Thursday, July 28, 2011

How deadly is colon cancer

How deadly is colon cancer?
My aunt was very recently diagnosed with colon cancer, and is currently in the hospital. I am very worried about her, and I don't really know anything about this form of cancer. Is it easy to cure? How long does treatment typically take? Can your body reject or rufuse treatment?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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How deadly it is depends largely on the stage as does the way it is treated. I see patients cured everyday with colonoscopy alone. At stage 1 the 5 year survival rate is 50-95%. At stage 4 it is 5%.
2 :
If you catch it early enough the chances of survival are good. It is surgically removed. Then you may need chemotherapy to reduce the risk of it flaring up somewhere else.
3 :
It's going to depend on the stage the cancer was discovered at, but colon cancer is one of the most treatable kinds of cancer. At stage 1, the tumor can be removed during a colonoscopy, since it has not yet invaded the colon wall, and the cure rate is over 95%. At stage 2, it has invaded the colon wall, but it has not yet gone into other parts of the body. This is removed through surgery, where the colon is "resectioned" (a portion is removed and the ends sewn together). At this stage, the cure rate is still about 85%. At stage 3, it has gone through the colon wall and invaded some lymph nodes. At this point, after surgery the success rate is about 60%, and chemotherapy will be given, raising the cure rate to about 75%. My chemo was 12 sessions two weeks apart, though if my white blood cell count went down (it only happened once), they would delay it for a week. They'll start chemo about 45 days after the surgery, to allow you to build up your strength. Stage 4 is when it's especially serious. That's when it's gone into other organs, especially the liver or the lungs, and I've seen estimates of the cure rate as low as 5%. But it's a slow spreading cancer, so that's why it's very important to get checked out as soon as you suspect anything (I waited until I was in extreme pain, so I was at stage 3 when they caught it). The chemo is relatively easy on you, compared to some other types. I never lost my hair, though it did stop growing, and I didn't get nauseous, because they were able to give me all sorts of anti-nausea medicines. Unfortunately, one of the medicines (Oxaliplatin) almost always causes your hands and feet to hurt whenever they get cold, but that always went away after a few days for me. She will still get tired, but most people are able to still continue their everyday routines. I slept an extra hour or so each night and was usually OK.

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

What symptoms did you have before learning you had colon cancer

What symptoms did you have before learning you had colon cancer?

Cancer - 4 Answers
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I do not have it, however I am noticing some issues you may have or not have. You can answer this in additonal details. I have shrunk a few inches, number two has varried in size shape and had small black dots in it sometimes and usually breaks really easiely. Butt pinches or cramps. Pain everywhere, more gas at night and thats about it. However I do have tmjd and muscle tightness everywhere as well so it could be both..
2 :
A Word About Colon Cancer Symptoms: Colon cancer does not always present symptoms. Colon cancer symptoms sometimes do not appear until the disease has progressed into an advanced stage. Bleeding - Blood in Stool: This is the most commonly experienced colon cancer symptom. As a tumor grows larger, the passage of feces can cause the tumor to bleed. it is common to see blood if the tumor is near the anus, but it is much more common for the blood to be hidden inside the stools. Weight Loss: An unexpected weight loss accompanied by other symptoms can indicate colon cancer. The pain and discomfort caused by a tumor can lead to loss of appetite, which in turn results in weight loss. Changes in Bowel Habits: If you are consistently constipated or have diarrhea, this must be evaluated by a physician. Changes in bowel habits also include gas and producing thinner stools. Thinner stools are usually the result of a tumor obstructing the passage of feces. This is one of the more common colon cancer symptoms. Abdominal Discomfort: Abdominal discomfort can mean many things - bloating, swelling, cramping and feeling full. Abdominal Pain: Swelling and pain of the abdomen are also symptoms of colon cancer. This usually occurs when the intestine is blocked by a tumor. If the tumor grows large, then nausea and vomiting can occur. Fatigue: Fatigue is a symptom of many cancers. It can also be a symptom of many other conditions that aren't cancer related. Fatigue experienced with cancer can be mild or severe. Talking to Your Doctor: Many people feel shy to talk about bowel habits with their doctor, especially women. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, I can't stress how important it is to talk to your doctor! Better to be safe than sorry!
3 :
you have none till your later stages such as DUke stage 4 which mean it has made it to the lymph nodes and has spread to other organs sometimes symptoms start in Duke stage 3. The only way to know if you have colon cancer and to catch it early is getting a colonoscopy
4 :
Well, as the above answerer said, colon cancer doesn't show any symptoms until it's quite advanced. Hence, by the time I was diagnosed, I was a stage IIIC. But the symptoms I experienced were: - rectal bleeding (blood literally dripped from my behind) - painful stomach cramps - a feeling of not having emptied my bowels fully, kinda like feeling constipated - thin stools - fatigue What made me see a doctor was the cramps and bleeding!

