Friday, December 28, 2012

Did I hear correctly today when Robin was talking to Anna, Does or did Robert Scorpio have colon cancer

Did I hear correctly today when Robin was talking to Anna, Does or did Robert Scorpio have colon cancer?
Today they were talking and Robin was saying life was short and things unexpected and... since her father had colon cancer. Did I miss something, does or did he have it, has he died, is that why Anna was away? Does he have it in real life (the actor) or is it just in the show? I don't get to follow the night show, so I guess I miss out.
Soap Operas - 9 Answers
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He has colon cancer. They have been following the story on GH's Night Shift. He's not dead. He's been getting treatment at GH. Anna didn't know because Robert didn't want Robin to tell her. He didn't want her to see him that way.
2 :
Yes Robert is battling colon cancer right now on GH:Night Shift.Anna just found out this week. Just seen your edit and no he does not have it in real life but I believe his father battled this nasty disease.
3 :
He has colon cancer but if you don't watch GH NIGHT SHIFT it is not common knowledge to those only watching GH.
4 :
On General Hospital: Night Shift, the character, Robert Scorpio has colon cancer. Robin has been taking care of her father on Night Shift, and he is even living with her. At first, Robert didn't want Anna to know that he had cancer, so Robin kept her father's illness a secret from Anna but,on this week's episode, Robert had to have emergency surgery and Robin couldn't take it anymore and told Anna. And the 3 of them had a wonderful reunion on Night Shift. It was a good week for the Scorpio's. Plus, Robert and Robin have been having a lot of wonderful father-daughter chats on Night Shift and their scenes are gold. It's too bad they aren't telling the story on General Hospital. Last year I didn't have Soapnet and this year I do, and I'm finding that I'm actually liking Night Shift better than GH right now. The writing is much better. And, if you are a long time viewer like me, than you would also enjoy seeing Jagger Cates back, with his son, Stone Cates (who knew there would ever be another Stone Cates?).
5 :
Robert does have colon cancer, he is only showed on GH:Night Shift.
6 :
yes robert scorpio does have colon cancer.
7 :
According to ABC soaps in Depth that came out today, Robert is going to die. I hope this is not the case. I would love, love, love to see him back on GH and in some adventures with Luke.
8 :
I swear to God they'd better not kill Robt Scorpio off.EP Guza's an idiot if he gets rid of this character especially in light of the fact that if Scorpio dies it will send a wrong/bad message to viewers. Many people won't even bother going to the doctor for a check up for something like that or get treatment.If Guza is smart he'll have Robert be cured and live happily ever after.
9 :
On GH Night shift Robert is in the hospital with colon cancer and a brain tumor. He is alive and has already had the brain surgery but is still battling the colon cancer. He does not have it in real life.

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Monday, December 24, 2012

Does eating curry prevent colon cancer, alzheimers and obesity

Does eating curry prevent colon cancer, alzheimers and obesity? if thats true then why some in America make fun of indians who eat curry. They call them names like "nasty curry eater" Whats so nasty about it? Its just a food in some asian cultures.
Diet & Fitness - 1 Answers
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Curry contains turmeric, which is a wonder spice. I used it generously. But the best way to prevent colon cancer, according to the American Cancer Society, is to stay fit and eat more fiber and less meat. Eating Lots of Red Meat Linked to Colon Cancer If you search online medical sites, you'll also see there's a red meat connection to Alzheimer's and a clear link to obesity. Probably the biggest benefit of the Indian diet is that much of it is vegetable-based.

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

I think i have colon cancer n im only 17

I think i have colon cancer n im only 17?
why do i think i have colon cancer is bc i got a few question about something n i need help ok first i havent had bowel movements for 3 days i took stoll softern but they didnt work i have so much cramping in my lower part of my body n i cant even fart idk what it is it hurts so bad i think i mite need a colon thing but idk yet what do u guys think i should do
Cancer - 5 Answers
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First, DON'T PANIC!!! Secondly, see a doctor or go to the ER. Your chances of having colon cancer are slim to none, but it sounds like you have an issue that should be treated by a physician. Don't mess with it -- go in and get looked at.
2 :
Go to see a doctor immediately.
3 :
You need to see a doctor.. if you don't have a BM soon you can be in major trouble. Since a stool softener didn't work, it would be in your best interest to be checked. You may have a twisted intestine and forcing your stool may induce a ruptured intestine. Seek medical attention as soon as possible.
4 :
i recommend you don't panic and visit your doctor. you can second guess all day but you won't know for sure until someone qualified checks you over. chances are it's something simple
5 :
It sounds to me like you are impacted. This can be very serious because when stool stays in the colon or any part of the intestine, it can cause a type of poison. Remember, stools are the bad part of food that can't be digested and is eliminated. Before you panic, eat some prunes or drink prune juice. this works better than stool softeners. I know a lot of people don't like prunes or the juice but it's better than becoming toxic to your body. You will have to see a Dr if this goes on any longer. It becomes painful, your abdomen becomes distended as well. Colon cancer is usually in found in people over 40 but nothing is impossible. I wish you the best, Hope everything comes out all right for you. (No pun intended)

