Friday, August 28, 2009

Long Term And Short Term effects of Colon Cancer

Long Term And Short Term effects of Colon Cancer?
Hi, What are long term and short term effects of colon cancer. If you could provide a source it would be great if not its fine. Thank You.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
Shane, I was diagnosed with colon cancer seventeen years ago! I had surgery to remove the tumor ... and another 14 inches or so of intestine. I did not require chemo or radiation. My mother had colon cancer when she in her early 80s and passed away at 96. An uncle of mine had his surgery for colon cancer around the same time I did ... and he's still alive and kickin'. If the cancer is detected early enough ... that is, if it hasn't spread to the liver and beyond, I think a person has a good chance of long life in good health. I highly recommend colonoscopy for anyone who has symptoms such as narrowing stool or blood in stool. I can only speak for my own experience (and family history) - I hope this information will be helpful to you.
2 :
The American Cancer Society provides great resources for patients. I've included the link to their information on colon cancer below. Take a look there for accurate, reliable information.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

I know colon cancer runs in the family, and my dad had full blown cancer. What are the chances I'll have it to
I know I have to have a colostomy 10 years earlier than I would have usually had to, so at 40. But what are the chances I'll get colon cancer? Is there a percentage, or is it unknown? I know nothing about it. I'd just like to know, I guess.
Cancer - 12 Answers
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1 :
go see your family dr and check wit him/her
2 :
Your children will have the higher chance of getting it.
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if you get any polyps removed that will decrease that chance by a large margin then be monitored every so often as ordered.
4 :
just get regular, more than regular check ups and eat well, and stay as healthy as you can. also, look up some foods that thwart cancer cells, i think tangerine peels have been in the news that will protect us from certain cancers.
5 :
Well, look at it this way: Your chances are WAY higher than someone without a family history of colon cancer. Cancer is part genetics and part behavior, so you can make a difference in your chances - with colon cancer. Make sure to eat the recommended amounts of fiber each day or as many days as you can, eat fruits, vegetables, and yogurt (for the healthy bacteria) to keep your colon healthy, drink lots of water, basically follow a healthy diet to keep your digestive system healthy. There is no guarantee you won't get cancer, but your odds will be a lot better than if you DIDN'T do those things AND you have the family history you have....
6 :
I think you mean colonoscopy, Get one scheduled. If the first one is clean you should be ok. If you have polyps they will remove them and you will need follow up exams. Stick to your DR's advice regarding exams and you will be ok.
7 :
I hope you never have to have a colostomy, but you can reasonably expect colonoscopies in your future. The good news is that, caught early, colon cancer is extremely treatable. The chances that you will get some form of cancer in your lifetime are quite a bit higher than they would be without the family history. We should all lead our lives in a way that does not encourage cancers. You have the added incentive of a bad family history. I've included some ideas that research indicates may help prevent colon cancer.
8 :
This is something to talk with your doctor about. Diet, proper nutrition and exercise & not smoking/quitting smoking are going to be key for you regardless. Because of your family history, you may need to be tested more frequently, but my understanding is that genotyping can tell a bit more accurately whether you have the cancer gene or not. But the reality is that even people without a family history of colon cancer also get it... and the largest parts of it are attributable to bad diet with lots of meat, obesity and lack of exercise. A colostomy should only be necessary if you develop cancer...and not all of them are permanent... it depends in part on how much of the large intestine is removed. For more and more people, colon cancer is curable with early detection.
9 :
The chances of you getting cancer are higher for you because of the family history. That is not to say for sure you will get colon cancer. You may get another type of cancer and it could be treatable. There is a chance you won't get cancer at all but with a family history like your you probably will get some form of cancer. My grandmother died of stomach cancer at age 34, my cousin died at age 43, I also lost 2 uncles to cancer. I have an Aunt and a cousin who both had cancer but got treatment. My cousin had kidney cancer 25 years ago and is still cancer free 25 years later. She was 24 when she got it. But you can't live your life worrying about getting cancer. Just live in the present and don't worry about the future and what might happen. Enjoy your life!!!!
10 :
I think you mean a colonoscopy, inspection of your colon (don't do a sigmoidoscopy, that doesn't look at the entire colon). There is a heighten risk. But you know that and you know what to do about it. It's difficult to say without knowing what kind of colorectal cancer your dad has. The site I've included below has a good explanation. Be sure to eat fruits and vegetables, exercise, reduce stress, stop smoking if you do, and be as fit as you can be. Please provide all the support you can to your dad. He needs it now. He has the problem, you just have a future risk that may never come. Talk to your doctor about your question. He should be able to provide more information to you.
11 :
My surgeon has recommended that my children have their first colonoscopy when they are 10 years younger than the age I was when I was diagnosed. So if your Dad was diagnosed at 40yrs, you should have your first colonoscopy at 30yrs of age. Of course if you show any symptoms whatsoever, eg. blood in the stool, change of bowel habit, go get a check up. No-one can predict if you will develop cancer. Just be aware of the symptoms that's all. In a way you are lucky. You have this advantage over many other people who don't know what to look for and may put off going to the doctor till it's too late. So please don't worry about it too much. It may never happen anyway.
12 :
I think you mean a colonoscopy. I also had a father with cancer, who had to have a colostomy. Therefore, I have a colonoscopy every 3 years. So far, all they have ever found have been polyps, which they removed. Polyps are usually what will turn into cancer if left to grow. Just make sure you have a colonoscopy every 3 years, or whatever interval your doctor recommends.

