Sunday, June 28, 2009

Can you die from colon cancer

Can you die from colon cancer?
I have recently found out that someonw has colon cancer. They have said they are dying and have almost died recently from it, is this possible? If so how long before it happens? What can be doen?
Other - Health - 8 Answers
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1 :
yes, colon cancer is a very common cause of death.
2 :
Yes, many people have died from it. It depends on how long the person had it before it was diagnosed, for one thing. Sometimes surgery helps, but if it is too far advanced, sometimes nothing can be done. Chemotherapy and radiation may be tried, but often the person dies anyway.
3 :
Yes, unfortunately you can die of colon cancer. It all depends on what stage your friend is in, if and how it has spread, and even their frame of mind. The best thing you can do is educate yourself-go to and comfort your friend. Spend time with them when they need company, give them things to temporarily distract them, watch DVD's with them, maybe download some music for their IPod, bring them flowers, send cards, email, etc. Also, be conscious of the fact that they might not want to speak with or see anyone and might even develop weird phobias as a result of the disease or the medication they're taking, so try not to take things personally.
4 :
I wish you were joking, but I know you're not. That is one of the leading causes of death today. There is no "age limit", and it's a horrifying prayers are with the person who is ill and I hope you will be able to offer some comfort to them.
5 :
Yes colon cancer does kill. Their doctor is the one that can give them the best prognosis based on their condition and the spread of the cancer. For more information see the following websites
6 :
Yes a person can die of colon cancer. It is a cancer like any other. The cancer is usually removed surgically. Sometimes part of the colon is removed and the ends sewn back together. Chemotherapy and radiation may be used if the cancer has spread. No one can predict how long a person will live with cancer. And if it has metastized or spread, it will destroy other parts of the body.
7 :
Yes, colon cancer can lead to death. I don't know what they mean when they told you they almost died from it recently; it sounds as if they've already gone through chemothreapy or radiation. Both of those treatments take alot out of a person physically (there's a saying that the treatment is worse than the cure), in which case there are times when they are miserable and feel as if they're dying. As for how long it takes before someone dies - there's no telling. Personally I had a loved one survive 22 years after the initial diagnosis and put up a good fight. Another friend died after 1 year; but he did not receive treatment until it was too late - didn't think it could happen to him; it all depends on at what stage the cancer was detected. The point is - seek treatment. Also, all doctors are different, always get a second opinion if you are not comfortable with that doctor. Finally, please check what insurance they have. Although they will not admit it, some insurance carriers will delay approving a given treatment for as long as possible - they don't make money by paying out on a policy - if they tell you no or take too long, give them a call and have them justify this decision (put them on the spot). It's unfortunate, but that's the way things are. Good luck.
8 :
Colon cancer is typically about 50% fatal, usually treated with surgery and chemotherapy and sometimes radiation. Also many people with the cancer can have it removed, and it may reoccur within the next five years. If detected early, prognosis is fairly good, at least with treatment that 50% can expect to live another few years. But many people don't seek treatment, even if they are bleeding profusely when they use the toilet/ A co-worker's friend never sought treatment until she could no longer get out of bed or take care of basic hygeine, she had colon cancer and died in 2 weeks after seeing the doctor. My mother had colon cancer 11 years ago, and had surgery to remove part of her colon. It reoccurred about 6 years ago, had more surgery, but she is still surviving but has some digestive probs due to not much colon.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Could I have a Possible Colon Cancer Symptom

Could I have a Possible Colon Cancer Symptom?
I have a sharp kind of pain that is just to the left of my bellybutton where your colon is and it's not always there. Sometimes it's not then all of a sudden it comes on again. I get constipated alot. Could this pain be a symtom of colon cancer if not what else could it be? I am 20 years old I feel i shouldnt be constipated all the time? P.S. I drink lots of water, eat lots of fiber, and get alot of exercise?
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
I would see your Physician but normally the first sign is blood in the stool or bloating in your lower abdomen. Your problem could be one of many things, excess gas in the lower intestine plus many other things.
2 :
i would definitly go to the doctor if its bothering you.......the only way to tell is to get a colonoscopy

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Can beer help or hurt colon cancer