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What are the symptons for colon cancer?, how do u know u have it?, does age matter

What are the symptons for colon cancer?, how do u know u have it?, does age matter?
where should u have pain? i know its alot of questions bc i need 2 know bc i am having pain near my appendix but i already got that checked and it isnt my appendix!!!! ahh =[
Cancer - 3 Answers
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I have an uncle who had it recently and the way he discovered it was from the bleeding it caused internally (when he went to the bathroom, there was a lot of blood in it).
2 :
Colonic Cancer Symptom: Pain on the left lower portion of the abdomen accompanied by constipation or intermittent diarrhea and constipation. The feeling of unfulfilled bowel movement or pain before bowel movement is very common. Blood in the stools is often detected and usually followed by relief of the pain. Loss of weight and small caliber of the stool size are some of the signs which could lead to the diagnosis. Diagnosis: Colonic Cancer Organ Involved: Large Intestines Cause: Unknown. Chronic cases of Amoebic dysentery, high intake of aflatoxin containing foodstuffm high smoke fish and bar-b-cue diet are some of the known factors related to the incidence of colonic cancer. Initial Treatment: Relieve patient of chronic constipation by enema in the form of soapsuds or fleet enema - a bottled laxative delivered direct to the anus to facilitate bowel movement. Advice: Slow progression of symptoms is very common. Most are detected in their late stage. Preventions such as annual physical examination or routine colonoscopy have increased early detection. If found as a partial obstruction, complete resection without passing through the stage of colostomy (transfer of stool outlet into the left side of the abdomen) can be done. In late stage, permanent colostomy after resection is the only option to increase survival. Laboratory Exam recommended: a. Barium Enema b. Colonoscopy For more information, visit the site.
3 :
colon cancer is one of the deadliest kind of cancer if the symptomps exist like aching of stomach vomiting and the food you eat dosn't go straigth to your tummy you better go to doctor that specialize cancer to treat you better

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

I have a relative with Stage IV colon cancer. Has anyone tried a treatment called Avastin? Did it work

I have a relative with Stage IV colon cancer. Has anyone tried a treatment called Avastin? Did it work? ?
Anything can help. Anyone surviving stage four have some advice for a family member or sufferer?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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Heres some links that hopefully will help.. I'm not sure if its a stage that will actually make your loved one better? or if its a prolong of life.. I'm sorry to say. After a while one has to wonder if the quality of life is there or is it the quanity of life.. thats hard to be a family member coping and watching all of this and feeling so hopefuless.. Best of luck to you and your family!
2 :
This should give you some idea of the benefits we are seeing according to one group of patients studied: Efficacy of Avastin in patients with metastatic colorectal cancers - a 82% increase in the time patients live without their disease getting worse (7.4 vs 13.5 months) vs chemotherapy alone - a 57% increase in overall survival (17.6 vs. 27.7 months) vs chemotherapy alone confirming that Avastin is the only biologic with proven survival benefit in this patient group - a significant increase in response rate; 60% compared to 37% in patients receiving chemotherapy alone - a 69% increase in the time patients live without their disease getting worse (5.5 vs 9.4 months) vs chemotherapy alone
3 :
My friend was on an Avastin trial. It worked but he had to give it up because of a pulmonary embolism that landed him in hospital for two weeks.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My sister has colon cancer. Can I give her part of my colon to save her life

My sister has colon cancer. Can I give her part of my colon to save her life?
I understand about blood typing, but is there any way I can help save my sister?
Cancer - 7 Answers
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i know you can donate a kidney and a liver with the right blood type of course, but i don't think a colon u need a whole colin to live. but i could b wrong. i think ur sister's best bet woudl to get a colon from an organ donar with her blood type, close family isn't usually the first chioce for transplants, the results usually aren't good. hope i helped and im sry about your sister, i will pray for her
2 :
Unfortunately you cannot give her part of your cancer. You dont know where in the colon the cancer is. How much of it has moved from where it started. Are there other organs involved? The best thing you can do is pray for your little sister. Keep her laughing and make everything you can around her positive. My brother died of colon cancer, so I do know what you are going through, you can also e-mail me at anytime as well.
3 :
No, but colon cancer is treatable if caught early enough. Because the colon is so long, it's safe for part of it to be removed, and the adjoining ends sewn back together. If necessary she may be given an ileostomy or colostomy. The best and only thing you can do is support her. I had colon cancer, so should you want to ask anything or just want someone to chat to, just message me.
4 :
The therapy is not a colon transplant. The therapy is to remove the cancerous part and all the associated lymph nodes, check distal nodes for spread of the cancer (metastasis), and irridate if necessary. Colon cancer is usually successfully treated if caught early.
5 :
You can have part of your colon removed and it can still function. Have you heard of colostamy pouches? They can be both internal and external. Internal ones are not artificial, they remove part of your colon and alter other parts to create a pouch. I've never heard of colon transplants, but I don't think she will necessarily die if you can't donate part of yours to her.
6 :
Colon is not an organ that can be donated for transplantation by one person to another. In the colorectal cancer treatment the just remove the portion of tumor in the colon and join the other parts. Surgery (colectomy) is the main treatment for colorectal cancer. How much of your colon is removed and whether other therapies, such as radiation or chemotherapy, are an option for you depend on the location of your cancer, how far cancer has penetrated into the wall of your bowel, and whether it has spread to your lymph nodes or other parts of your body. Surgical procedures- In the surgical procedure no replacement of intestine is made, so you need not give part of your Colon. .Your surgeon removes the part of your colon that contains the cancer, along with a margin of normal tissue on either side of the cancer to help ensure that no cancer is left behind. Nearby lymph nodes are usually also removed and tested for cancer. Your surgeon is often able to reconnect the healthy portions of your colon or rectum. But when that's not possible, for instance if the cancer is at the outlet of your rectum, you may need to have a permanent or temporary colostomy. This involves creating an opening in the wall of your abdomen from a portion of the remaining bowel for the elimination of body waste into a special bag. Sometimes the colostomy is only temporary, allowing your colon or rectum time to heal after surgery. In some cases, however, the colostomy may be permanent. Please attend to immediate treatment as above which will certainly save the patient and will give some relief from the disease and discomfort. Wish your sister all the best for early recovery.- Side effects of colon cancer surgery may include short-term pain and tenderness, and temporary constipation or diarrhea. If you have a colostomy, you may develop an irritation on the skin around the opening (stoma)
7 :
Sorry about your sister . . the problem with colon cancer isn't the disease in the colon . . a surgeon can remove almost the entire colon and a person could live without it. The problem with colon cancer is when it becomes metastatic . .which is stage IV . . the cancer has the ability to send microscopic malignant cells into the blood stream. Those malignant cells follow the blood route and go all over the body . . thus a malignant colon cell can end up lodging in the patients lung . .that cell creates a new cancer colony and than repeats the process indefiinetly until the body is filled with cancer. So . .giving your sister part of your colon will not save her life if she has metastatic disease. The only treatment that will help her if she is in an advanced stage is chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery to try and remove as much cancer as possible. Sorry . . transplants generally will not work for cancer patients because of the metastatic nature of the disease.