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

What are the symptoms of 'Colon Cancer

What are the symptoms of 'Colon Cancer'?
I know i can ask that question to a Doctor but i'm a little too curious to know it. Because I've got a feeling that I might have colon cancer. pls, reply soon!
Cancer - 2 Answers
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when your stool is black that means you have blood in your stool , but it can be a different illness too like a ulzer when it is bleeding, so really the only thing you have to do is the colon test to see if you have it or not
2 :
Symptoms of colon cancer can include: blood (bright red or black flecks) or mucus in the stool changes in bowel habits (diarrhoea, constipation or both) which lasts more than six weeks the feeling of still having to go to the toilet even after having emptied the bowels pain or discomfort in the stomach area (colicky pain, cramps, or tenderness) unexplained weight loss extreme tiredness (this may be due to bleeding) a lump in the abdomen However, these symptoms may well be due to other causes. The most common cause for bleeding, for example, is piles. Visit your doctor; if s/he has cause for concern s/he will refer you for tests.

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

What STORE can i get a colon cancer silicon bracelet

What STORE can i get a colon cancer silicon bracelet ?
What store can i get the colon cancer bracelet .. like the blue silicon kind ? somewhere like maybe target ? cvs ? walmart ? i need a STORE because im not old enough to have credit cards thanks
Cancer - 1 Answers
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Merchants and stores do not generally 'sell' silicon bracelets because the bracelets are non-profit or FUNDRAISERS for the cancer charities. A colon cancer silicon bracelet may or may not be found at a colon cancer support foundation . . most cancer organizations are not as well organized or commercially available as all the 'pink ribbon' merchandising for breast cancer. Be carefully about 'buying' this type of merchandise . .as your money may never even go to support colon cancer . . it may just line the pockets of whoever is selling it.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How young is too young to have colon cancer

How young is too young to have colon cancer?
I am 28 year old , female. I have 4 symptons of colon cancer. the symptons that I have is Constipation, thin stools, stomach cramps, Hematochezia (Bloody Stool) could I be at risk. I also have colon cancer in my family .
Cancer - 4 Answers
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Sounds like IBS to me. See your Doctor, I have all of those and its IBS, but bloody stools can be a small tear in your bum, i have that!
2 :
Everyday, people are discovering they have cancer at younger and younger ages. The old advice to not worry about it until you're 40 or 50 is just not good advice any more. During my cancer treatment, I saw very young women - some in their teens, being treated for everything from colon and bladder cancer to breast cancer (usually thought to be an "older woman's disease). With those symptoms, insist on getting tested as soon as possible. The earlier the detection, the better the chances. Don't wait.
3 :
Yes you could. Go to the MD and get yourself checked out. Especially with a history of it in your family. If everything comes out normal, get yourself to an acupuncturist/herbalist. They have tools that will be able to help with all of these conditions, and maybe ward off cancer in the future. There is no doubt that you have a predisposition.
4 :
If there is a history of colon cancer in your family then you should have your first colonoscopy 10 yrs before the age the person was diagnosed. Depending on your family history you may already be overdue for a colonoscopy. Due to our family history my 13 yr old ds, my 17 yr old neice and my 19, 22 and 26 yr old kids and 26 yr old neice and my 21 yr old nephew, have all had colonoscopy's this year. Call your doctor now.