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Colon cancer with liver badly effected

Colon cancer with liver badly effected?
my husband is 47 has colon cancer with the liver totally covered with mets and the stomach and the lung but not covered like the lung is,, he is startin cemo and raidiation , can someone tell me how long he can live with this dennis my email is could u send me any info you have on this desease pls,
Cancer - 6 Answers
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1 :
well i cant tell you i dont have a crystal ball. dont want one neither.. arg... seriously this is very sad all suffering sucks cancer sucks suffering sucks why WOULD GOD CREATE ALL FLESH TO SUFFER FOR plus the cops... thats so young .. JESUS PRAY FOR YOU TWO..
2 :
Very hard to say. It depends on how he resonds to the chemo treatments obviously. Many people have been in that type of situtation, and fully beatin the cancer. His doctor can give him a more accurate prognosis. But I wish you the best of luck.
3 :
Hang in there. Don't lose hope. Tell everyone you know to pray for him. Many people don't want to tell anyone for fear of unwanted sympathy. That's the wrong approach. You need help from as many people as you can get. I'll start here for you. I'm 46 and found out two months ago I have rectal cancer. I've got allot of people praying for me and I feel better just knowing that. Stay positive and keep him positive. You will feel a change. Everything happens for a reason and out of every thing that seems negative, comes a positive. It's the way of the world. Regardless of the outcome you should know that something good will come from your ordeal. God Bless.
4 :
There is no way of telling you this. It depends on his response to the chemo and radiation, his will to live,his overall general health before he got ill, his daily nutrition - all of these contribute to how long or how short his lifespan will be. His physician is your best resource on this.
5 :
I am so sorry, what a terrible situation. People are sometimes well-meaning by trying to make you feel better, but I believe people deserve the best information possible whether it be good or bad. IĆ¢€™m sorry to say many people do not survive this situation. It is very rare that they do. His oncologist has all the information needed to give you the best answer, but from 50 years of keeping cancer data we know the 5 year survival rate for stage 4 colon cancer is 5%. How well your husband does will depend on how well he responds to treatment. Best wishes to you both.
6 :
I'm so sorry that your husband is so sick. My family is going through a similar scenario. My brother found out he had cancer 2 weeks before Xmas. He was deer hunting in Nov. and today all he can do is go to the bathroom and go to bed. He has cancer in his lungs, brain, spine, and lymphatics. He went through 10 treatments of radiation and will be starting chemo pretty soon. You will have to ask your husbands oncologist if you want to know his true prognosis. Some people don't want to know. Two oncologists told my brother's wife that they expect he has 3 months left. She won't tell him since I don't think he wants to know. He never asks. He thinks he is going to beat it and we let him think that. If you do a search on cancer, I'm sure you can find a ton of information on it. I would start by looking on Wikipedia. My father died from stomach cancer. My prayers go out for your husband. I hope the treatments really work for him.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Colon cancer question

Colon cancer question?
Ok so my friend has colon cancer stage three and is going through chemo therapy right now. Are the chances good that she'll be okay? it didn't spread at all. thanks.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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I am sorry to tell you, but if it is stage 3 it has spread to the lymph nodes. At least 12 nodes should have been examined to have a good idea of involvement. Tumor grade and whether or not the colon was perforated also play a part in prognosis, but generally stage 3 has a 5 year survival rate of 50-75% depending on which stage 3 it is.
2 :
Very easy to find this data on the internet We don't know the nodal status - N1,N2,N3 It would also help to know the histology - the tumor grade by appearance. The size of the primary and the location in the colon would help too. With the very limited information you have - an extremely rough guess would be in the 50/50 range or 40/60 or 60/40 that she will be OK five years from now. Heck, we don't even know her age. That also matters. Her medical oncologist should be explaining these statistics, and he or she has all of the necessary information we don't have here. Added note - Excellent answer by Denisedds It's frustrating for those of us who are medical professionals to not have the information we need to provide a good answer.

