just as small as a purple marble or a grape but it is a mighty fruit; and has been acclaimed as the super food for its contributions to physical health and wellness. How Acai Berries Prevent Colon Cancer by Martin Willson Colon cancer is now the second leading cause of death in America; brought about by the kind of life style people are living which is detrimental to the health of the colon system. Just imagine your day-to-day encounter with all the pollutants in the environment and the kind of food you are eating. Foods you eat most likely obstruct your colon, making the organ unable to cleanse itself and can result to colon cancer. But there is a small round fruit, the acai berry, which studies have proven to be very effective in preventing colon cancer. Colon Cancer Treatments For Ages 50 and Under by Ric Bai If you think colon cancer only starts at 50, think again. Even though detection methods have improved and there has been a decline in this type of cancer in people over 50, recent studies have revealed that this type of cancer has risen in people between the ages of 20 to 29 by 5.9%. Bowel Cancer and a Positive Attitude by Roger Cuff We all know that a positive attitude is a good thing, but how does that apply to bowel cancer? We've all heard about the power of positive thinking. Having a positive attitude and so on. Drugs That Are Utilized to Treat Colon Cancer by Naomi West Colon cancer is one of the worst and most irritating cancers that you may hurt from. This is because it can be tough to discover it in its early level and even harder to keep it from gravely wounding someone's body. However, there are distinct treatments that are used to help keep it from distributing to essential organs in the body. Colon Cleansing - Cancer Prevention by G. A Allen Colon cleansing, can play an important role in a preventative programme for good colonic and general health. Individuals who are pro-active in seeking information, adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle, using screening facilities and practising prevention considerably reduce the risk of becoming a victim of bowel cancer. What Kind of Fat Does Colon Cancer Like? by Yanick Bertrand Ph.D. All fat are not equal, some are good, some are bad and some are straight ugly for colon cancer. Do you know the difference? Risk Factors in Bowel Cancer by Roger Cuff Eighty three percent of bowel cancers diagnosed are in people 60 years and over. What about the other seventeen percent? Are you aware of the risk factors? Read on and I'll try and help you stay out of that seventeen percent group. Colon Cancer Treatment Options by George Edmondson There are various forms of treatment available for colon cancer with high success rates. The earlier cancer is detected, the higher the survival rates are. Bowel Cancer - Early Detection by Roger Cuff Bowel cancer or colorectal cancer survival depends on a number of factors. Your best chance and the number one priority is early detection. Colon Cancer Signs, Symptoms and Methods of Treatment by Darrell D Price According to the latest facts, over 145,000 people are diagnosed with colon cancer symptoms each year. Colorectal is a cancerous condition that affects the organs of the digestive system and rectum. The body's primary digestive systems is made up of a large intestinal tract and colon. Colon Cancer by Mercy Maranga Colon cancer, also called colorectal cancer involves cancerous growths in the colon, rectum and the

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Friday, February 12, 2010

People with colon cancer what where your symptoms

People with colon cancer what where your symptoms?
I have pain in my tailbone and around it, it hurts only in the morning when sat on, or later in day if I flex my but muscles, I went to the doctor and he felt it and there is nothing not a bump or anything, he thinks it is weight or how tall I am and it is pressure on my tail bone I am 6,1 and 15, I weigh 245, does it sound like I have cancer? My mom and grandpa have degenerative spine problem, and my cousin John has to go to a Chiropracter, sorry for spelling.
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 : read this
2 :
I agree with Tom, go to the site. Also, no i don't think it's colon cancer, you don't have a bloody stool or nauseated, bloating etc. See that site , it's informative.
3 :
Bone pain or muscle pain usually isn't a sign of cancer. Maybe, and I mean maybe, nerve damage, but it's most likely a torn ligament. P.S. You don't feel for colon cancer. Doctors check it from your stool sample.

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Monday, February 8, 2010

How long does a person have left to live that has stage 4 colon cancer

How long does a person have left to live that has stage 4 colon cancer?
my stepdad had testing that indicated he has stage 4 colon cancer.
Cancer - 3 Answers
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Treatment for Stage 4 Colon Cancer Treatment for stage 4 colon cancer may require a surgical resection. In this procedure, a surgeon removes the section of the colon affected by the tumor and joins the remaining healthy sections together to form one long, healthy piece. The use of chemotherapy and/or radiation to treat stage 4 colon cancer varies depending on lymph node involvement, where the tumor went (i.e. the liver, lungs, ovaries, or stomach), and how it's attached. Survival Rate for Stage 4 Colon Cancer A lot of things can influence colon cancer survival rates. Stage is a major factor, but tumor location and country of residence have also been shown to impact survival. For example, a tumor in the right colon is often caught later because symptoms take longer to emerge, and in countries where early screening is relatively uncommon, tumors are caught later. Studies have also found that exercise may increase colon cancer survival rates. In general, approximately 8-15 percent of people with stage 4 colon cancer are still alive five years after their diagnosis. (Learn more about colon cancer survival rates.) good luck
2 :
it really depends, but one site i have gone to states that it is up to 2 years now. but it really depends on if it spreads, and if chemo and radiation are a option
3 :
How much change in behavior are they ready for?