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Friday, July 8, 2011

What are signs and symptoms of colon cancer

 What are signs and symptoms of colon cancer?
my right lower side where small and large intestines meet has been hurting for six months. dr. thought it was my endometriosis and took my female organs out. I am still in the same pain.
Cancer - 4 Answers
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go and get a colon check-mine was covered complewtely by my insurance. I lost Mom to rthis-they told her she had an ulcer for 8 months! She had digestive problems (including embarrassing gas) and aching.
2 :
I know a few: Unexplained weight loss Keep needed to go to the toilet
3 :
A change in your bowel habits, including diarrhea or constipation or a change in the consistency of your stool for more than a couple of weeks Rectal bleeding or blood in your stool Persistent abdominal discomfort, such as cramps, gas or pain Abdominal pain with a bowel movement A feeling that your bowel doesn't empty completely Weakness or fatigue Unexplained weight loss
4 :
My husband was diagnosed 9/20/08 with advanced colon cancer with mets to liver. He had been sick for 4 mos. exhibiting the signs people have listed in response to your question. However, he also experienced severe chills, ran a moderate to high temperature and experienced nausea and vomiting. He was encouraged to have a colonoscopy but refused until week of diagnosis. Dont wait to long. He had a blockage in intestine and had 2 colostomies done as a result. Also since his blood count has remained low they have been unable to inititate chemotherapy for palliative (comfort) reasons. He has been one sick puppy. But we can be grateful that he is not experiencing any pain.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Is the occult blood stool sample an acceptable method for testing for colon cancer and where can I get info

Is the occult blood stool sample an acceptable method for testing for colon cancer and where can I get info?
Where can I get literature?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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No it is not. It simply tests for blood in the stool which may or not mean cancer. It can also miss many cancers that do not happen to be bleeding at the time you take the test. Go to your doctor and get a colonoscopy.
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It has its pros and cons. Most people with a positive test do not have colon cancer, making a large number of colonoscopies unnecessary. And not all colon cancers will be detected, as they don't bleed all the time. But colon cancers found this way are discovered in significantly lower stages, which means higher cure rates. Also many cancer precursors (adenomas) are found and removed before they even become cancers. So on balance the method is absolutely acceptable in the screening setting. But if you have symptoms it is not good enough. There is some information with additional references here:
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It's not a definitive test. Not all bleeding is caused by cancer and not all cancers bleed. However, it can be one part of testing.
4 :
A test for occult blood in stool would be only a screening procedure. It could be harmless, but the doctor will want to run further tests. If you have known colon or rectal bleeding for any other reason [e.g. hemorrhoids] your doctor will probably skip the occult blood and go for the further tests.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

How can a healthcare marketer might manage the negative demands for products such as colon cancer screenings

How can a healthcare marketer might manage the negative demands for products such as colon cancer screenings?

Other - Advertising & Marketing - 1 Answers
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How about showing the good side. Catching cancer early and improving survival rates. Do it in a fun way. Show a family with late thirty early forty parents, have them at the table with the kids ages 9 to 17 having a fun discussion. Then a very quick flash to the future, cancer diagnosis, hospital, then flash back to the table -this time the same parents ten years later and at the table grandkids and their 2nd year college student and their grown children all laughing at what the youngest grandchild just said. Early diagnosis - for the family.

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