Sunday, November 28, 2010

I was just diagnosed with colon cancer and

I was just diagnosed with colon cancer and?
I'm meeting with the surgeon today, and we're going to do everything we can to fight it. I already have diabetes, epilepsy, thyroid problems, sleep apnea and eczema. I can deal with those, but this one scares me. Any words of encouragement out there?
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
im so sorry to hear that. i cant even imagine what you must be going through. all i can say is goodluck and i hope it all goes well, and just remember that god only gives you as much as you can handle. be strong. much love. mady <3
2 :
If your cancer is in the early stage, you have excellent chances for a good outcome. Good luck.
3 :
you know what i have friends from all walks of life and trully what really helps is to really get into a good christian church i go to one im not trying to convert you but really before i was i experienced many things miracles and such and god has given me the gift of healing 2 teachers in my kids school got cancer and i fasted and prayed and its in remission one came back but im still gonna pray even though she turned into a monster when she used to be so sweet seek spiritual healind and you will see im speaking from experience
4 :
The stage is the most important survival factor. And the sooner you have it removed the lower the stage. If the cancer is confined to the wall and hasn't spread anywhere (stage 1) the survival is more than 90%. If it has grown through the bowel wall but not spread to the lymph nodes the survival is almost 80%. The stage is determined by the pathologist through his examination of the removed cancer bearing colon segment.Here is a site with the stage dependent survival of colon cancer:
5 :
God can help you live a better life if you want Him to help you. You can have a personal relationship with God by saying the prayer below. God is our Creator, all-knowing, all-powerful, eternal, holy, love. God loves us and sent us His Son, Jesus Christ, so we can go to heaven if we know and follow Him. Forever means without end -- time on and on without death. Forever is what happens after we die. Either we go to heaven and be with God forever, or we go to hell which is very bad and painful forever. The good people who are saved believers in Jesus Christ go to heaven. The bad people go to hell. We need to know and follow God in this world to get to heaven in the next world. We follow God by loving and obeying Him and loving others for Him. Jesus Christ, God's Son, is our bridge to God. Jesus died on the cross to cancel our sins. We need to accept Jesus into our life as our Lord and Savior forever to receive God's blessing and forgiveness plus go to heaven to be with God forever after we die. This is about being a born-again Christian. Faith in God is a gift from God. You can pray for faith in God. Just speak out and ask God for the faith to believe in Him and to follow Him. Some people find faith in God when they realize the beauty in the world is made by God. Evolution can't explain the world's natural beauty, for example, the parks in the world, animals, flowers, peacocks, sunsets, butterflies, rainbows, etc. After you have your faith on, you can pray a sinner's prayer to be a born-again Christian. This prayer is very important and should be said with a sincere heart and faith in God. This is the prayer: "Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and that Jesus Christ is the sacrifice for our sins. I have done the following sins (state these out) and I pray to discontinue these sins. I pray to receive Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior forever. In Jesus' name, amen." I'm Lutheran and I like the Baptist churches. You could find a good Christian church and try a weekly Bible study group with them to learn more. You can pray to God about your daily life. God bless.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Can a colon cancer screening test detect polyps? what is the procedure for taking the test

can a colon cancer screening test detect polyps? what is the procedure for taking the test?
i do not want to take a colonoscopy at this time. what can the colon screening test achieve?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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It depends on the test. A colonoscopy can detect polyps and remove them at the same time. It's an outpatient procedure that's done under a sort of general anesthesia so you're basically asleep and don't know what's going on.
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I'm not sure if you mean checking the stool for occult blood or a colonoscopy. A colonoscopy will detect polyps because that's just what it is. A scope that the doctor looks through. You will be given laxatives the night before the procedure with only clear liquids to eat the day before the procedure. The procedure itself isn't bad at all because the doctor will give you medicine through an IV which is called conscious sedation. The prep for the procedure is worse than the actual procedure! If you're being checked for occult blood, you collect your stool and swab it on a card and give it back to your doctor..I know it sounds gross, but that's how it's done. It will show any microscopic blood in your stool cause by possible bleeding polyps.
3 :
All of Autumlief’s information is correct. However, you should know colonoscopy is the only test that can detect and remove polyps. It is the gold standard for colon cancer screening. By removing polyps before they become cancerous you can prevent the disease all together. By removing cancer that is confined to a polyp you prevent the disease from spreading. It is also the only way to know if you have a healthy colon. I know the test does not sound pleasant (I can’t think of a medical exam that is.), but it is not painful. Do not accept any other test as a clean bill of health when it comes to colon cancer.