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

If a young female who is 26 years old with colon cancer

If a young female who is 26 years old with colon cancer?
Had a Partial coloectomy and Stage 1 cancer. Does that means that she will need to wear a pouch where the stoma is? What if her symptoms were she constantly having diarreha about 10 to 20 times a day with blood and mucus? Does that means she still needs to wear a colostomy bag? If she does wears one, is it so big that is it visible? Please help.
Cancer - 3 Answers
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With a stage one, the colostomy may only be temporary & she may only need to wear it for a few months. It depends on if they got all the cancer out, but usually if there is no obstruction, it can be stopped. She should ask her MD but he'll probably say he has to "wait & see" because it may depend on future testing. The bag can be hidden by loose clothes, so you won't even know she is wearing a colostomy. The bags are not usually that big & they lie right on the skin, attached by an adhesive ring.If she watches her diet she can regulate her movements to only once a day. Have her work with a medical person who will be glad to teach her.Good luck.
2 :
She will not need a colectomy or need to wear a colostomy bag not even temporarily, unless the tumor is very low (near the anus) and with a stage 1 there would be no reason not to get it all. Only a small part of the colon is removed (a partial colectomy) and the two ends are attached to each other. Imagine cutting out a 6 inch section of a garden hose. Take that 6 inch piece away and connect the two good pieces together and then you can use it again. This person is very young to have colon cancer and usually when a young person gets an older persons cancer it is more dangerous. She is going to have to be followed closely the rest of her life. She should never miss a single colonoscopy and should see her doctor at the first signs of any symptoms she may get in the future.
3 :
If the cancer is definitely stage 1, then treatment is usually only removal of the tumour. No chemo or radiation. However, if it's stage 2, then chemo is possible. The chemo for colon cancer is not as bad for other cancers, and it is common for one not to lose their hair. Once the cancer is treated, it is most likely that the symptoms will ease. I personally had pain, bleeding and constipation, and they all disappeared after. With regards to colostomy, it depends where the tumour is. If it is very low down, i.e. in your rectum, then it's possible. But otherwise, doctors try to avoid it. Again, unless it's in your rectum, if you do need to have one it is usually temporary. I had one for 8 months after my colectomy, and then it was reversed. That allowed time for the wound to heal. I can't tell from your question whether it's a what if there is a stoma, or if you're saying there already is a stoma. Obviously, if there is a stoma already, then of course she would need to wear a bag. The problem with a stoma is that you have no control over its output, and it just works on its own. So you need to keep a pouch on it at all times. The actual bag is not very visible. I was able to wear most of my clothes, apart from very tight ones. It was only when it was full it was possible to see a bulge. So I ensured it was empty all the time. It takes some getting used to, but trust me, it's possible. At first I was repulsed by it, and then by the end, it was like brushing my teeth!

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Monday, February 1, 2010

What is stage 4 colon cancer

What is stage 4 colon cancer?
I just found out my cousins had surgery for tumor in his colon that is probably cancer and probably stage 4, they also had found spots on his liver. What is the prognosis if this is cancer and it has spread to the liver. They are already planning chemo.
Cancer - 8 Answers
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This site has information.
2 :
Stage 4 is the worst, Its inoperable. My uncle just died from it a month ago.
3 :
Im sorry to tell you this is a death sentance my sister died of colon cancer so i do speak from expriance make the most you have of the time you have left with your cousin i am very sorry that you have to deal with something like this i know how hard it is
4 :
This the worst
5 :
I'm sorry to hear of your cousin's diagnosis. You need to be a good friend to them in this hour of need and be helpful to their family during this period of transition. Don't waste time or money searching for miracle cures in alternative medicine. You will just be given false hope and will waste precious time you could spend with your cousin, besides wasting a lot of money. The chemo will slow down the cancer and hopefully give some more time, but the liver mets mean a grim ultimate prognosis. source of info - my brother's passing from colon cancer
6 :
Stage IV Colon Cancer Following surgical removal of colon cancer, a stage IV (D) colon cancer is said to exist if the final evaluation shows that the cancer has spread to distant locations in the body, which may include the liver, lungs, bones, or other sites. A variety of factors ultimately influence a patient̢۪s decision to receive treatment of cancer. The purpose of receiving cancer treatment may be to improve symptoms through local control of the cancer, increase a patient̢۪s chance of cure, or prolong a patient̢۪s survival. The potential benefits of receiving cancer treatment must be carefully balanced with the potential risks of receiving cancer treatment.
7 :
Stage 4 is bad, but luckly you have the reincarnation =) if you have cancer i'd take like Propax with NT factor that will reduce chemo fatugiue by 69% Poly-MVA is the most powerfulest anti aging/anti stroke, anti cancer supplement know to man that i know of your lucky it can reverse and cure stage 4 cancer in 28% of pateints it straves the cancer cells and enhances your immune system, converts the free radicals generated from the cancer to fuel for the body, causes spontous cancer cell death. eat very very very healthy deit is directly related to how long you live, maxuimize your antioxidantrs and pytochemmicals from plants grape seed extract is good CoQ10
8 :
The worst. My Grandfather has stage 4 of lung cancer

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