far that it is terminal to me? will i die? im 22 im so worried i see blood when i wipe and its super thin stool and im super bloated... im really worried. i did have thin stool about a year ago the pencil thin type but no blood during that time... how long does colon cancer take until it reaches the terminal area?
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You've had the symptoms of colon cancer for two days and you think it's terminal? I think you should go and see your doctor for a check-up and a bit of education. Terminal cancer doesn't appear in two days, nor is there a 'terminal area'. It looks like you're either trolling or trying to offend those who post here who are suffering from cancer.
2 :
You definitely have cancer. You need to talk to your doc right away. The sooner you start treatment, the better chance you have of beating it.
3 :
22 is very young for colon cancer. I seriously doubt you have it. Hemmroids possibly, or some other non life threatening thing is far more likely. As far as symptoms and being terminal, thats impossible to say. 75-80% of people with colon cancer are cured.
4 :
You don't even know if your symptoms are cancer do you? I mean did the doctor give you that diagnosis. People with colon cancer do not become instantly terminal. If you have cancer and do nothing to treat it, then yes, you will become terminal but right now it sounds like you only think you have it. Your symptoms could be a number of other things. You could have hemorrhoids, which would cause bleeding. You don't mention pain in the colon. You could also have small ulcers on your colon, but the only way you are going to know for sure is by seeing a specialist and for this, you need to see a Gastroenterologist. This type of Dr deals with all aspects of the digestive system. He/she may order a colonoscopy right away. They can see everything in the colon and if there are polyps, they can be removed right then and there. I don't know if you've ever had this test but you don't feel anything because you are put to sleep. At least, I'm always put to sleep. So bottom line, go see a doctor first and foremost and don't put yourself in a panic without any test. Chances are at your age, there is no colon cancer. You won't die from this My bet is that you don't even have colon cancer. So just call the Dr. OK, You're alright.
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