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

What tests do I need to undergo to see if I have prostate cancer or colon cancer Is it painless

What tests do I need to undergo to see if I have prostate cancer or colon cancer? Is it painless? ?
I am 33 years old and I'm just wondering if I should wait a few more years to undergo the tests. I know it's fatal.
Cancer - 3 Answers
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Blood tests can detect prostate cancer, and a colonoscopy can detect colon cancer. Colonoscopies are no fun, but you will be sedated! If either of the cancers run in your family, you should talk to your doctor about early testing...maybe not at 33, but within the next few years.
2 :
matthew - You're wise, but perhaps you worry too much and have some inaccurate data. FIRST, the tests are not fatal and cancers of the prostate and colon are often cured, not routinely fatal. For prostate, wait till you reach about 45 in 12 years, and then you can request a simple annual screening blood for PSA (prostate-specific antigen). Meanwhile, during your annual exam, ask your doctor to do a simple digital rectal exam when he palpates the prostate gland via a finger inserted in the rectum to feel for any suspicious nodules in the prostate. At the same time he does that he can check for any rectal mass. For colon cancer screening, you can begin now to once-a-year get the series of 3 cards from your doc or lab on which you can smear a pea-sized sample of stool (feces) once daily for 3 days, and submit to the lab for testing for any hidden blood since colon cancer sometimes is discovered with traces of blood in the stool. The tests are painless except for an ordinary blood sampling stick or, for some guys an uncomfortable digital finger rectal example. After about 45 years of age you could request a more extensive screening colonscopy exam once every 10 years.
3 :
don't wait mens should start at age 20 to check for prostate cancer,blood work,stool test and a colonoscopi,with the colonocospi you be sedate.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Can anyone can give me a short poem for my friend who diagnosed with colon cancer

Can anyone can give me a short poem for my friend who diagnosed with colon cancer?
She is married and 40 yrs old and have 2 precious preteen daughter and busy working husband. She helped a lot with birthdays orgarnized for friends and family friends,worked for the church,etc. She did not deserved to have this unexpected incident,so all the matter is she needs encouragement and faith. She is recently seeing doctors ,but these holidays is hard because some specialists are out of town. She is getting there for more tests.
Quotations - 2 Answers
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It can't cripple love It can't shatter hope It can't corrode faith It can't eat away peace It can't destroy confidence It can't kill friendship It can't shut out memories It can't silence courage It can't invade the soul It can't reduce eternal life It can't quench the Spirits It can't lessen the power of the resurrection.
2 :
Ecclesiastes 3:1. It became a popular hit folk song in the 60's in the song "Turn, Turn, Turn". The verse is often used in eulogies; however, it is very applicable to the living who need the strength to go on after some bad event in their lives. It begins "There is a season and a purpose to everything under god". You can choose to use only those parts that fit what you are trying to communicate to your friend. I made cards and sent them to a friend who had recently had to have a long time, well loved pet put to sleep, and to my sister whose ex-husband committed suicide this past August. The message was about the strength to overcome the tragedy and go on, so I didn't use the whole verse in either card. Personally, I have always used Philipians 4:13 to get me through the rough bumps in life, and some of those bumps have required a lot of strength to over come.

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Am i just paranoid or can i have colon cancer

Am i just paranoid or can i have colon cancer?
i have hemorrhoid and i feel a bit weak/fatigue at times. my hemorrhoid is not bleeding. my hemorrhoid also doesn't hurt. though my feces is thin. i'm planning to go to the doctor to have my hemorrhoid checked. i'm young. like in my teens. but teens can have cancer too right. it's difficult when i'm having a bowel movement. like the pushing out of the feces even if it's smooth/soft. am i okay?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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I am sure you are fine. teenagers are often tired and lethargic.
2 :
>"colon cancer" NO! First, the only way to check for a "tumor" in the colon is to have a "colonoscopy"! Normally, those are done on a routine basis for adults over 40 - 50 every 3-5 years. >"hemorrhoids" (Almost) everyone gets hemorrhoids, that's not unusual! Tell your doctor all your symptoms, and have him examine you. My experience and educated guess, a change of diet may be in order. Relax and stop worrying, your just growing up! LOL
3 :
i don't know about cancer that's for your doctor but the hemorrhoids you can get rid of with a simple herbal product . . your hemorrhoid might not be a problem for you know but trust me they get much worse if left untreated