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

When colon cancer spread to the liver, what is it called then

When colon cancer spread to the liver, what is it called then?
when colon cancer spreads to the liver, what is it called?
Other - Health - 5 Answers
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metastatic disease
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metastatic colon cancer & probably liver cancer
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metastatic cancer of the liver or colon
4 :
All cancer is the same. The different names refers to the area it got it's first start. So, colon cancer that spreads to the liver is still colon cancer.
5 :
When a type of cancer originates in one area and moves into another or grows to a point and becomes "metastatic" it is called by the original site of the cancer. So in this case, it is colon cancer that has moved into the liver so genetically speaking, it is still "colon cancer". The cells have moved on and multiplied and traveled from of the orignal site to new places in the body. Another example is lung cancer that may move to the breast or liver, or vise versa, it is still ok to call it by the original site or organ it has invaded. Many times if left unchecked it ends up in the bones, so you could also say it has metastisized into bone cancer. I won't bore you with genetic addresses but basically research has progressed to a point that each cell is given a name and stage as it divides and multiplies. Research has found genetic addresses in the DNA where the cells originate. When genes in the DNA have been altered or damaged genetically they cause the immune system to faulter. It takes two perfect genes to fight off 1 cancer gene. This is how cancer starts and spreads. It attacks the weaker gene and starts its mutation of the cell and eventually turns into a tumor and kills healthy cells to the point where ther organ fails if not caught in time. Progression points (markers) have been named as we know, stage 1,2,3,4, and so on depending on how far the cancer has spread and size of the tumor margins for each type of cancer etc. In some cases when the cells invade past the margin of the tumor, it has become insitu,, and spread to lymph nodes we now have a new road for the cancer to spread through the blood stream into the lymph system that can go any place it so chooses into in the body with no way for us to know exactly what direction it will take. It pretty much has a mind of its own. This is why medicine has developed so many different kinds of Chemo therapy and radiation treatments to deal with the patients personal cancer battle plan. Hope this all helps, best wishes!

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What can I do to comfort my dog that has colon cancer

What can I do to comfort my dog that has colon cancer?
My dogs 13 and she was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. about a month ago she had trouble haveing a bowel movement so im giving her stool softeners to ease the pain. what other things can I do to comfort her in her last weeks to months like favorite foods or giving her more attention..
Cancer - 4 Answers
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Why don't you take her to the vet? Either for treatment, pain meds, or to end her suffering?
2 :
Painful as it may be to you Brian, think of the dog's pain. It's time to take her to the vet and end her pain. It's one of the toughest things a loving pet owner ever has to do but, it's the most loving thing the loving owner ever does. Good luck to you.
3 :
what you should do is NOT post a dog question in the section for human suffering. It looks a bit stupid and is offensive. Try the pets section.
4 :
My cat of 17 years suffered like this, and I decided that the best thing to do was to have her veterinarian end her suffering humanely. I hope that you and your vet are working together on this, and that your dog is at the very least getting some medication for pain management. As hard as it can be, there is a time to let go and you may be near that now from the sound of things. Best of luck to you both.

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Saturday, August 1, 2009

My uncle have colon cancer he is suffering from leg pain is readiation works

My uncle have colon cancer he is suffering from leg pain is readiation works?
my uncle have colon cancer past 4years . he operate the tumor and he did chemo as well but its spreaded to lungs and liver. Now he is suffering from leg pain its started swelling .He is having lump in leg (joint of pelvis and leg)both side Doctor suggested todo the radiation to reduce the size of lump and pain .Is it work or it will give some side effect.he is geting confused whether he need to take the radiation or not.pls give me a advice.And his abdomn also getting swell.Is this the final stage?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Listen, I could just say everything will be OK... But I think you want me to be honest... If the cancer has spread to his lungs and liver, then he has very little time left, and there is very little that can be done now. I also suspect he probably already knows this... In short, please spend as much time as you can with your uncle right now.... I am sad to say that he probably will not be around much longer with you... Im very sorry... Good Luck..
2 :
The doctor has suggested radiation to help your uncle feel more comfortable, he would not have offered this treatment if he did not think that it would be somewhat effective. Radiation therapy has some side effects, including a skin reaction similar to a sunburn, and fatigue. Considering that the cancer has spread to distant parts of his body, he is, unfortunately, nearing the end. He (and your family) needs to weigh the importance of the treatmet and his quality of life with his desire to go to the hospital for treatments every day.
3 :
Your uncle doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t want to do, but in my experience radiation can be very effective for pain control and what little, if any, side effects he may have will be nothing compared to the pain he is suffering now. Radiation given strictly for pain control is not the same as radiation given to cure the cancer this is why he may not have any or very minor side effects. I think he should give it a try. If he doesn’t like it or it isn’t helping he can stop whenever he wants to. Yes he is in the final stage and he is dying. He should not have to suffer in his final days. Best of luck to you both.

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