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Colon cancer - is it rare among teenagers

Colon cancer - is it rare among teenagers?
I'm currently experiencing pain in my stomach. I always thought of gas, but it doesn't seem to go away. I'm not losing any weight, and I'm not losing my appetite. However, last night, I had a loose bowel movement and found a rich blood in my stool. I'm really worried. What could this be?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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i dont know but last week i was wiping my butt and there was some blood coming out
2 :
You should go and see your doctor. Colon cancer is rare in teens (more common if other people in your family had colon cancer in their younger years). The way you describe your symptoms, it could be many different things, from simple gastroenteritis to constipation/impaction to hernia to many other problems. It could also be a simple polyp that could easily be removed. Go to your doctor and get checked out.
3 :
You have hemorrhoids as indicated by the bright red blood. This is due to the typical crappy American diet that is low in fiber and fluids and high in greasy food. Start eating an apple every day, a bowl of oatmeal or other whole grain cereal, a half cup of raisins, and drink tons of water. Add a fiber supplement if necessary. Soon your bowel problems and stomach aches will be a thing of the past. If your rhoids are really painful right now then soak your rear in hot water 3-4 times daily to shrink them up and use Preparation H as directed. However changing your diet to add more fiber and fluid intake is what will really cure this all too common problem. good luck
4 :
It does happen, but it's not very common. I was 20 when I was diagnosed. However, blood in your stool should never be ignored, so go and see your doctor asap rather than ignoring it. Make sure you tell him everything, and if anyone in your family has had colon cancer.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What causes colon cancer

What causes colon cancer?
Me and my dad were arguing about it the other day because I was confident that severe constipation over time could cause colon cancer.
Cancer - 6 Answers
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a bad colon
2 :
I would say eating a lot of red meat, because it doesn't digest well, and it stays in the colon for a long time, and during so it rots over a period of time
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4 :
That is a good question - I had colon cancer and so did my sister in-law, I am alive she sadly died age 56. I didn't necessarily lead a healthy life, I used to smoke, and ate practically anything, although was always slim and active. I went to the doctor as soon as I noticed a change in bowel movement and luckily the Doc. sent me for blood tests and a Colonoscopy, the latter showed signs of cancer and it was so, after the result of the biopsy came back, I had the Op by keyhole surgery, later on Chemo and now I am as fit as can be at 65. Sadly my sister in-law tried all sort of things like herbal stuff from a qualified herbalist and after months and months went at long last to the doctor. Well to make it short it was way too late, and she suffered a horrible death. So never neglect anything which isn't normal, whether it be constipation or the opposite just check it out with the doctor. there are numerous, natural ways to cure constipation. Why put up with it???
5 :
Roman is correct, its caused by a diet heavy in meat products. See this link.
6 :
though colon cancer can be caused by many ways it can be heretertary or it can be caused by fruits and vegetables with chemicals they were sprayedfor example cucumbers and apples have a thin wax coating so is best to peal all fruits in stores they sell a wash to get wax or chemicals off yet they know the chemical intake lotsa fish in salt water all have low doses of mercurywhile fresh water fish raised in ponds are fed antibioticsas well as all chickens cows and turkeys and pork not to long ago on news it showed farmers gave live stock 10 kinds of antibiotics why to grow them faster in 3 weeks a turkey or chicken is ready for market steroids are used too think what it does to usin soft drinks you get kidney stones caused by drinks on oprah a question was asked what meat was eat the most worldly the answer is goat i have ate it and its goodits a shame our nation releyson other countrys foods how do we kbow its inspectedtry this take a piece of meat put in coke leave over night in it next day meat is eatten by coke bye the acidsmany foods have dyes that cause cancers

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

What is colon cancer like

What is colon cancer like?
how is dying from colon cancer? is it painful?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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There are several stages. When it is advanced you will have a lot of pain and can only be helped by strong narcotics.
2 :
colon cancer is horrible, my aunt had it. you get TERRIBLE stomach pains like every single day and sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night and start throwing up blood. it's a truly terrible disease
3 :
I'm pretty sure there isn't a cancer you can die from without pain, so yeah, colon cancer is painful.

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