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Monday, November 8, 2010

How can you tell if you have colon cancer? What causes it

How can you tell if you have colon cancer? What causes it?
Random question...I do not think I have it or anything, but I hear about it everywhere. So how do you know if you have it? What causes it? Are there any symptoms?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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You need to have a colonoscopy performed by a reputable physician.
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The one true diagnostic procedure for cancer (usually any type of cancer) is to do a biopsy. Colonoscopy (a small camera on a scope that is fed through the anus and up the colon as far as possible) is done to look for cancer and to do biopsies. Some causes of colon cancer are: age, race, diet, irritable bowel diseases, alcohol, smoking, diabetes, environment, gender, genetics, history of polyps...
3 :
You can't tell if you have colon cancer. You have to have a colonoscopy which is when they insert a camera into you bowel through your bum. To have one, you have to be either over a certain age and hence are checked regularly, or because you may have symptoms or other bowel issues. I had some of the symptoms, which is what made me go to the doctor. However, the problem with colon cancer is that it doesn't show any symptoms until it is quite advanced. Symptoms are: - rectal bleeding - painful stomach cramps - constipation - diarrhoea - a feeling of having not emptied your bowels fully - fatigue There are many explanations for the causes of colon cancer but they include: - your age - your risk increases the older you are - your diet - a diet high in red meats and processed meat increases your risk - polyps - they are growths in the bowel which can turn cancerous - obesity - genetics - whilst it is a small percent, it does still happen (I was 20 when diagnosed) - bowel problems - e.g. IBS, chrons, ulcerative colitis But fortunately, colon cancer can be treated if caught early enough.

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

What is best Cancer Center for women having Cervical/Uterian Cancer after Colon Cancer

What is best Cancer Center for women having Cervical/Uterian Cancer after Colon Cancer?
My Sister had colon Cancer 20 years ago and is now trying to find the most experienced Cancer Treatment Center for what may be Uterian/Cervical or Endometrial Cancer. Where should we look for information?
Women's Health - 1 Answers
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If you are looking for websites I have listed a few below. If you are looking for treatment centers that all depends on were you live. If you live near NY I would recommend Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Best Wishes to you and your family.

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Monday, November 1, 2010

What do you mean in pathology of colon cancer findings, "all line of resection are free of tumor

What do you mean in pathology of colon cancer findings, "all line of resection are free of tumor?"?
Is it good prognosis? even if only 2 of 5 lymph nodes are invaded by cancer cells and pericolic fat are invaded.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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When we resect a tumor, we make sure that grossly or macroscopically we stay away from the tumor cells. We make sure that both proximally and distally the resected margins are not invaded or involved. For, if they are involved grossly, then the resection isn't complete resulting in positive margins which is not good. We expect a negative margin after a decent surgical exercise. The pathology report which comes there after will say that the lines of resection are free of tumour. If only it was involved it will not heal well resulting in a leaking or leaked anastomosis(meaning intestine-intestine stitching line). Resection margins free of tumour means it is a good surgery. The prognosis depends upon the tumour biology i.e., whether it is a well differentiated, moderately differentiated or poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. What is the NC ratio etc. Coming to the next half of your question, if only 2-5 nodes and pericolic fat are invaded what is the prognosis? Well, If the mesenteric lymph nodes are involved it is stage II. Modified Aster Coller Classification of Colonic tumors is as follows: Stage A: Only mucosa involved Stage B: Muscularis mucosa invloved Serosa not involved. Stage C: Serosa is involved breached. Stage D; Pericolic fat and Lymph nodal spread. Even though Mesocolic lymph nodes are involved, still the prognosis is quite good for Colonic Cancers unlike other cancers. They are generally slow growing. There is good chemotherapy like FOLFOX regime after surgery, which gives good results. There are higher chemotherapeutic regimes as well. It depends on your oncologist, which chemotherapy regimen he will choose for you. In FOLFOX there is no much hair loss also. Tolerated very well. However, If the treatment is taken to its logical end, Prognosis is really good in Colonic Cancers. Best of luck.
2 :
Your doctor should have gone over these results with you so you would know what it means and they should have also discussed prognosis as it pertains to your case specifically. I have never seen a pathology report written this way, but it means the margins are clear and if they were not it would not mean there would be leaking. Although having clear margins is good you cannot determine prognosis by it. A minimum of 12 nodes should have been sampled, but based on what you are stating this is a stage 3B with a 5 year survival rate of 56%.

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