Can beer help or hurt colon cancer?
Seriously, I have a friend, diagnosed with colon cancer over a year ago. He is 62, has had chemo, surgery, radiation, but still continues to drink beer, several cans daily. Do you think he is hurting his chances for survival?
Cancer - 6 Answers
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1 :
It will hurt it. See, his body is fighting something terrible and he needs his organ function to do just that. NOT process alcohol, which will put unnecessary strain on his liver which is the body's "filter".
2 :
Beer is not good for you period. Beer has never been good for anybody. After all, it was a concoction brewed by Germans, who hate everyone. Henry Anslinger was the one who wanted to push Beer sales in America to kill off minority groups with all of the health problems associated with Beer. He made marijuana illegal because he said that it made "darkies" feel like they were as good as white men. This racist also pushed tobacco sales and said that they would make the American economy grow. Now studies cant even find how marijuana is harmful if it is used through a butane free vaporizer since it isn't actually being smoked. Bottom line: Stay away from Germans and Beer. Reference in source
3 :
Depends on what "several cans of beer" really means. At 62 this man is a mature adult. He can ask his oncologist whether or not several cans of beer is hindering his recovery. If he is a drunk and drinking beer all day then my response would be different but if a couple beers gives him the quality of life that makes life good for him personally, unless his oncologist says this is a problem, this is his choice as an adult, risk or no risk. I am friends with a woman who smoked all the way through her multiple treatments for stage three colon cancer. Yes it was stupid and I told her so, but for her the cigarettes were what made her life complete. She survived just fine despite her smoking. I have a relative right now with stomach cancer who drinks a few drinks very day. Not smart at all but that is how things work in real life when you are dealing with human beings. In real life the absolutes of what might be truly best for a person are often much less important than the simple things that the person with cancer might hold dear. Some people will refuse chemotherapy because they do not want to lose their hair. This does not make sense either but humans are complicated creatures.
4 :
beer helps nothing. red wine can help the liver and other organs in moderation
5 :
Radiation for colon cancer is rare unless the cancer has spread. Maybe he knows his chances, and has decided to live the life he has left as he wishes without giving himself restrictions. Is a longer life lived abstemiously better than a shorter time lived as you wish? Each person makes their own choice.
6 :
Dr. Anderson and associates investigated the impact of regular alcohol consumption on colorectal tumors in 2,291 patients undergoing screening colonoscopy. Patients defined as heavy beer or spirits drinkers had more than twice the risk of developing significant colorectal tumors, compared with abstainers or moderate consumers, the authors report. Moderate wine drinkers, also faced about half the risk experienced by abstainers. Colorectal tumors were also associated with age older than 60 years, smoking and obesity, the report indicates. The investigators note that “patients who regularly drink spirits have an increased risk for significant colorectal (tumors) and perhaps should be targeted for risk modification by their gastroenterologist in addition to their primary care physician.” Anderson added that he and his colleagues are currently comparing the effects of red and white wine. Red wine, “due to high levels of (the natural antioxidant) resveratrol,” he added, should be even more protective against colorectal tumors than white wine.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Is it possbile to have colon cancer at 16 years old

Is it possbile to have colon cancer at 16 years old?
After my last question, someone suggested that I might have colon cancer. I researched it and on, I have 6 out of the 10 symptoms for it. I am a 16 year old male. Is it possible that I have colon cancer?
Other - Health - 6 Answers
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1 :
Go to your family doctor and explain why you wish to be tested for colon cancer. The things you have to do prior to the test are NOT pleasant (just a warning!).
2 :
As with any other cancer, you're always at risk. Check with a medical professional (such as a local proctologist) to make sure that it is or isn't colon cancer. I hope that helps. Good luck!
3 :
sometimes symptoms are general. most people can have these symptoms or at least one of them. i would say go to the doctor to find out. and you can get cancer at any age.
4 :
anybody, any age, can get cancer, see your doctor.
5 :
Anything is posssible, however it's unlikly. See a Doctor at once.
6 :
It is highly unlikely as colon cancer is a very slow growing cancer, so generally is something that much much older people get. A lot of the same symptoms for colon cancer can also be from other types of illness and conditions, like irritable bowel syndrome which can cause either constipation or diarrhea, and a lot of gas and bloating, cramps and abdominal pain. (i have this condition) , also, there is colitis, which is a chronic condition of an inflamed colon, which causes similar symptoms.

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Friday, June 12, 2009

If you have stage 1 colon cancer how long does it take to get to stage 2

If you have stage 1 colon cancer how long does it take to get to stage 2?
other information as follows according to this weirdo doctor I don't have colon cancer , he told me Im just simply too young. I have all the symptoms though and I plan to go back and demand a camera inspection or whatever it is called and I'm 26 y.o.
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Nobody can give a clear cut answer to this cause it's varied. It's depends on the cells mitotic activity and apoptotic rate. And nobody can give you answers simply by reading the question. We can only guess or tell answers according to experience in which it can't be rely on cause everyone is different.
2 :
Cancer normally follows predictable patterns, but occasionally throws a 'wobbler'. If you are thinking of cervical cancer, it was proven that you can have that in your 20s - as was proven by the recent tragic case of Jade Goody. Verite R I write about cancer for
3 :
It is down to luck. You may never get to stage 2. Just have the scans & they will give the answer

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Monday, June 8, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Colon cancer

Colon cancer ?
My uncle's family has a history of colon cancer. Three people from his family have died because of it. I know he has colon cancer and apparently it's really bad. I don't think I heard my dad correctly, but he said something about a stage 7 (I think) and that it had gotten much worse. How severe would that stage of colon cancer be and is it treatable?
Cancer - 2 Answers
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Here is some information on stages in cancer. Different types of cancers have a different number of stages. With colon cancer I think it is 1-4 with 4 being the worst.
2 :
There's no such thing as a stage 7 in colon cancer. It's classified in stages 0 through IV; stage IV is the most advanced because there's involvement of lymph nodes and metastases to distant organs. Here are some professionally reviewed, detailed information sites: I suggest that when you (or anyone else for that matter) look up health related issues on the Web, check that the site[s] has the HON {Health-On-Net} code at the bottom of the page. This assures that the information has been reviewed by health professionals and is accurate and up-to-date. Best wishes to your uncle, and offer him your support now that he needs it most.

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Monday, June 1, 2009

What will happen once the colon cancer has spread to the liver

What will happen once the colon cancer has spread to the liver?
I was wondering after someone has been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and then after 6 months of chemo it has spread to the liver acn they operate and take it out of the liver or does the cancer just find another part of the body to go to
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
At stage 4, the prognosis is pretty grim. They might be able to remove the liver, but the odds are that the cancer has already spread. In other words, removing the liver might not do any good. Good luck
2 :
Once cancer has spread to a distant site we know cancer cells are circulating in the body and they can start a new tumor anywhere. The liver is usually the first place colon cancer spreads. The liver would never be removed as the patient would die. Sometimes the lesions are removed, but this is not a curative measure.
3 :
It can cause tumor anywhere in your body and also cause death.

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